Lisa's Reviews > The Sin of Kissing You

The Sin of Kissing You by Maya Hughes
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it was ok

I disliked this book more the due to 4year jump, little insight into their growth (Bay clearly held a grudge and hasn’t changed but Dare still struggling with his anger, showed growth) and selfish awful Bay. Bay is the absolute worse. I hate her. She seemed selfish in book 1, but this time around it shows what kind of person she is and I don’t like her. So many chances Bay. Dare had some groveling to do but I can say the same about Bay because she wasn’t innocent and had no remorse or guilt for her actions that led to the breakup. I didn’t get the sense that she thought she did anything wrong. Broken guitar sad, yes, but a lifetime of abuse leading to silent suffering and blasting his Tory out to the universe with no warning? How is this the same in understanding? This just shows what type of person Bay is and she doesn’t deserve all him. At all.

I did not like the ending. Another jump. Terrible because now he has to take her back after this to complete the trilogy? A cliffhanger was expected but geez can we get another heroine for Dare? He deserves someone who is just as loyal and devoted to him. Bay doesn’t deserve him. He sacrificed so much to make it up to her. I hope he falls in love and marries someone else. Move on Dare. I’m not on the Bay Dare bandwagon anymore. Bay is just terrible. So many chances. She used him on so many levels. And she is a coward and hypocrite and an awful cold hearted biyaatch. And. Again very selfish. Justice for Dare!
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message 1: by Dawn (new) - rated it 1 star

Dawn Yep: I am not doing the third. I’m not going to like it no matter what happens. I don’t want him to take her back, but he will. Then I will lose respect for him as a hero. I hate hero’s who end up with awful heroines.

Lisa Exactly! Not sure why authors think we are stupid and fall for the same tired trope but this one hurts because the hero was soo devoted and got nothing. Nada. Im gonna push through to see how it all ends up and hope Dare gets to drag her so I can enjoy a little of it.

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