Arah-Lynda's Reviews > A Suitable Boy

A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth
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I finished Vikram Seth’s tome A Suitable Boy this Sunday morning while enjoying my coffee and a white chocolate, coconut Christmas cookie that my daughter had baked just last night. All right, all right, I confess it was actually two white chocolate, coconut Christmas cookies. But who can blame me really. They were so good. Not too sweet, she had gone ahead and reduced the suggested amount of sugar, resulting in a perfect blend of sweet with just a hint of salt and a nice moist and chewy texture. And just the right size, one is not enough but two, hmmmmmm just right. Yum yum.

I wish I could say that this book also displayed just the right balance. Set in the early 1950’s in a newly independent India, A Suitable Boy focuses on the lives of four large families, connected by marriage or friendship, though most notably that of Lata Mehra, whose mother Mrs. Rupa Mehra, is intent on conducting an agonizing (hers) search, that pulls in all members of her immediate and extended family, to find a suitable husband for Lata.

The story immerses you into the daily details of these families’ lives and indeed of India at that time and place. No stone is left unturned and no player too insignificant to escape the authors unquestionable skill in drawing rich characterizations and beautifully imagined settings. Through these people the reader is swept into a multiethnic society during an unsettling time of religious fervour and political unrest. It is all here: love, beauty, squalor, hatred, the caste system, prejudice, appalling violence and heart stopping tenderness.

For me however there was just way too much detail. I really did not need to dive so deeply into the political manoeuvrings involved in passing a bill or the entire history of their philosophic or cultural rituals. There was so much detail, so deeply layered into the story that it detracted from, rather than enhanced my enjoyment of it. I found myself remembering John Galt’s speech way too often. I mean there is such a thing as too much icing on what is an already delicious cinnamon bun.

It is unfortunate, I believe that the editors did not cut some of that detail away, allowing the story to blossom in its own right as my daughter did with the sugar in her cookie recipe.

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Reading Progress

November 29, 2015 – Started Reading
November 30, 2015 – Shelved
December 20, 2015 – Shelved as: i-said
December 20, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by Ivonne (new)

Ivonne Rovira Delicious review. Pardon the pun.

message 2: by Richard (new)

Richard Derus ^^^What she said.

Arah-Lynda Ivonne wrote: "Delicious review. Pardon the pun."

Ha, ha, thanks Ivonne.

Arah-Lynda Richard Reviles Censorship wrote: "^^^What she said."

Why thank you kind sir.

message 5: by Zoeytron (new)

Zoeytron A fine review, Arah-Lynda.

Arah-Lynda Zoeytron wrote: "A fine review, Arah-Lynda."

Thank you Zoeytron. Best wishes for the holiday season.

message 7: by Mike (new) - added it

Mike Sounds like a case of overindulgence....and not the cookie-eating kind!!

I've had this one highly recommended to me and I usually don't mind an extravagance of detail but this is a monster of a book that I have on my shelves at the moment.

One of these fine days I shall delve into it but I'll keep your thoughts in mind. Nice review, Arah-Lynda.

Arah-Lynda Mike wrote: "Sounds like a case of overindulgence....and not the cookie-eating kind!!

I've had this one highly recommended to me and I usually don't mind an extravagance of detail but this is a monster of a bo..."

Hi Mike. You know I don't typically mind detail but there is such a thing as too much and on this one I hit the wall. Still there are others that absolutely adore this book, so please keep an open mind. I hope you get to it and enjoy it.

message 9: by Mona (new) - added it

Mona Sweet review..sounds like the book needed a better editor. Too bad, it obviously had potentialn

Arah-Lynda Mona wrote: "Sweet review..sounds like the book needed a better editor. Too bad, it obviously had potentialn"

So much more than potential Mona, the man is a damn fine writer. But too much is still too much. Thanks.

message 11: by Esil (new)

Esil Great review Arah-Lynda. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this one more.

message 12: by Lynda (new) - added it

Lynda Great review, Arah-Lynda. You might like to try 'A Fine Balance' by Rohinton Mistry. I guarantee it will satisfy your appetite.

BTW- any cookies left? I'm feeling kinda peckish!

Arah-Lynda Esil wrote: "Great review Arah-Lynda. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this one more."

Thanks Esil and I too am sorry. It started out so strong and in truth, the writing remained strong. Sadly it got bogged down with information overload. At least for me.

Arah-Lynda Lynda wrote: "Great review, Arah-Lynda. You might like to try 'A Fine Balance' by Rohinton Mistry. I guarantee it will satisfy your appetite.

BTW- any cookies left? I'm feeling kinda peckish! "

Thanks Lynda. Long time no chat. You are quite right about A Fine Balance. I have read it and was indeed very satisfied. Wish I could help out your peckishness but home made cookies do not last long around here.

message 15: by Lynda (new) - added it

Lynda Yeah, have missed those chats. I haven't been around much on GR this year. Moved from Dubai to New Zealand so things have been hectic. Hopefully I'll get back into the swing of things again in the new year.

Until then, have a wonderful xmas and a happy and safe new year. See you in 2016!

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

Congratulations on finishing this behemouth. This has sit patiently upon my shelf for many years because I have been intimidated by its length. I had hoped to read it this year, perhaps a chapter a day, which would still take all year. I had already taken it down in contemplation of a read so your review was very timely.

Arah-Lynda Steve wrote: "Congratulations on finishing this behemouth. This has sit patiently upon my shelf for many years because I have been intimidated by its length. I had hoped to read it this year, perhaps a chapter a..."

Thanks Steve. I like that idea of a chapter a day. Perhaps if I had employed that method the detail would not have weighed so heavily on my reading experience. Shelve your intimidation my friend and read on. I will watch for your thoughts when you do.

message 18: by Emily (new) - added it

Emily Brown The more details, the better! Check out Cao Xueqin's Story of the Stone (Hawkes/Minford trans). Hong lou meng, a classic about China in the 1700s

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