Debra's Reviews > The Girl Before Me

The Girl Before Me by Laura    Wolfe
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bookshelves: netgalley

Moving. It's a new beginning. A chance to start over. An opportunity to meet new people.

Rachel Gleason and her daughter, Lily, have just moved into an apartment in Chicago. It's a chance to get away from her ex-husband and a building with a doorman, feels even more secure. But then Rachel gets her mail and there is a letter for Annie, the previous tenant who left abruptly one night and no one has seen or heard from her since. Rachel decides to open it and reads the warning within telling Annie that she is not safe.

Then little things begin to happen, Rachel feels as if she is being watched. Whey did Annie leave in the night without telling anyone? Intrigued, Rachel wants to know what happened to the woman who once lived in her apartment, but as she delves deeper into what happened to Annie, she begins to to question the new people in her life.

Who can she trust? Where is Annie? Why would she not be safe in the building?

This was an enjoyable book which had me questioning the motives of several characters. They are an interesting bunch which is my way of saying that most are quirky and not too likeable. With these types of books, I enjoy doing on my own super sleuthing to try to figure out what the final reveal may be. There are several mysteries in this book: where is Annie, are Rachel and Lily safe, and who can be trusted. With this one, I whittled down my list, but still did not figure things out.

Enjoyable read that kept my interest and moved at a nice pace, then it just ended. Yes, that is what books do, but it felt a little sudden. Other than the abrupt ending, I enjoyed this book. This was my first book by Laura Wolfe and I look forward to reading more of her work.

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Reading Progress

February 4, 2022 – Shelved
February 4, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
April 27, 2022 – Started Reading
April 27, 2022 – Shelved as: netgalley
April 28, 2022 –
April 30, 2022 –
April 30, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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message 1: by Kat (new)

Kat It sounds like a great premise! It's too bad the ending was abrupt. Terrific review, Debra! :)

message 2: by DeAnn (new)

DeAnn Excellent review Debra! I just finished one that skipped a big chunk of time at the end. Those endings sometimes leave me wanting!

message 3: by NZLisaM (new)

NZLisaM How annoying that the ending was sudden. Brilliant review, Debra.

message 4: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Terrific review! I will pass!

Debra Kat wrote: "It sounds like a great premise! It's too bad the ending was abrupt. Terrific review, Debra! :)"

Thank you, Kat!

Debra DeAnn wrote: "Excellent review Debra! I just finished one that skipped a big chunk of time at the end. Those endings sometimes leave me wanting!"

Thank you, DeAnn! That is annoying.

Debra NZLisaM wrote: "How annoying that the ending was sudden. Brilliant review, Debra."

Thank you, Lisa!

Debra Jayme wrote: "Terrific review! I will pass!"

Thank you, Jayme!

message 9: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Think I will pass on this one Debra! great review.

Debra GirlWithThePinkSkiMask wrote: "Love to get my Nancy Drew on as well haha. It's not often we want a book to be LONGER these days. Great review :)"

Thank you, Pink!

Debra Lisa wrote: "Think I will pass on this one Debra! great review."

Thank you, Lisa!

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