Vicky's Reviews > Stolen Trophy

Stolen Trophy by K.A. Knight
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DNF @30%

This might be a decent book overall, but I'm not sticking around to find out. I've reached the 30% mark and I'm bored out of my mind.

Nothing worthwhile has happened, with the exception of the FMC being kidnapped by the MMCs. I don't even know what the plot is supposed to be. Yeah, ok. They kidnapped her and this is a romance so they'll fall in love, but what else?

I'm also not feeling the chemistry between any of them. Like, at all. All the talk the FMC does about being attracted to them is just weird to me. You barely know them, miss ma'am. I don't mind insta-lust and I know that you can be attracted to someone you don't know well, but damn calm your coochie girl. It just seems so unnatural to me in this book, especially since she is/was engaged to another dude who she supposedly loves, but she found out he cheated on her right before she was kidnapped. The pace was just off.

And one thing I can't take in books however hard I try is inconsistencies.
There's a scene where one of the four guys - Gage - doesn't want to tell her his name, but decides to do so anyway. Then in the next chapter one of the other guys starts addressing him by his name and Gage tells his to stop because he doesn't want her knowing it. They even give him a nickname so the FMC can address him. I read that and I was like "did I just hallucinate the previous scene? Are my eyes playing tricks on me?"

Overall, I'm really disappointed this didn't work out for me. I had enjoyed Den of Vipers by K. A. Knight - it's not a great book by any means and it has its problems, but at the time it was what I wanted - and I thought Stolen Trophy would be equally entertaining. But I was wrong.
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Reading Progress

August 18, 2022 – Started Reading
August 18, 2022 – Shelved
August 18, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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message 1: by SK (new)

SK Yikes. Hope your next read is much better

message 2: by Vicky (new) - added it

Vicky I hope so too SK :)

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