Lindsay L's Reviews > The Huntress

The Huntress by Kate Quinn
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: edelweiss, traveling-sister-read

2 stars. I simply couldn’t connect with this book.

This novel revolves around a Russian female bomber pilot and a British war reporter who work together as Nazi hunters. Their main goal is to track down “The Huntress” a notorious Nazi war criminal who is said to have taken on a new identity living in the USA.

I am the outlier with my feelings on this novel. I had the same disappointment happen with the author’s previous book, The Alice Network. My biggest issue was the characters - they lacked authenticity. The dialogue and demeanor of the characters didn’t have natural ease making many situations feel forced and awkward. Unfortunately, my disconnect with the characters completely overshadowed any enjoyment I may have attained from learning about this time in our history.

I read this with the Traveling Sisters and I was the only one who felt this way. I am thrilled that they all loved this one and I urge you to read the numerous raving reviews out there before deciding on this one.

I think this comes down to me simply not being the right reader for this author.

Thank you to Edelweiss, William Morrow and Kate Quinn for providing me with an ARC to read and review.
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September 10, 2018 – Shelved
September 10, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
January 9, 2019 – Started Reading
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January 28, 2019 – Shelved as: edelweiss
January 28, 2019 – Shelved as: traveling-sister-read
January 28, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 122 (122 new)

message 1: by Malia (new) - added it

Malia Can't wait to read your review!

Christine Lindsay, was this from Edelweiss or where?

message 3: by Theresa (new) - added it

Theresa Uh oh --- can't wait to read your thoughts. I've been looking forward to reading this.

DeAnn Oh no, I was hoping for more stars to make this worthwhile. I'll watch for your review.

Lindsay L Yes Christine - I got this from EW.
Theresa and DeAnn - the rest of the Traveling Sisters absolutely loved it so I’m definitely the outlier. I should have my review up within next couple days. I simply didn’t connect with anything at all in this novel ☹️

message 6: by Scarlett (new) - added it

Scarlett Readz and Runz....Through Novel Time & Distance Curious...

message 7: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Oh no . . . . ☹️

Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin Sorry you got a dud hun 😕💕

message 9: by Susanne (new)

Susanne So sorry Linds! Hope you love your next read.

Lindsay L Thanks Melissa and Suze! On to better books now!

message 11: by Felicia (new)

Felicia Thank you for the honest review, Lindsay 💖 I know how much they suck to write.

message 12: by Tina (new)

Tina Hope your next one is a 5 star winner Lindsay! I appreciate your honest thoughts.

message 13: by KAS (new)

KAS Sorry you and this author’s writings don’t jive, Lindsay :( Terrific, honest review! Hope you really connect with your next read!! 💜😊

Lindsay L Thanks Felicia, Tina and KAS!!! 💜❤️💗

Angela M Lindsay, I appreciate your candid review. I did love The Alice Network, but I’m taking to heart your comments . Diane didn’t like it either if I recall. I will try it, but I’m not sure now if I want to I invest all the time in such a long book .

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Nice honest review, Lindsay. I haven’t read this author’s work but the issues you mention would make her books a struggle for me. Hope your next book is better!

message 17: by Elizabeth (new) - added it

Elizabeth Thanks for your honest and interesting review!

message 18: by Suzy (new)

Suzy Oops! Hope you enjoy your next one much better! 😊

Lindsay L Angela - if you enjoyed The Alice Network, I think you will really like this one! Diane struggled with some of the same things I did with this one, but I think she enjoyed it overall. I look forward to your thoughts if you do end up reading it. Thanks for your message! 💜

Lindsay L Thank you Meredith, JV, Elizabeth and Suzy! 💗

message 21: by Meredith B. (new)

Meredith B.  (readingwithmere) Great, Honest review, Lindsay!

Marilyn (not getting notifications) I haven't read The Huntress yet but I was not thrilled with The Alice Network either. Thanks for being honest.

Lindsay L Thanks Meredith and Marilyn! I don’t enjoy writing reviews for books I don’t connect with, but I have to be honest. Thanks for your supportive comments! 💜

message 24: by Erin (new) - rated it 5 stars

Erin Sorry that it didn't connect with you. I am a huge fan of Kate Quinn's and I am sure that I shall read this book. However, I really think her Rome and Borgia books are the true gems.

Lindsay L Thanks Erin! I’ll have to check out those books - maybe I’d feel differently about them. I haven’t heard of them until you mentioned them. Thank you!💗💜

Michelle Sorry that this didn't work for you, Lindsay! I appreciate your honesty and it's important for us to make sure we get all opinions so we aren't going in blind! Hope you enjoy your next book better than this. :)

message 27: by Jess☺️ (new)

Jess☺️ Oh what a shame Lindsay, I hope you enjoy your next read a lot more 💖

message 28: by Lisa (new) - added it

Lisa Sorry this was a letdown for you Lindsay hope your next 📖 is better😊❤

message 29: by Lucy (new)

Lucy Fantastic review, Lindsay! Sorry you didn’t enjoy it 😊

message 30: by Erin (new)

Erin Clemence Lindsay, sorry this one didn't hit home for you. I hope you connect with your next novel. Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts!

Lindsay L Thanks Michelle, Nicola, Jess, Lisa, Lucy and Erin! It’s never fun writing a negative review, but not every book will work out as great as we hope. I truly appreciate your support! 💗

message 32: by Jayme (new)

Jayme We like what we like!! 🤗 Hope you enjoy your next book better! ❤️

Lindsay L Thanks Jayme! 💗💜

message 34: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Crytzer Fry I had this on my Kindle, read the first 10 pages and felt the same way you did. I didn't continue.

message 35: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Crytzer Fry Melissa wrote: "I had this on my Kindle, read the first 10 pages and felt the same way you did. I didn't continue." Sorry... I meant this about her FIRST book. I didn't even attempt this one.

Lindsay L Too bad for us Melissa. Sometimes you just don’t connect with an author. Hope you are reading something wonderful now!! 💗💜

message 37: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Crytzer Fry Lindsay - Traveling Sister wrote: "Too bad for us Melissa. Sometimes you just don’t connect with an author. Hope you are reading something wonderful now!! 💗💜" True! And I tend to - for some reason - rarely like the hyped books... I AM loving what I'm reading -- Washington Black!!!

♥ Sandi ❣	On to bigger and better...

message 39: by JanB (last edited Jan 30, 2019 08:57PM) (new)

JanB Lindsay, I felt the same way about The Alice Network so I decided ot skip this one. After reading your review I'm glad I did. Sorry it didn't work but I hope you've moved on to something fabulous :)

As always, I appreciate an honest review - thanks!

Lindsay L That’s great to hear Melissa! I’m going to see that author read in the Spring and am super excited to read the book soon!

Thanks Sandi!

Jan - good decision! It’s great that so many love this author but clearly I don’t connect with her. Hope you’re reading something wonderful! 💜

Christine Man, I was looking forward to this one, Lindsay, but with you and Diane S. not caring for it, it’s slipped down the list. I may eventually give it a shot, but not as a NG pick.

message 42: by Kaceey (new)

Kaceey Sorry this one didn’t work for you Lindsay! It’s hard when you can’t conn to the characters! Hope you are loving your current read!💜

Lindsay L Christine - I don’t want to discourage you because so many of us loved it . It seems I simply don’t connect with this author. Did you read The Alice Network? If you liked that one, you will probably enjoy this. Hope you love it if you do read it! 💗

Lindsay L Thanks so much Kaceey!!! 💗💙💗💙

message 45: by Heidi (new)

Heidi I'm glad I gave this one a miss, even though I was so tempted! But I had the same issues with The Alice Network, so decided that the author's style is not for me. Your review has just confirmed that for me and probably saved me from a DNF!

message 46: by Jess☺️ (new)

Jess☺️ May your next be fabulous 😘

Lindsay L Heidi - sounds like we both don’t connect with this author which is too bad. Hate to discourage you from a book, but sounds like you might have had the same reaction as me. Hope you’re reading something wonderful now! 💗

Thanks so much Jess!! 💜

message 48: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Fantastic review, Lindsay. Hope you're reading something wonderful now! 📚❤️️

Lindsay L Thanks Kathleen! 💗💜

Areta Bohacz may I have this coming in the mail. I hope I end up liking it more than you did.

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