Kay's Blushing Book Reviews's Reviews > The Right Side of Forever

The Right Side of Forever by Meghan Quinn
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it was amazing
bookshelves: second-chance-romance


The Left Side of Perfect & The Right Side of Forever Duet by Meghan Quinn
GENRE: Second-chance romance/Military Romance

Do you believe that certain people enter our lives at the time we need them the most? Whether it be for good or bad and whether we notice it for what is at the time or not till way after, that those people are there to help us get to where we need to be, they shape us into the people we need to become?
Some serve their purpose and then leave us, others stay on the sidelines long after and continue the journey with you.

This is that story. It follows Colby and Ryan's journey in finding their right side of forever.

” It’s easy to fall in love: to be infatuated with another person, but what makes a love last a lifetime is the foundation it’s built from.”


This is a hard one to review, not because it’s bad, well obviously not because I gave it 4.5 stars but it’s one of those books that you have to read for yourself, take the journey with Colby and Ryan to really experience every emotion. Sit on the edge of your seat suspense and bite your nails in angst, taste all the tears, feel or the heart-warming and tear jerking moments. Share their moments of clarity and self-growth in not only finding love, but finding peace and acceptance within themselves.

Colby stole my heart, can I please duplicate him and keep one for myself ? Dirty talker, check! Man in uniform, check! sweet, caring and unbelievably good in the sack! Check, check, check! God Meghan you have ruined all other men for me now!

The story is so rich in character development, both Colby and Ryan had some real issues to overcome and we watched them grow throughout the story and work through these issues which are real and relevant in today's society. Mental health awareness is a big one and learning to love yourself and feel comfortable in your own skin, which I am certain most woman can relate to. We are given this image of a perfect woman and it’s impossible to live up to that kind of perfection. I love the “left side of perfect” connotation and I won’t go into explaining it all as it will be too much of a spoiler, but it was a fitting and beautiful way to look at subject. It really touched me.

Clear your schedule before starting this duet as I was not able to put them down. I loved the story, loved the characters, loved the writing and loved, loved ,loved the HEA ending!

“The journey was a son of a bitch, but the end result was worth it.”


So why the 4.5 stars and not 5?

Did someone say drama? I felt like I was reading an episode script from Days of our lives or Beverly Hills 90210 ! He knew her because she dated him and they are best friends who used to be engaged yarda yarda yarda ! Lol, no seriously though, I have to be honest I did struggle with the in-depth intimate details the author went into with Colby and Ryan’s relationships with other people. I felt it was not necessary to go there, yes they were in other relationships but there was no relevance to sharing those very intimate scenes. That’s just my opinion though I don’t like to read about my heroes or heroines in a Romance novel getting it on with anyone other than each other hence why it lost half a star but no biggie and this won't bother most people.

I kindly received and ARC Copy in exchange for my honest review

MY RATINGS: (All ratings are out of 5)
OVERALL: 4.5 Blushing Stars.

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Reading Progress

August 26, 2018 – Shelved
August 29, 2018 – Started Reading
August 29, 2018 – Shelved as: second-chance-romance
August 29, 2018 – Finished Reading

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~Merrideth Hawk ~Filthy Fahrenheit Book Blog~ 💕Fabulous review!💕

Kay's Blushing Book Reviews ~Merrideth Hawk wrote: "💕Fabulous review!💕"
Thanks Merrideth , this is definitely one for your TBR Shelf!

message 3: by KAS (new) - rated it 4 stars

KAS Wonderful review, Kay ;) I have yet to read this author, and this sounds like a great one to start with! Glad you loved! xox

Carlene Inspired Fantastic review, Kay. xx

Kay's Blushing Book Reviews Carlene Inspired wrote: "Fantastic review, Kay. xx"
Thanks Carlene , are you planning on reading this one?

message 6: by Kay's (last edited Aug 29, 2018 02:59PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kay's Blushing Book Reviews KAS wrote: "Wonderful review, Kay ;) I have yet to read this author, and this sounds like a great one to start with! Glad you loved! xox"Thanks KAS, My first reads from this author as well she has another one called The upside to falling (the blue line duet ) which is a two book series that includes Colby & Ryan as a secondary characters (the main heroine & heroine in the left side of perfect and the right side of forever) I have not read this but have read good reviews about it.
Maybe take a look and see which duet you want to start with first if your interested in this author The Upside of Falling

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