Haley's Reviews > An Absolutely Remarkable Thing

An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green
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So I am giving this four stars for now, even though it is possible it is a 3/3.5-star book. I really loved everything it had to say and the way in which it said it, and I thought it was a highly original and well-written story, but I was confused and unimpressed by the ending. (That being said, given the premise of the book, I would like to point out the irony of this being easily my most-liked review ever.)

What I did love about this story was its focus on fame and the way sudden celebrity—especially internet celebrity—affects a person. April May becomes more brand and spokeswoman than human for much of this book, and because she's the narrator, looking back on past events with new clarity and self-realization, her downward spiral is very clear and honestly understandable. I could totally understand why she made the decisions she did, why so many people hanging onto her every word would be heady, how she couldn't find it in her to stop. And I liked that, looking back, she knew that it should have been obvious she was being destructive and foolish, but how, in the moment, her choices fit her state of mind.

I wish we had seen more of Maya, and more of Maya, Andy, and April all together as friends, but I liked the clearly defined characteristics of each person in the story. I thought these were strong characters, with original views, personalities, and voices, and I liked the way they worked together through the problems of the Carls.

And while the message of the book was a blatant one, at times, it's perfect for the time. Not only that fame changes you, not necessarily for the better; not only how even good people can mistake fame as an opportunity to speak for your entire system of beliefs, and, along the way, lose your personhood; but how we're stronger together than apart. This book was very focused on bringing people together across the globe; April realizes time and time again that working through a problem alone never solves it. It's through endless, global collaboration that we make strides—or even a small collaboration between friends who have different ways of thinking.

But the ending. WHAT.

(view spoiler)

I could have lived without a full conclusion for the Carls. I needed a conclusion for April.

Overall, I love the way this book is laid out. I love how modern it is, and how it's more focused on the big picture and hindsight than characters (even though I am traditionally a huge fan of character-driven stories). I love the originality. I couldn't put it down. I just wanted a few more chapters.

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September 20, 2017 – Shelved
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September 27, 2018 – Started Reading
September 29, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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Carver Bain I mean... there are going to be sequels. The ending was clearly setting up the rest of the series.

Scott Lynch The one thing I want to point out about the ending, including not knowing why April is special, is a very classic sci fi move. Where I’ve seen it used elsewhere it always feels like a call to determine for yourself why the thing is the way it is. It felt this way for me as well. For example, April is special. Carl has confirmed that. That being said, I don’t think it’s important why she’s special. In fact, I think it would diminish the story if we knew why because this book isn’t about April and how special April is. It’s about how April, and broadly speaking people in general, respond to sudden fame. Often people who find themselves in that situation aren’t special beyond the fact that they caught something crazy at film or maybe know how to play guitar and care enough about Harry Potter to write a song about the upcoming book. There isn’t anything universe-bendingly special about these people and that’s the whole point.

Just my take, but I definitely appreciate your perspective. Also hard agree that seeing more of April, Maya, and Andy pre-Carl would’ve helped us see just how much this situation has changed their dynamic and would help us know them all better as individuals.

Haley Carver wrote: "I mean... there are going to be sequels. The ending was clearly setting up the rest of the series."

Will there be multiple books? I actually assumed that because it ended the way it did, purposefully not clearing up some of the whys of the book, that this was a standalone. In addition to the fact that this story was told through such a lens of fame and its consequences, and that can't necessarily be carried through a sequel.

I would love to read more, though!

Haley Scott wrote: "The one thing I want to point out about the ending, including not knowing why April is special, is a very classic sci fi move. Where I’ve seen it used elsewhere it always feels like a call to deter..."

I totally appreciate your point: As a literary technique, I can certainly understand the ending, and I agree that it's deftly done; You're right; the goal of the book was the focus on sudden celebrity, and clearing up the purpose of the Carls and their connection with April doesn't directly fulfill that goal. It was just jarring as a reader to have so few of my questions answered, because it was made clear that there was something important and purposeful and more going on—and in fact, that there might be a universe-bending reason April was picked by the Carls—but as soon as that was confirmed, the story ended.

I'm glad you mentioned it! The book is so new that I've been dying to see what other people have thought.

Dania Usman Hank did say in the new vlogbrothers video that there'll be a book 2.

Haley Dania wrote: "Hank did say in the new vlogbrothers video that there'll be a book 2."

Ooh, interesting! I definitely was not expecting one. Thank you!

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

Hank is currently working on the next book. I believe he started writing it before AART was completely finished

Johanna I wonder if leaving us without a full understanding of why April was special and whether she was back or how or what have you was another layer of commentary on famous people being "worshipped" by their audience. There was a point in the novel when the way people treated April increased and it got to the point where April felt she owed her fans everything about herself to the point where she literally kept filming even when she thought she was going to die. And as readers, we're needing to know the one thing that April chose not to share with us, what happened to her after her last Dream with Carl.

April Thank you for your review's spoiler, Haley. You've saved me from spending any more time with foolish April May.

I've listened to 75% of the audiobook, trying to make it to its conclusion, but now I know from you that "There's no conclusion to this book."

I wouldn't have started this if I'd known it might be the first in a series. I made that mistake with Dean Koontz's "The Silent Corner" and got caught up in a series much more violent than my usual reading. But I admire Jane Hawk; April May annoys me.

Thanks to you, Haley, I can leave April May with her knife wound in the hospital and start Jane Hawk #4, "The Forbidden Door."

Shila Dania Usman, which video did he say he was writing a sequel in? I didn't see anything in the last 2 videos.

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

I don't think he's mentioned it in a video specifically. I don't remember on what social media he's talked about it. Probably twitter. He mentioned how he was changing some of AART because he had started on the sequel and wanted them to fit together better

Maddy In terms of the abrupt ending without any resolution, I thought that it was interesting how she only came back once she was out of the news cycles, as if the Carls weren’t going to just put her back into the spotlight and let her continue on her plight for fame. The fact that we are directly told she is no longer in any headlines, that people have stopped talking about her, is definitely notable.

Still have a ton of unanswered questions, but I also think that part of this is stemming from what John Green always says: “Books belong to their readers.” It might only be until the sequel comes out, but it’s open ended so that we can try and solve the mystery ourselves. Still unsatisfying, but that’s just my two cents.

Haley Johanna wrote: "I wonder if leaving us without a full understanding of why April was special and whether she was back or how or what have you was another layer of commentary on famous people being "worshipped" by ..."

I love you point that us not knowing exactly what happened next with April and the Carls was a conscious choice of April's — finally deciding that her fans don't need to know everything that goes on, and that she doesn't owe the world her secrets. Especially with having Andy write the last chapter instead, so she didn't have to relive what went on.

I also think that goes hand-in-hand with Maddy's point:

Maddy wrote: "In terms of the abrupt ending without any resolution, I thought that it was interesting how she only came back once she was out of the news cycles, as if the Carls weren’t going to just put her bac..."

In terms of her stepping back from fame and choosing not to make herself part of the news cycle again. Now that she's out, she stays out by staying away until the media moves on.

I love hearing the thoughts, and am still trying to better understand the ending. So thank you!

Kaydance Alizzabeth He has said that it is not the end of the story, there is a sequel being made.

message 15: by Iz (new) - rated it 4 stars

Iz Yes, I agree the ending was way too unresolved but I figured it was due to a sequel being in the works. I’m glad but also worried. Please don’t ruin this one, Mr. Green!!

Brenda I also really want to know this: WHY GRAPE JELLY??

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