Mizuki's Reviews > ブラッククローバー 1 [Black Clover 1]

ブラッククローバー 1 [Black Clover 1] by Yūki Tabata
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: chinese-translation, manga, great

Black Clover vol. 1 is a promising start of a new fantasy adventure boy's manga series!

I admit the story has pretty much your typical boy's manga setting:

In a world (based mostly on the 18th or 19th century Europe) where everyone possesses magical talents to different degrees and the strongest mages are given knighthood to defend their kingdom, two orphaned boys from the outskirt village vow to join the rank of knights and eventually become the legendary Magic King.

The orphaned boys are friends--the MC is the short, blond-haired and energetic/hyper active/sunny type, and his best friend is the taller, dark haired, thoughtful and silent type, both of them have gone to magical training with different mages/knights to develop their potential, although it turns out (view spoiler), many challenges awaited them.

The setting is nothing new, but I adore the fine artwork and the story is exercised in a fast-paced, humorous way, the outstanding supporting characters--especially the group of 'the most violent and unlawful knights in the kingdom', the members are so well designed and they are so much fun---add color to the story and the MC's adventures are always engaging so far, I can't wait for the next volume!
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Reading Progress

February 13, 2016 – Started Reading
February 13, 2016 – Shelved
February 13, 2016 –
page 1
0.52% "starting Black Clover, a fantasy adventure boy's manga with mages and magic!"
February 13, 2016 –
page 10
5.21% "Two orphans from a poor village want to be mages and eventually become The Magic King?"
February 13, 2016 –
page 26
13.54% "Like the artwork! It's nice in the standard of boy's manga!"
February 13, 2016 –
page 40
20.83% "But there's no problem, the MC is a 15 years old boy without any magic in a kingdom where everyone has magic!"
February 13, 2016 –
page 68
35.42% "The MC's power manifests itself."
February 13, 2016 –
page 103
53.65% "the crew of the most dangerous and unlawful knights in the kingdom is so much fun!"
February 13, 2016 –
page 192
100.0% "I'm very interested to see how the MC and his power will develop!"
February 14, 2016 – Shelved as: chinese-translation
February 14, 2016 – Shelved as: manga
February 14, 2016 – Shelved as: great
February 14, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by Mohammed (new) - added it

Mohammed Ali Black clover I do follow the episode but it like the manga is written in Japanese? Plz is their any English language version

Mizuki Mohammed wrote: "Black clover I do follow the episode but it like the manga is written in Japanese? Plz is their any English language version"

with this series's popularity, I'm sure there will be an English translation somewhere.

Dude it is great but

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