MarilynW's Reviews > A Man Called Ove

A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman
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's review

it was amazing

Fifty-nine year old Ove is different, grumpy, stuck in his ways and has lost the one person who meant the world to him, his wife. Ove wants to die, because he no longer has a reason to live, once his wife is dead and he is laid off from him job. But there are people who need him and a scrawny homeless cat that needs him and he keeps getting drawn into the lives of his neighbors, who love and care about him despite his determination to fight off that love and caring. This book made me sad but more often it made me smile and laugh and I'm so very glad I read it.

Published July 15, 2014
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Comments Showing 1-46 of 46 (46 new)

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MarilynW sue wrote: "Oh this is so good"

Yes it is and I'm not done having a good book to read. 😊

Diana I’ve been meaning to read this...

MarilynW Diana wrote: "I’ve been meaning to read this..."

It's both funny and sad...I'll finished it today. :-)

message 5: by Selena (new)

Selena Wonderful review Marilyn! I really need to get to this book as well.

MarilynW Selena wrote: "Wonderful review Marilyn! I really need to get to this book as well."
Thank you Selena!
Thank you Selena! Two of my favorite characters were Ove's 3 year old neighbor and his cat...both were just so cute.


message 7: by Selena (new)

Selena marilyn wrote: "Selena wrote: "Wonderful review Marilyn! I really need to get to this book as well."
Thank you Selena!
Thank you Selena! Two of my favorite characters were Ove's 3 year old neighbor and his cat......"

I have heard so many great things on this book. Sounds awesome.

Jaline Loved your review, Marilyn - and I loved this novel, too! :)

Diana Nice to see your 5 star rating! I should move this up!

Carolyn Walsh I also loved this book. There was a Swedish movie, good, but not as good as the book. Tom Hanks is reported to be starring in the ​American version.

MarilynW Jaline wrote: "Loved your review, Marilyn - and I loved this novel, too! :)"

Thanks Jaline...I won't forget this book 😊

MarilynW Diana wrote: "Nice to see your 5 star rating! I should move this up!"

Thanks! It was a very easy read for me with short chapters and characters I really liked. 😊

MarilynW Carolyn wrote: "I also loved this book. There was a Swedish movie, good, but not as good as the book. Tom Hanks is reported to be starring in the ​American version."

After I finished the book, I saw the info about the movie and I can see Tom Hanks playing Ove. Have you read any of the author's other books?

Jayme I smiled and laughed and cried too...wonderful review!

MarilynW Jayme wrote: "I smiled and laughed and cried too...wonderful review!"

Thank you Jayme 😃

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Glad you loved it, Marilyn!

MarilynW Meredith wrote: "Glad you loved it, Marilyn!"

Thanks Meredith. After that one I read My Sister the Serial Killer...such different books 🤣

message 18: by Felicia (new)

Felicia Lovely review, Marilyn 💖

MarilynW Felicia wrote: "Lovely review, Marilyn 💖"

Thank you Felicia 😊

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin Yay! 😊💕🌸😘

Constantine Great review Marilyn

message 24: by Nicole (last edited Dec 14, 2020 01:47PM) (new) - added it

Nicole I requested the audio from my library, can't wait to read it <3

MarilynW Thank you Sue, Melissa, Constantine, and Tamar!

MarilynW Nicole wrote: "I requested the audio from my library, can't wait to read it <3"

George Newbern is an awesome narrator which makes me think I'll try the audio version of this book, also. Thanks, Nicole!

Jayme Love Ove! ❤️

message 28: by Mary Beth (new) - added it

Mary Beth Fantastic review, Marilyn! 🤗

message 29: by Sheyla ✎ (new)

Sheyla ✎ Wonderful review, Marilyn.

Richard (on hiatus) Loved this book ........ one if my favourite novels - nice review!

Debbie W. Great review, Marilyn! One of my favorite stories!

MarilynW I missed some comments!

Thank you, Jayme, Mary Beth, Sheyla, Sue, and Richard!

MarilynW Debbie wrote: "Great review, Marilyn! One of my favorite stories!"

Thank you, Debbie!

message 35: by Tina (new)

Tina I keep hearing how great this book is. A fantastic review Marilyn! I'll try to read t one day.

Helen You review is excellent. I loved this book.

message 37: by NZLisaM (new)

NZLisaM Wonderful review, Marilyn. I have this one through audible. 💙

Angela M is taking a break. Loved this one, too , Marilyn.

Amina Love your review, love this book!

MarilynW Tina wrote: "I keep hearing how great this book is. A fantastic review Marilyn! I'll try to read t one day."

I immediately watched my first subtitled movie after I read this book because I wanted to see it, too. It was so good. Thank you, Tina!

MarilynW Helen wrote: "You review is excellent. I loved this book."

Thank you, Helen, yes, it was great!

MarilynW NZLisaM wrote: "Wonderful review, Marilyn. I have this one through audible. 💙"

Thank you, Lisa, the movie was very good, too. 💗

MarilynW Angela M wrote: "Loved this one, too , Marilyn."

Thank you, Angela!

MarilynW Amina wrote: "Love your review, love this book!"

Thank you, Amina!

Karen Lovely review Marilyn, especially your last line. :)

MarilynW Karen wrote: "Lovely review Marilyn, especially your last line. :)"

Thank you, Karen! Glad you enjoyed this book, too! 🧡

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