Lisa (NY)'s Reviews > Don't Cry for Me

Don't Cry for Me by Daniel     Black
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It will sound callous to say that I found this novel-length letter boring. The premise is promising - a dying father reflects on his troubled relationship with his gay son and attempts to make amends. Unfortunately, the writing is bare-bones basic and didn't keep me engaged. I was happy to reach the end. I'm giving it 3 stars because I do have a (tiny) heart.
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Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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message 1: by Judith (new)

Judith E Tiny is better than none:)

message 2: by Jenna (new)

Jenna ❤ ❀  ❤ Boring is boring, no matter the content. Or maybe I'm totally heartless :)

Lisa (NY) Judith wrote: "Tiny is better than none:)" yes it is!

Lisa (NY) Jenna wrote: "Boring is boring, no matter the content. Or maybe I'm totally heartless :)"

message 5: by Debbie (new)

Debbie Terrific review! I’m sure your heart is normal-sized, lol. Thanks for vetting this one. “Bare-bones basic” is definitely unappealing. I’ll pass.

message 6: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Wow, the premise does sound interesting. Sorry it didn't deliver to your teeny tiny heart🤣. I do enjoy a good chuckle on a Saturday morning.

message 7: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Onto something better!

message 8: by Lisa (NY) (last edited Feb 12, 2022 04:42PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Lisa (NY) Debbie wrote: "Terrific review! I’m sure your heart is normal-sized, lol. Thanks for vetting this one. “Bare-bones basic” is definitely unappealing. I’ll pass." Thanks Debbie for your confidence in me...😀

Lisa (NY) Barbara wrote: "Wow, the premise does sound interesting. Sorry it didn't deliver to your teeny tiny heart🤣. I do enjoy a good chuckle on a Saturday morning."
Wait...I think you just made my heart even teenier....😅

Lisa (NY) Holly wrote: "Onto something better!"Yes!

message 11: by June (new) - rated it 5 stars

June Omg listen to the author read this. It ripped my heart out. It was anything but bare boned. I’m glad I listened in case reading it left me with the same response as yours.

Lisa (NY) June wrote: "Omg listen to the author read this. It ripped my heart out. It was anything but bare boned. I’m glad I listened in case reading it left me with the same response as yours."June, that is so good to know - I wish I had listened!

Kristin Perez I actually agree with this. Something seemed to be missing and I couldn’t put my finger on it

Lisa (NY) Kristin wrote: "I actually agree with this. Something seemed to be missing and I couldn’t put my finger on it" It does feel flat.

Lisa (NY) Elyse wrote: "Lisa -- I like your heart!!! You expressed yourself well -
Thank you Elyse! xo

message 16: by Jandy (new)

Jandy James I did not find it boring or bare-boned. It spoke directly to my angst both as a parent and as a child, as the inadvertently wounded and the inadvertent inflictor of wounds. When someone lays their soul bare only to be found wanting.. ouch. When someone yearns for connection but behaves in connection-destroying ways. Ouch again, and so often this happens.

Lisa (NY) Jandy wrote: "I did not find it boring or bare-boned. It spoke directly to my angst both as a parent and as a child, as the inadvertently wounded and the inadvertent inflictor of wounds. When someone lays their ..."Yes, ouch. But I'm so glad you found it meaningful.

message 18: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Lol—I suspect you’re not at all a Grinch, you!

Lisa (NY) Deborah wrote: "Lol—I suspect you’re not at all a Grinch, you!" IDeborah, I appreciate your confidence in me!

This fish likes to read @June thanks for that comment! Exactly what i was looking for before i place hold at my library

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