Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ 's Reviews > Magic Bites
Magic Bites (Kate Daniels, #1)
Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ 's review
bookshelves: urban-fantasy, some-kinda-magic, weres-shapeshifters, vampires, mythology, dead-things, not-your-ordinary-creatures, favorite-secondary-characters, jerk-of-my-dreams, kickass-heroines, zombies, that-bastard, best-series, buddy-reads-are-the-best
Jun 19, 2012
bookshelves: urban-fantasy, some-kinda-magic, weres-shapeshifters, vampires, mythology, dead-things, not-your-ordinary-creatures, favorite-secondary-characters, jerk-of-my-dreams, kickass-heroines, zombies, that-bastard, best-series, buddy-reads-are-the-best
Read 9 times. Last read August 10, 2024 to August 11, 2024.
5/5/18: Still love it (if that wasn’t evident by virtue of having read it SIX times). If you haven’t read this, you should. Immediately. 📚🖤
This is my F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E series.
And that's kind of a big deal. For example, if you asked me what my second favorite series was, I'd have to give you a top 5 list. BUT. KATE DANIELS is unquestionably my #1 favorite.
I'm rereading the series, b/c the new book is out next Tuesday, and I think this is my fifth (or sixth?) time. I typically can't reread a series every year b/c I get bored, and I thought that might be a problem this time, but, NOPE, it's not.
This is also the series I immediately suggest when asked for a reading recommendation, and it's hooked every person that's taken that advice. When I'm harassing people for feedback, they've all liked MAGIC BITES enough to read the next book, which is good b/c unlike most series, this one just keeps getting better.
There have, however, been a few complaints that this first book is a little confusing on the world-building front. I can't be completely objective, b/c looking back after reading the series five(+) times . . . hindsight is, after all, 20/20.
The basic premise is brand new: the world began with magic and technology existing in a harmonious balance.
The analogy made is of a pendulum swinging only slightly back (magic) and forth (technology). But over time man developed magic, causing the pendulum to swing increasingly wildly until the pendulum crashed to the other side, leaving only a minimal amount of magic behind and flooding the world with the ability to use technology in magic's stead.
I pictured it like that boat ride at theme parks--at Carowinds it's called the Frenzoid--that starts out swinging slowing back and forth, gaining momentum, until finally, after a nerve-wracking several seconds held completely upside down, it crashes to the other side.
This happens approximately every 4000(ish) years, most recently about 40 years prior to the present time in the book.
The changeover from magic-to-tech, or in the book's case, tech-to-magic, is not immediately complete. Like the Frenzoid, after the initial shift from back-and-forth to completing a full circle, the momentum keeps the boat (or magic/tech) swinging wildly back and forth until it settles down in the middle, or magic in MAGIC BITES.
As man develops magic to replace the lost technology, the process begins again, and in another 4000ish years the reverse shift will occur.
I honestly can't remember how well this is explained in book 1, but I do know that if it wasn't fully explained, I did not care. It was secondary to the plot and the characters.
I knew that sometimes magic worked and sometimes it didn't. Same for technology. I knew that when magic worked, guns wouldn't fire, and that spells didn't work when tech was up.
I also knew this was why Kate carried a sword--b/c a sword always works.<-----Kate is KICK-ASS.
And that was enough information for me, b/c who cares about world-building when you have a main character like Kate Daniels?
Not me.
Kate is the perfect heroine. On the surface, she's the standard Urban Fantasy MC: she's super special magically and snarktastic. Oftentimes this can get old, but not Kate Daniels, who after numerous rereads only gets more fantastic.
Unlike other UF heroines, Kate's brand of special kept her truly isolated. She didn't feel alone, she was alone. Anything else meant death. And yeah, her mouth is always getting her into trouble, but Kate often reveals her vulnerability right before she attacks:
She was scared. So she laughed. In his FACE.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I love Kate.
She doesn't bitch and moan about how life isn't fair, why her? She does what needs doing, and she often does it hilariously.
She's my favorite.
Teenage girls everywhere wish that they were Katniss Everdeen. I wish I was Kate Daniels.
My other reviews for this series:
A Questionable Client (Kate Daniels, #0.5)
Magic Burns (Kate Daniels, #2)
Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels, #3)
Magic Mourns (Kate Daniels, #3.5)
Magic Bleeds (Kate Daniels, #4)
Magic Dreams (Kate Daniels, #4.5)
Magic Slays (Kate Daniels, #5)
Magic Tests (Kate Daniels, #5.3)
Magic Gifts (Kate Daniels, #5.4)
Gunmetal Magic (Kate Daniels, #5.5)
Retribution Clause (Kate Daniels, #5.6)
An Ill-Advised Rescue (Kate Daniels, #5.8)
Magic Rises (Kate Daniels, #6)
Magic Steals (Kate Daniels, #6.5)
Magic Breaks (Kate Daniels, #7)
Magic Shifts (Kate Daniels, #8)
Magic Stars (Kate Daniels, #8.5, Grey Wolf, #1)
Magic Binds (Kate Daniels, #9)
Iron and Magic (Kate Daniels, #9.5)
Magic Triumphs (Kate Daniels, #10)
Curran POV Collection
This is my F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E series.
And that's kind of a big deal. For example, if you asked me what my second favorite series was, I'd have to give you a top 5 list. BUT. KATE DANIELS is unquestionably my #1 favorite.
I'm rereading the series, b/c the new book is out next Tuesday, and I think this is my fifth (or sixth?) time. I typically can't reread a series every year b/c I get bored, and I thought that might be a problem this time, but, NOPE, it's not.
This is also the series I immediately suggest when asked for a reading recommendation, and it's hooked every person that's taken that advice. When I'm harassing people for feedback, they've all liked MAGIC BITES enough to read the next book, which is good b/c unlike most series, this one just keeps getting better.
There have, however, been a few complaints that this first book is a little confusing on the world-building front. I can't be completely objective, b/c looking back after reading the series five(+) times . . . hindsight is, after all, 20/20.
The basic premise is brand new: the world began with magic and technology existing in a harmonious balance.
The analogy made is of a pendulum swinging only slightly back (magic) and forth (technology). But over time man developed magic, causing the pendulum to swing increasingly wildly until the pendulum crashed to the other side, leaving only a minimal amount of magic behind and flooding the world with the ability to use technology in magic's stead.
I pictured it like that boat ride at theme parks--at Carowinds it's called the Frenzoid--that starts out swinging slowing back and forth, gaining momentum, until finally, after a nerve-wracking several seconds held completely upside down, it crashes to the other side.
This happens approximately every 4000(ish) years, most recently about 40 years prior to the present time in the book.
The changeover from magic-to-tech, or in the book's case, tech-to-magic, is not immediately complete. Like the Frenzoid, after the initial shift from back-and-forth to completing a full circle, the momentum keeps the boat (or magic/tech) swinging wildly back and forth until it settles down in the middle, or magic in MAGIC BITES.
As man develops magic to replace the lost technology, the process begins again, and in another 4000ish years the reverse shift will occur.
I honestly can't remember how well this is explained in book 1, but I do know that if it wasn't fully explained, I did not care. It was secondary to the plot and the characters.
I knew that sometimes magic worked and sometimes it didn't. Same for technology. I knew that when magic worked, guns wouldn't fire, and that spells didn't work when tech was up.
I also knew this was why Kate carried a sword--b/c a sword always works.<-----Kate is KICK-ASS.
And that was enough information for me, b/c who cares about world-building when you have a main character like Kate Daniels?
Not me.
Kate is the perfect heroine. On the surface, she's the standard Urban Fantasy MC: she's super special magically and snarktastic. Oftentimes this can get old, but not Kate Daniels, who after numerous rereads only gets more fantastic.
Unlike other UF heroines, Kate's brand of special kept her truly isolated. She didn't feel alone, she was alone. Anything else meant death. And yeah, her mouth is always getting her into trouble, but Kate often reveals her vulnerability right before she attacks:
Curran turned to me. "Take one of mine again and I'll kill you." He said it in a conversational manner, matter-of-fact and flat, but in his eyes I could see a simple certainty. If he had to, he would kill me. He would not lose any sleep over it. He would not give it a second thought. He would do it and move on, untroubled by ending my existence.
It scared the shit out of me, so I laughed in his face.
She was scared. So she laughed. In his FACE.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I love Kate.
She doesn't bitch and moan about how life isn't fair, why her? She does what needs doing, and she often does it hilariously.
She's my favorite.
Teenage girls everywhere wish that they were Katniss Everdeen. I wish I was Kate Daniels.
My other reviews for this series:
A Questionable Client (Kate Daniels, #0.5)
Magic Burns (Kate Daniels, #2)
Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels, #3)
Magic Mourns (Kate Daniels, #3.5)
Magic Bleeds (Kate Daniels, #4)
Magic Dreams (Kate Daniels, #4.5)
Magic Slays (Kate Daniels, #5)
Magic Tests (Kate Daniels, #5.3)
Magic Gifts (Kate Daniels, #5.4)
Gunmetal Magic (Kate Daniels, #5.5)
Retribution Clause (Kate Daniels, #5.6)
An Ill-Advised Rescue (Kate Daniels, #5.8)
Magic Rises (Kate Daniels, #6)
Magic Steals (Kate Daniels, #6.5)
Magic Breaks (Kate Daniels, #7)
Magic Shifts (Kate Daniels, #8)
Magic Stars (Kate Daniels, #8.5, Grey Wolf, #1)
Magic Binds (Kate Daniels, #9)
Iron and Magic (Kate Daniels, #9.5)
Magic Triumphs (Kate Daniels, #10)
Curran POV Collection
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Magic Bites.
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Quotes Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ Liked
“Why a raven?"
"To honor my father."
"The writing under it, is that Cyrillic?"
"What does it say?"
"Dar Vorona. Gift of the Raven. I am my father's gift."
"The raven is holding a bloody sword."
"I never said it was a nice gift.”
― Magic Bites
"To honor my father."
"The writing under it, is that Cyrillic?"
"What does it say?"
"Dar Vorona. Gift of the Raven. I am my father's gift."
"The raven is holding a bloody sword."
"I never said it was a nice gift.”
― Magic Bites
“I gave him my best cryptic smile. He did not fall down to his feet, kiss my shoes, and promise me the world. I must be getting rusty.”
― Magic Bites
― Magic Bites
“You know anything about investigative work?"
"Sure. Annoy the people involved until the guilt party tries to make you go away.”
― Magic Bites
"Sure. Annoy the people involved until the guilt party tries to make you go away.”
― Magic Bites
“Men and swords. My father said that if you put any able-bodied man, no matter how peaceful, into a room with a sword and a practice dummy and leave him alone, eventually the man would pick up the sword and try to stab the dummy. It is human nature.”
― Magic Bites
― Magic Bites
“What happened to the alpha-wolf?"
"Legos?" It sounded Greek but I couldn't recall anything mythological with that name. Wasn't it an island?
"He was carrying a load of laundry into the basement and tripped on the old set of LEGOs his kids left on the stairs. Broke two ribs and an ankle.”
― Magic Bites
"Legos?" It sounded Greek but I couldn't recall anything mythological with that name. Wasn't it an island?
"He was carrying a load of laundry into the basement and tripped on the old set of LEGOs his kids left on the stairs. Broke two ribs and an ankle.”
― Magic Bites
“The knocking persisted. It wasn't Derek. His knock would be careful, almost apologetic. This bastard knocked like he was doing me a favor.”
― Magic Bites
― Magic Bites
“You're working for the Order now."
"How does it feel?"
"Well, Doctor, it feels rather sore and tingly.”
― Magic Bites
"How does it feel?"
"Well, Doctor, it feels rather sore and tingly.”
― Magic Bites
Reading Progress
Finished Reading
Finished Reading
Finished Reading
Finished Reading
June 19, 2012
– Shelved
July 15, 2014
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July 15, 2014
"Officially their mission statement was to protect humanity against all harm, by magic or by weapon. Trouble was, their definition of harm seemed rather flexible and sometimes merciful aid meant they lopped your head off.
Kate's descriptions of the Order never get less ominous . . ."
Kate's descriptions of the Order never get less ominous . . ."
July 15, 2014
"He regarded me as if I was an interesting new snack. "I'm the Lord of the Free Beasts," he said.
"I figured." Perhaps he expected me to curtsy.
Aaahhh, yes. Kate-snark. My favorite kind."
"I figured." Perhaps he expected me to curtsy.
Aaahhh, yes. Kate-snark. My favorite kind."
July 15, 2014
"Ted said, "You're working for the Order now."
"How does it feel?"
"Well, Doctor, it feels rather sore and tingly."
I can't even . . . hahahaha . . ."
"How does it feel?"
"Well, Doctor, it feels rather sore and tingly."
I can't even . . . hahahaha . . ."
July 15, 2014
"Curran turned to me. "Take one of mine again and I'll kill you." He said it in a conversational manner, matter-of-fact and flat, but in his eyes I could see a simple certainty. If he had to, he would kill me. He would not lose any sleep over it. He would not give it a second thought. He would do it and move on, untroubled by ending my existence.
It scared the shit out of me, so I laughed in his face."
It scared the shit out of me, so I laughed in his face."
July 16, 2014
""She bothers me," I admitted.
"Why? Because she's prettier?"
I winced. "Derek, never ever tell a woman that someone is prettier than her. You'll make an enemy for life."
"You're funnier than she is. And you hit harder."
Hahaha. I miss young, naive Derek :("
"Why? Because she's prettier?"
I winced. "Derek, never ever tell a woman that someone is prettier than her. You'll make an enemy for life."
"You're funnier than she is. And you hit harder."
Hahaha. I miss young, naive Derek :("
July 16, 2014
"Okay . . . I have a question. I've always wondered why Kate got the blame for falsely accusing that guy of being the upir, b/c it was SO not her idea. And she only did it, b/c the Pack basically made her. So where does Curran get off being angry at her when the guy is innocent? I DON'T UNDERSTAND."
July 16, 2014
"I went to the locked men and very gently took Curran's right wrist and tugged on it. "Let go, Curran. Please, let go. Come on. You are mad at me, not at him. Let go.""
July 16, 2014
"Not waiting for him, I started toward the gate.
"You're going to take him on by yourself?" Curran's voice asked at my side...
"If I wait any longer, I won't go in," I said...
He grabbed me and kissed me. The kiss sent a wave of heat from my lips all the way to my toes. Curran's eyes laughed. "For luck," he whispered, his breath a hot cloud on my ear.
*swoons* *flails*"
"You're going to take him on by yourself?" Curran's voice asked at my side...
"If I wait any longer, I won't go in," I said...
He grabbed me and kissed me. The kiss sent a wave of heat from my lips all the way to my toes. Curran's eyes laughed. "For luck," he whispered, his breath a hot cloud on my ear.
*swoons* *flails*"
July 16, 2014
Finished Reading
April 27, 2015
"Before you knew it, a three-headed Slavonic god was wreaking havoc in downtown Atlanta, the skies were raining winged snakes, and SWAT was screaming for more ammo.
Every damn day."
Every damn day."
April 29, 2015
"“Water and Sewer, huh?”
“Gotta be tough or dumb to go down into the sewers these days. So, which one are you?”
“I’m not dumb, but if I tell you I’m tough, you’ll peg me for a bravo, so I’m going to smile cryptically.” I gave him my best cryptic smile."
“Gotta be tough or dumb to go down into the sewers these days. So, which one are you?”
“I’m not dumb, but if I tell you I’m tough, you’ll peg me for a bravo, so I’m going to smile cryptically.” I gave him my best cryptic smile."
April 30, 2015
"“It is I, Julianne, who commands you, and you shall do my bidding. Open!”
Man, I wished we lived in a world with magic just so I could do this. "I, your mistress, bids you to open! Do as I command lest you suffer my wrath."
It would be awesome.
Man, I wished we lived in a world with magic just so I could do this. "I, your mistress, bids you to open! Do as I command lest you suffer my wrath."
It would be awesome.
April 30, 2015
"“Weak stomach,” Curran said at my side. I didn’t jump. It was more of a small hop, really.
April 30, 2015
"“That’s enough,” Mahon roared, startling both of us into silence. “You’re acting like children. Curran, you’ve missed your meditation, and you need one. Kate, there is a punching bag in your room. Make use of it.”
“Why do I have to punch the bag while he meditates?” I mumbled on the way out.
Would you really rather meditate than punch the bag, Kate? I didn't think so, LOL."
“Why do I have to punch the bag while he meditates?” I mumbled on the way out.
Would you really rather meditate than punch the bag, Kate? I didn't think so, LOL."
May 4, 2018
Started Reading
May 4, 2018
"“Water and Sewer, huh?”
“Gotta be tough or dumb to go down into the sewers these days. So, which one are you?”
“I’m not dumb, but if I tell you I’m tough, you’ll peg me for a bravo, so I’m going to smile cryptically.” I gave him my best cryptic smile.
Oh Kate, you is funneh, you is."
“Gotta be tough or dumb to go down into the sewers these days. So, which one are you?”
“I’m not dumb, but if I tell you I’m tough, you’ll peg me for a bravo, so I’m going to smile cryptically.” I gave him my best cryptic smile.
Oh Kate, you is funneh, you is."
May 5, 2018
Finished Reading
July 30, 2021
Started Reading
November 16, 2021
Finished Reading
January 8, 2023
Started Reading
January 8, 2023
Finished Reading
August 10, 2024
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August 11, 2024
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 142 (142 new)
message 1:
rated it 4 stars
Jun 04, 2014 08:58PM
Spot on!!!!
I am so with you on EVERYTHING! :) (your last sentence too!) I re-read the whole series at least once or twice a year, every year, not kidding. I think I may have the books completely memorized at this point.
I am seriously trying to fight off the urge to immediately reread Kate Daniels AGAIN after I finished The Edge. I keep telling myself that I just reread it last year, but then I think about book 7 being the end of the current story arc . . . I really don't know who I'm trying to kid. I know I'll almost certainly be reading them again next. I have almost ZERO impulse control when it comes to this series. Glad to meet another crazed fangirl :)
Yes, I am a maniac of the highest order with this series :) I don't understand how it is that no matter how many times I re-read these books, I can still laugh at the funny parts, still get emotional at the moving parts, and still get caught up in the sexual tension and romance. Totally amazing.
You should! Kate #7 is the end of this story arc, and there's gonna be a showdown, and it's gonna be AWESOME.
Yeah it is! So excited.
Maybe I'll reread them all after I read book seven. :P I'll be itching for them later this year... after I read the Edge LOL
Maybe I'll reread them all after I read book seven. :P I'll be itching for them later this year... after I read the Edge LOL
message 13:
Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁
(last edited Jul 16, 2014 02:33AM)
rated it 4 stars
Tadiana wrote: "Okay, I'll bite. It sounds like something I might enjoy. :)"
Excellent! Fair warning, the first book is the weakest in the series, but if you like it enough to continue, book 2 is exponentially better, and book 3 is probably my favorite UF installment EVER. This is the first time I've read book 1 since I starting blogging, so I'm probably going to have to be more objective and give it a 4 star rating . . . but it's still awesome ;)
Excellent! Fair warning, the first book is the weakest in the series, but if you like it enough to continue, book 2 is exponentially better, and book 3 is probably my favorite UF installment EVER. This is the first time I've read book 1 since I starting blogging, so I'm probably going to have to be more objective and give it a 4 star rating . . . but it's still awesome ;)
亞~Ya~亞 wrote: "I love that you recommended this series for the WHOLE world, Jessica! Aaand I love Kate too!"
LOL. I think the WHOLE world would be a happier place if everyone knew the awesomeness that is Kate Daniels. I know I'm happier ;)
LOL. I think the WHOLE world would be a happier place if everyone knew the awesomeness that is Kate Daniels. I know I'm happier ;)
If you like UF, and you like kick-ass heroines, then there's really no way you can go wrong with this series. It's the BEST.
Pssht. You do not need to apologize. Kate party 7/29??! Is it weird that I know that date off the top of my head . . . ?
Hahahaha!!! It's like you can read my mind!!!! Sooooooooooo, I don't think it's weird at all. *wink*
You've convinced me to pick this series back up, Jess. I stopped after book one, but I don't wanna get hit over the head with your crazy-lady GIF!
A thousand likes!!! Great review!!! You completely summed up how I feel about this series and Kate. She is the best. After 6 books I have never been annoyed by her.
Look how great you are at convincing people to read this. No nagging necessary! :0)
Look how great you are at convincing people to read this. No nagging necessary! :0)
Wow Jessica, Do you know how long I've had this book on my TBR list? I don't even know and I'm not checking atm.[too lazy and embarrased] So you have nudged me to read it... i may do it next read, since the new book is soon to be out. ;)
Okay, I need to bump this up. I've been told to read this before but I'm not typically a lover of fantasy/paranormal stuff. I'm afraid for myself.
Have you read the story about Kate's kid in "An Apple for the Creature"? I just read it and seriously enjoyed it.
Cristina wrote: "Hahahaha!!! It's like you can read my mind!!!! Sooooooooooo, I don't think it's weird at all. *wink*"
I am so holding you to it. Expect an email from me bright and early, Girlie(<-----that rhymes).
I am so holding you to it. Expect an email from me bright and early, Girlie(<-----that rhymes).
Anne wrote: "You've convinced me to pick this series back up, Jess. I stopped after book one, but I don't wanna get hit over the head with your crazy-lady GIF!"
Excellent. *pats self on back* Seriously, Anne . . . this series is AMAZEBALLS.
Excellent. *pats self on back* Seriously, Anne . . . this series is AMAZEBALLS.
Mindy wrote: "A thousand likes!!! Great review!!! You completely summed up how I feel about this series and Kate. She is the best. After 6 books I have never been annoyed by her.
Look how great you are at conv..."
LOL. Yeah, I suppose childlike exuberance works too ;) And RIGHT?! I can't think of a single other heroine who hasn't annoyed me at least once, but Kate? NAH. Kate just makes me wish I had a sword and was badass enough to know what to do with it.
Look how great you are at conv..."
LOL. Yeah, I suppose childlike exuberance works too ;) And RIGHT?! I can't think of a single other heroine who hasn't annoyed me at least once, but Kate? NAH. Kate just makes me wish I had a sword and was badass enough to know what to do with it.
Tresa da BookNerdette wrote: "Wow Jessica, Do you know how long I've had this book on my TBR list? I don't even know and I'm not checking atm.[too lazy and embarrased] So you have nudged me to read it... i may do it next read, ..."
Not only is the next book out in less than two weeks, but it's the last book in the current story arc, so you will have ALL THE ANSWERS. And don't be embarrassed, LOL. This book sat on my bookshelves for YEARS (literally), b/c I was put off by the lame cover.
Not only is the next book out in less than two weeks, but it's the last book in the current story arc, so you will have ALL THE ANSWERS. And don't be embarrassed, LOL. This book sat on my bookshelves for YEARS (literally), b/c I was put off by the lame cover.
Mika wrote: "Hands down my favorite series, too! Love the review!"
Thanks, Mika! Always happy to meet another lover-of-Kate ;)
Thanks, Mika! Always happy to meet another lover-of-Kate ;)
Hildy (The Book Boss) wrote: "Okay, I need to bump this up. I've been told to read this before but I'm not typically a lover of fantasy/paranormal stuff. I'm afraid for myself."
If you aren't a huge fan of all things paranormal, you could still like this book (b/c snark and ALPHA), but the world-building could definitely throw you off, so if you read it, and have questions . . . I'm your girl ;) Don't give up, if you get confused, b/c seriously--there are like half a dozen of us who would jump on any chance to talk Kate Daniels ;)
If you aren't a huge fan of all things paranormal, you could still like this book (b/c snark and ALPHA), but the world-building could definitely throw you off, so if you read it, and have questions . . . I'm your girl ;) Don't give up, if you get confused, b/c seriously--there are like half a dozen of us who would jump on any chance to talk Kate Daniels ;)
Candice wrote: "Have you read the story about Kate's kid in "An Apple for the Creature"? I just read it and seriously enjoyed it."
Magic Tests is my favorite novella from this series. It made me hope that they were going to write a YA spin-off, but sadly no :( Do you have the free Curran POV collection? If you don't, you can get it here:
Magic Tests is my favorite novella from this series. It made me hope that they were going to write a YA spin-off, but sadly no :( Do you have the free Curran POV collection? If you don't, you can get it here:
Jessica (Rabid Reads) wrote: "Candice wrote: "Have you read the story about Kate's kid in "An Apple for the Creature"? I just read it and seriously enjoyed it."
Magic Tests is my favorite novella from this series. It made me h..."
You know, they still might! though, I think they'll wait and do a Julie POV as an adult. Since they're already setting it up (if you think about it). Love Triangle much? I might be wishful thinking, but ... Derek/Julie/Yu?
As for the Curran stuff, it's on my list (I'll get to it, I hope soon).
I never really expected to love this series as much as I do.
Magic Tests is my favorite novella from this series. It made me h..."
You know, they still might! though, I think they'll wait and do a Julie POV as an adult. Since they're already setting it up (if you think about it). Love Triangle much? I might be wishful thinking, but ... Derek/Julie/Yu?
As for the Curran stuff, it's on my list (I'll get to it, I hope soon).
I never really expected to love this series as much as I do.
Pfft. Love SQUARE--Julie/Derek/Yu/and that Hyena kid ;) But yeah, an adult spin-off would be great too.
Me either, LOL. I'm telling you, the first three books sat unread for TWO years b/c of those awful covers. *shakes head at self*
Me either, LOL. I'm telling you, the first three books sat unread for TWO years b/c of those awful covers. *shakes head at self*
I forgot all about the hyena kid. Though, I have to say, I'd want Derek to win Julie's affections. They already have such good chemistry.
Before I found good goodreads, they were recommended to me by Barnes and Noble over and over again (each time I bought a book). I finally gave in about a year ago and have been hooked. Doesn't one of the covers (the first one, I think) have a woman that looks completely different from the description of Kate given in the book?
Before I found good goodreads, they were recommended to me by Barnes and Noble over and over again (each time I bought a book). I finally gave in about a year ago and have been hooked. Doesn't one of the covers (the first one, I think) have a woman that looks completely different from the description of Kate given in the book?
Candice wrote: "I forgot all about the hyena kid. Though, I have to say, I'd want Derek to win Julie's affections. They already have such good chemistry.
Before I found good goodreads, they were recommended to me..."
Me TOO. Derek + Julie = true love 4-EVAH.
Yeah, they did a special edition rerelease of Kate #1. I think it had a free novella in it or something, and maybe an early sneak peek from whichever book was coming out next. Same girl is on the cover of Kate #6 and #7 too. I just had an entire conversation with another Kate fan about how that girl looks NOTHING like in-my-head Kate. We decided that Kate looks like Gina Carano ;)
Before I found good goodreads, they were recommended to me..."
Me TOO. Derek + Julie = true love 4-EVAH.
Yeah, they did a special edition rerelease of Kate #1. I think it had a free novella in it or something, and maybe an early sneak peek from whichever book was coming out next. Same girl is on the cover of Kate #6 and #7 too. I just had an entire conversation with another Kate fan about how that girl looks NOTHING like in-my-head Kate. We decided that Kate looks like Gina Carano ;)
I'm happy to know it wasn't just me who thought that. Gina Carano - holy crap, yes! Maybe with a more expressive face, but yes!
Candice wrote: "I'm happy to know it wasn't just me who thought that. Gina Carano - holy crap, yes! Maybe with a more expressive face, but yes!"
Nope, not just you. At best, I think that girl looks like adolescent Kate, LOL. And honestly, I'd heard the name, but I don't think I've seen anything with Carano in it, so I have no idea how expressive her face is or isn't.
Nope, not just you. At best, I think that girl looks like adolescent Kate, LOL. And honestly, I'd heard the name, but I don't think I've seen anything with Carano in it, so I have no idea how expressive her face is or isn't.
Ayana wrote: "Love the last sentence! I wish I was Kate Daniels too (or Dina Demille)! :D"
Or Rose Drayton, or Nevada Baylor . . . LOL. But Kate first, always ;)
Or Rose Drayton, or Nevada Baylor . . . LOL. But Kate first, always ;)