The Best Fantasy Books
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message 1:
Mar 11, 2010 01:56AM
My Prediction: When Game of Thrones comes out on HBO next year, it will shoot to the top of this list. Of course, that's meaningless because this list is meaningless. Stop reading books just because you saw a cool movie based on them.
These lists can be useful for suggesting things to read, once one mentally adjusts for media exposure and flavor-of-the-month effects.
John wrote: "I just don't understand how Harry Potter can be up there..."
A whole lot of people have read them. The Harry Potter books are among a tiny elite in sales; they are some of the best selling books of all time. Even people who have never before read fantastic fiction have read them. Therefore, many more people can potentially list Harry Potter than can list, say, American Gods even though American Gods is doubtless more highly regarded among persons who have read a great deal of fantasy.
A whole lot of people have read them. The Harry Potter books are among a tiny elite in sales; they are some of the best selling books of all time. Even people who have never before read fantastic fiction have read them. Therefore, many more people can potentially list Harry Potter than can list, say, American Gods even though American Gods is doubtless more highly regarded among persons who have read a great deal of fantasy.
Xenophon wrote: "John wrote: "I just don't understand how Harry Potter can be up there..."
A whole lot of people have read them. The Harry Potter books are among a tiny elite in sales; they are some of the best se..."
Yeah that's true. Although it makes me kinda sad to know that while Harry Potter is on all the bestsellers with its many movies there are better books out there not getting nearly as much press.
American Gods was good...I think Neil Gaimens best...
A whole lot of people have read them. The Harry Potter books are among a tiny elite in sales; they are some of the best se..."
Yeah that's true. Although it makes me kinda sad to know that while Harry Potter is on all the bestsellers with its many movies there are better books out there not getting nearly as much press.
American Gods was good...I think Neil Gaimens best...
Xenophon wrote: A whole lot of people have read them. The Harry Potter books are among a tiny elite in sales."
Yeah that's true. Although it makes me kinda sad to know that while Harry Potter is on all the bestsellers with its many movies there are better books out there not getting nearly as much press.
American Gods was good...I think Neil Gaimans best...
Yeah that's true. Although it makes me kinda sad to know that while Harry Potter is on all the bestsellers with its many movies there are better books out there not getting nearly as much press.
American Gods was good...I think Neil Gaimans best...
There are multiple versions (editions) of the Lord of the Rings on the list. That tends to knock it down as the votes are split.
Taste Shannon, taste. We all disagree, and on some of these "Best Of", "Worst Of" lists people get quite...vitriolic over their favorites being "dissed".
Personally I liked the first couple of the Sword of Truth books but then (this is my opinion of course) Goodkind got so caught up in lecturing about his ideology that he ruined the entire series. I thought the last couple awful with the final installment being worse than awful.
You apparently feel otherwise. To each their own as they say.
Personally I liked the first couple of the Sword of Truth books but then (this is my opinion of course) Goodkind got so caught up in lecturing about his ideology that he ruined the entire series. I thought the last couple awful with the final installment being worse than awful.
You apparently feel otherwise. To each their own as they say.
I guess that makes sense. I can see where others would be annoyed, so that is true. lol I share his ideology so I loved every second of it. I also wish people would put actual talent above content with some of these. I'm not naming names but there are one or two authors up there that are iffy talent wise.. lol Well.. at least I'm happy with #1! THAT is talent.
I don't completely disagree with Goodkind, but I don't completely agree either. Mostly I just got tired of the attitude that came out more and more as the series went. But I noted early on the list here that I'd always be surprised. The same books are on the best and the worst lists.
Just people. LOL
Just people. LOL
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