NZLisaM's Reviews > A Noise Downstairs

A Noise Downstairs by Linwood Barclay
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it was amazing
bookshelves: crime, suspense, mystery, gothic-horror, thriller

Paul Davis and the Case of the Haunted Typewriter!

It’s been eight months since Paul was attacked, and left for dead, after inadvertently stumbling across a fellow professor attempting to dispose of two bodies. Plagued by recurring nightmares, and lapses in memory, as well as struggling to process how a person who’d been both mentor and friend to him could murder two women, Paul decides to write down everything relating to the murders, both to try and come to terms with it all, and facilitate his own recovery.

He uses an old manual typewriter (if you don’t know what that is, don’t worry Paul will explain it to you, along with his son), that his wife found at a yard sale, and almost immediately spooky things start to happen. First, Paul thinks he hears the typewriter keys tapping away at night on their own, and pretty soon he’s finding typed messages that appear to be written by the two dead women. Is he going crazy? Is someone trying to make him look like he’s crazy? Or, is he actually receiving communication from beyond the grave?

An enjoyable, entertaining read, that had me zipping through the pages, even though it bothered me that the person behind everything seemed really obvious, suspicious, and unlikeable from page one. I prayed I had it wrong – kept thinking that there must be more to it, and I am happy to report that – yes, yes, yes – there is. So, if you find yourself in the same camp as me, and you think you’ve guessed correctly, don’t panic, that’s only the beginning. In fact, I don’t think the author ever intended that bit to be a twist. Of course, if you don’t guess who, consider it a bonus! The last third of the book, sees surprise after surprise after surprise thrown at you. I mark it at 4.5, as it did drag in places, but that last 30% was mind-blowing, so I implore you to stick with it.

I got a kick out of the descriptions of the typewriter, how it worked, etc, because even though I’m old enough to not only remember one, but also first learned to type on one, I had almost forgotten how it all worked, so that was a nostalgic trip down memory lane for me.

Linwood Barclay, you continue to impress!
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Reading Progress

June 22, 2018 – Shelved
June 22, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
July 20, 2018 – Started Reading
July 21, 2018 –
page 22
July 21, 2018 –
page 56
July 22, 2018 –
page 136
July 22, 2018 –
page 185
July 23, 2018 – Shelved as: crime
July 23, 2018 – Shelved as: suspense
July 23, 2018 – Shelved as: mystery
July 23, 2018 – Shelved as: gothic-horror
July 23, 2018 – Finished Reading
September 10, 2022 – Shelved as: thriller

Comments Showing 1-27 of 27 (27 new)

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message 1: by Miriam (new)

Miriam Smith (A Mother’s Musings) Smashing review Lisa 😊

NZLisaM Miriam wrote: "Smashing review Lisa 😊"

Thanks a million, Miriam. 😊

Leslie - MamaNeedsABook Great review! I loved this book, too!

NZLisaM Leslie wrote: "Great review! I loved this book, too!"

Thanks, Leslie. Some clever twists, that's for sure.

message 5: by Jaline (new) - added it

Jaline Super review, Lisa! I have this one on my wishlist! :)

NZLisaM Thank you, Jaline. Definitely one to read.

Jayme I’ve never read a book by this author but that’s going to change after reading your fantastic review! And, I am old enough to have had a typing class in high school! 😂

NZLisaM Jayme wrote: "I’ve never read a book by this author but that’s going to change after reading your fantastic review! And, I am old enough to have had a typing class in high school! 😂"

Thanks so much. His books are excellent. My top faves are 'Trust Your Eyes' and 'No Time For Goodbye', but 'A Noise Downstairs' was almost as good, as was 'Close to Home'. I tend to whack the keyboard keys much harder than necessary, due to the old manual and electronic typewriters.

message 9: by Christine (new)

Christine Great review!

message 10: by Deanna (new)

Deanna Another great review!!

NZLisaM Christine wrote: "Great review!"

Thanks, Christine! 😊

NZLisaM Deanna wrote: "Another great review!!"

Thank you, Deanna. ☺

NZLisaM Nicola wrote: "Great review Lisa! I remember really liking ‘ No time for Goodbye’ when I read it . 😊"

Thanks. 😊 I love 'No Time for Goodbye' - on my favourites list.

message 14: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Great review!

NZLisaM Lisa wrote: "Great review!"

Thank you, Lisa. 😊

Mary  Carrasco Excellent review! I'm going to add this one to my want list.

NZLisaM Mary wrote: "Excellent review! I'm going to add this one to my want list."

Awesome! Hope you enjoy it as much as me. ☺

message 18: by Selena (new) - added it

Selena Fantastic review!

NZLisaM Selena wrote: "Fantastic review!"

Thanks so much. ☺

Holly  B (slower pace!) I need to move this one up Lisa!

message 21: by Michelle (new) - added it

Michelle Great review, Lisa! :) I'm currently on my libraries wait list for this one. It sounds so good!

NZLisaM Holly wrote: "I need to move this one up Lisa!"

I recommend you do. 😆

NZLisaM Michelle wrote: "Great review, Lisa! :) I'm currently on my libraries wait list for this one. It sounds so good!"

I'm on quite a few of those myself. 😊 Hope you don't have to wait long!

Carol She's So Novel꧁꧂ Many years ago, watching Weekend at Bernie's on TV, I felt a million years old when my daughter asked, "What is that?" & it was a typewriter!

NZLisaM Carol ꧁꧂ wrote: "Many years ago, watching Weekend at Bernie's on TV, I felt a million years old when my daughter asked, "What is that?" & it was a typewriter!"

Hee, hee, I love 'Weekend at Bernie's' 😊

Jayme Glad you put this one on my radar, Lisa! I enjoyed it and just bought 2 more by him!

NZLisaM Jayme wrote: "Glad you put this one on my radar, Lisa! I enjoyed it and just bought 2 more by him!"

Oh, awesome. 😊 Will check out your review. Which two did you end up buying?

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