Farah's Reviews > Captive in the Dark

Captive in the Dark by C.J. Roberts
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's review

it was amazing


This story is so brilliantly written, I'm blown away! I have so many mixed feelings.. Feelings that I'm sure I'm not supposed to have,

Caleb is a man with a singular interest in revenge..
For twelve years he has immersed himself in the world of pleasure slaves searching for the one man he holds ultimately responsible...

He captures a young girl after intently watching her for for days...
Olivia.. Aka Livvie..

Livvie opens her eyes to s strange place... In the dark.. In pain from where she was beaten to get there...

The only voice she knows is he recognizes.. Caleb, the man who helped her on the street.
She is beautiful and Caleb has a strangely drawn to her...

Alone in the dark....

With no sense on day or night, the only thing Livvie has to look forward to is Caleb.. He is her master...

She's afraid, but resists her training... Earning herself brutal punishments. The strangely enough after the punishments he takes care of her... Makes her feel things she's never felt... She brought out feelings in him that were new to him too..

"A very strange thing was happening inside me, an awareness that was as basic and simplistic as male and female, masculine and feminine, hard and soft, predator and prey. Yes, I was terrified."

The darkness consumes her... Caleb consumes her.. She is aroused by him and vice versa..

"He leaned over me, kissing away the tears on the side of my face. And still he didn’t move. It wasn’t enough to fuck my body, he wanted to mindfuck me too"

Fighting her body, which betrays her and gives in to the sensations Caleb brings out in her..

He hurts her and yet protects her.. Takes care of her..

"He was my tormentor and my solace; the creator of the dark and the light within. I didn’t care that he would undoubtedly hurt me at any moment, right now; I just needed somebody to hold me, somebody to be kind to me, somebody to tell me exactly those words. It’s going to be okay . It wasn’t of course, I knew that. But I didn’t care."

Caleb has developed feelings for Livvie.. His Kitten as he calls her..

He goes against everything his learnt not to do.. Gives her a little freedom and she runs away and nearly gets raped. Caleb rescues her.. Because he needs her for the mission or for himself?

"Still, for the first time I knew he could not destroy me. It would matter to him if I didn’t exist. And no matter what happened, I’d land on my feet because Caleb had shown me I had it in me. It was a strange gift, from an unexpected source."

Yet the mission is revenge... Caleb shouldn't forget his reason for his Kitten..

"This isn’t a romance. You’re not a damsel in distress and I’m not the handsome prince come to save you. You ran. I went to collect my property. End of story."

In a sick twisted way... I hated him...

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Reading Progress

November 11, 2012 – Shelved
March 21, 2013 –
1.0% "Not my normal kind of read... Okay...
March 22, 2013 – Started Reading
March 22, 2013 –
19.0% ""He looked like the Devil himself, dressed in black slacks and a black button up shirt, stepping slowly, deliberately. Still handsome enough to make my insides clench and my heart stutter. It was pure perversion""
March 22, 2013 –
45.0% ""
March 22, 2013 –
100.0% "It's official... I love Caleb! Review to follow. Starting book two now!"
March 23, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 58 (58 new)

Jess-i-ca i love this book but its very dark...

Farah Oooh will I like it?

Jess-i-ca I think you will but idk....its pretty graphic

Jess-i-ca I think you will like Caleb...he is a little twisted like Javier

Nancy❤The❤Bookaholic I agree with you Jessica that it's very dark, but I liked it and I eventually liked Caleb too.

Farah Well ill give it a shot, lol
I fell asleep last night so will continue today!

JaHy☝Hold the Fairy Dust I may be warped but I really liked this book. It's reminds me of a f'd up version of beauty and the beast.. I LOVE Livvie, she has a foul mouth and is not afraid to use it ...for many things ;-)

Farah Well I also like screwed up men so I'm sure ill like this! ;)

Keri Keep going Farah... like the other comments, it is a dark read, you will love Livvie, & you find yourself drawn to Caleb. You feel this is wrong, but you can't help yourself. When you finish you will want to jump right into Seduced in the Dark. Can't wait to hear what you think.

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

LOVED these books - the second one was worse for me than the first one.. but I'm sure you'll do great! Good luck Farah! ;) We're here to help you through if you need it.

Lucinda - I JUST LOVE TO READ Good luck cannot wait to hear what you think! xxx

message 12: by Mony (new) - rated it 2 stars

Mony I've read this book .. can't wait to hear your review once you've read it

Farah Wow! 2 stars Amna! Ure def the first!

JaHy☝Hold the Fairy Dust Hahaha Farrah, I'll take a screwed up man that owns like Caleb (he doesn't know any other life) than a billionaire stalker aka C.Grey anyday

Farah What?! Are u sick! Christian Grey was my first book love!!

message 16: by Mony (new) - rated it 2 stars

Mony LOL .. i know I ended up creating a new shelf "Everyone loved but me" so am Curious to see ur review a bout this book >> "Happy reading!"

P.S :christian grey was my first book love too <3

Farah Well I have a shelf called- never recommend to anyone

Farah Linda we all should have a hate self! To warn others. Lol

message 19: by Mony (new) - rated it 2 stars

Mony I'm starting to think i have some problem because i end up hating books every one loved it ?!!!
but am not gonna say bad things about this book (except my 2 stars ) but you should read it MAYBE u will end up having your own shelf :)

Farah I think I like this book a lot.
I'm glued to it!
And I love Caleb in a sick way! Oooh woah! :-/

Dawn   Nicholson Farah wrote: "I think I like this book a lot.
I'm glued to it!
And I love Caleb in a sick way! Oooh woah! :-/"

This series is amazing x

Farah This book was amazing!

Nereyda (Nick & Nereyda's Infinite Booklist) Yay! You liked it! So good :)

Lucinda - I JUST LOVE TO READ You are kidding me?? YOU DONE? Holy shite, that was quick! Told you, you will love this. Mail me haha!

Dawn   Nicholson Pleased you loved it... Book 2 is even better.. x

Farah Linda wrote: "Have you guys read Rocked Under? I need a shelf for this one. This book made me mad and I was exhausted when I finished reading it, lol. Any suggestions?"

What were u thinking of reading Linda?

Farah Lucinda wrote: "You are kidding me?? YOU DONE? Holy shite, that was quick! Told you, you will love this. Mail me haha!"

Lol I'm quick and it 25% of book 2!

message 28: by Debra (last edited Mar 23, 2013 02:29PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Debra Fantastic review!! So glad you loved it too ;-D Enjoy the second one! ;-)

Farah Thanks Deb! :)
Loved it!

Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡ Great review Farah. Glad you enjoyed it:) x

Farah Jxxx wrote: "Great review Farah. Glad you enjoyed it:) x"

:D I did! Thanks Jxxx!

Cheryl Absolutely amazing review! So happy you liked it-♡

Lucinda - I JUST LOVE TO READ Awesome review my friend! I'm so happy you loved it. Was a bit worried when you started it, wasn't sure it it was going to be your cuppa tea!

Farah Cheryl wrote: "Absolutely amazing review! So happy you liked it-♡"

Thanks Cheryl :D

Farah Lucinda wrote: "Awesome review my friend! I'm so happy you loved it. Was a bit worried when you started it, wasn't sure it it was going to be your cuppa tea!"

Thanks my friend! Well u know me! A lil crazy in the head ;)

Marina Awesome review Farah!!This book really gets to everyone:D

Farah Marina wrote: "Awesome review Farah!!This book really gets to everyone:D"

Thanks Marina! Guess we all a little twisted! ;)

Christy Love this book!!! Amazing review Farah! :D

message 39: by Farah (last edited Mar 23, 2013 03:03PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Farah Christy wrote: "Love this book!!! Amazing review Farah! :D"

Thanks Christy!

message 40: by Nat O (new) - added it

Nat O wonderful!

♡ Sasha -  TEAM ELLIE. ♥	Love this series... great review Farah...

Nikki Great review! Can't wait to read this one!

message 43: by Pam (new) - rated it 5 stars

Pam Wonderful review, Farah :)

Alexis *Reality Bites* FAB review, Farah!!!

Farah ♥Sasha♥ wrote: "Love this series... great review Farah..."

Thanks Sasha!

Farah Pam wrote: "Wonderful review, Farah :)"

Thanks Nikki

Farah Pam wrote: "Wonderful review, Farah :)"

Thanks Pam :)

Farah Alexis ~*Your official Book PIMP*~ wrote: "FAB review, Farah!!!"

Thanks Alexis!

Maria You wrote an awesome review!! It would have help make me read it sooner.
This book sat on my Kindle for a long time cause I was afraid to read it.
With some encouragement form my GR friends (they know who they are),
I read it and loved the series!! Now waiting for the 3rd book.

message 50: by Nat O (new) - added it

Nat O Maria wrote: "You wrote an awesome review!! It would have help make me read it sooner.
This book sat on my Kindle for a long time cause I was afraid to read it.
With some encouragement form my GR friends (they ..."

WHAT?!! there's a 3rd book!!! why did I not know this... do we not get a complete ending in Seduced?? need the verdict asap, still at like 35% ugghhh

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