Kat's Reviews > Priest

Priest by Sierra Simone
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's review

it was ok

keep ur head up babe, god gives his toughest battles to his sexiest soldiers <3
1795 likes · flag

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Reading Progress

January 29, 2022 – Started Reading
January 29, 2022 – Shelved
January 30, 2022 –
24.0% "somehow i thought this was going to be a slowburn but these two are moving at turbo speed, holy shit"
January 31, 2022 –
February 2, 2022 –
80.0% "imagine how good this could’ve been if it had been a novella"
February 2, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-26 of 26 (26 new)

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message 1: by Nikka (new)

Nikka I can't believe this book is making the rounds again *_*

message 2: by Aymen (new)

Aymen  Kat what's happening you okay? 😅😅

message 3: by Kat (new) - rated it 2 stars

Kat really tho this book....someone wake up dante, we gotta add another circle

message 4: by Valeria (new)

Valeria I just read tears of Tess... I really don't want to do this but if I must...

Tala @Kat
not dante and another circle! lksjefjks

message 6: by Hannah (new)

Hannah Ho NAUR i only have bad things to say about sinner so i don't want to know what this was like T-T

message 7: by Eilhart (new)

Eilhart When you know Katherine's picking the next book, so it's all downhill from here.

Marietha Vermeulen AH KAT are you doing a video about this?? Cause i read this book too, and loved it😂😂

message 9: by Kat (new) - rated it 2 stars

Kat @elihart have some faith in me!! i’ve got high hopes for my upcoming pick

@elizabeth i actually thought this one was really good for a while 😅 it just started dragging waaaay too long (but also yes to that last bit. sometimes the ride is enough.)

@marietha no vlog or anything, but there will be a liveshow on daria’s channel (fulloflit) this saturday at 7 pm est !!

Marietha Vermeulen @kat omgg thanks so much for answering, can't wait! Also, can you watch the liveshow back or does it just air at that time?

message 11: by Kat (new) - rated it 2 stars

Kat @marietha you’ll be able to watch it back!

Moon child Why you do this to yourself woman??? Lmao


message 14: by Kelsey (new)

Kelsey 😂😂😂😂

message 15: by tam (new)

tam ok i just cackled- 😭✋🏾✋🏾

Jessica I needed this after finishing this book 🤣🤣🤣

Woodsy Reader 😂😂

message 18: by Jaz (new) - rated it 1 star

Jaz Abigail 😂😂😂 ok this is the best

message 19: by Olivia (new)

Olivia That guy is so mussely.

message 20: by Josie (new)


message 21: by Aisha (new)

Aisha 😂😂

message 22: by Nicole (new)

Nicole LOL

Lola Oretade Literally the best review for this book.

message 24: by (new)

… The things you'we told in gour rewiev isn't true!

Melissa So this book popped up as recommended for me because I read a different book by the author. I just came to see what kind of reviews it had and there's obviously some divisiveness among the reviews, but yours honestly makes me want to read to it more than the actual positive reviews. This might be the funniest review/non review of a book I've ever seen. In my head I imagine the screaming in your profile picture is specifically from this book alone.

Sheniece  S 🤣🤣

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