Chelsea Humphrey's Reviews > It Ain't Me, Babe

It Ain't Me, Babe by Tillie Cole
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really liked it
bookshelves: buddy-reads, kindle-deals, recommended, smutty

Favorite Quotes:

"I learned at a very early stage in life that a person can do just about anything to survive."

"The devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he did not exist,"

"I hope you're the end of my story. I hope you're as far as it goes. I hope you're the last words I ever utter. It's never your time to go..."
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Reading Progress

July 27, 2020 – Started Reading
July 28, 2020 – Shelved
July 29, 2020 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-19 of 19 (19 new)

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message 1: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer SO here for it!

Chelsea Humphrey Storiesandcoffee wrote: "SO here for it!"

Thrilled we started this on a whim!

Ashley McB Lovedddd this book 😍

Chelsea Humphrey Ashley wrote: "Lovedddd this book 😍"

I'm addicted!

message 5: by Ph_ilip (new)

Ph_ilip hi

Chelsea Humphrey Ph_ilip wrote: "hi"


message 7: by Olisa faith (new) - added it

Olisa faith Hi Phillip

Leigh Kramer I wouldn't categorize this as dark romance. If you want those recs, I'll hook you up. This book was not my cup of tea at all. Good luck!

message 9: by Olisa faith (new) - added it

Olisa faith Hmmmm

Chelsea Humphrey Leigh wrote: "I wouldn't categorize this as dark romance. If you want those recs, I'll hook you up. This book was not my cup of tea at all. Good luck!"

Thanks girl! I'm loving it so far, but only about 28% in. Totally understand why it would not work for some people though. It definitely is giving me more of a psych thriller vibe for sure.

message 11: by Donna L. Owens (new)

Donna L. Owens qwaep

message 12: by Olisa faith (new) - added it

Olisa faith What is the meaning of qwaep Donna dear

message 13: by Jess☺️ (new)

Jess☺️ I loved this series Chelsea,I hope you continue with it, it's not your average biker series.👍

Chelsea Humphrey Jess☺️ wrote: "I loved this series Chelsea,I hope you continue with it, it's not your average biker series.👍"

I'm definitely planning on continuing! I couldn't put this down; totally compulsive read.

alka If you continue to read this series, please read Souls Unfractured ( the third book in this series) because I absolutely looved that book.

Chelsea Humphrey Alka wrote: "If you continue to read this series, please read Souls Unfractured ( the third book in this series) because I absolutely looved that book."

For sure! Flame and Maddie are my most anticipated!

Vanessa (When Vane Reads) I love this series so much but my favorite is Souls Unfractured!! Soo good

Chelsea Humphrey Vanessa wrote: "I love this series so much but my favorite is Souls Unfractured!! Soo good"

I cannot wait to get there!!

message 19: by deepan (new)

deepan That's definitely Me

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