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Demon Accords #19

Lucky Son of a Gun

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Mack Sutton is a normal guy who just happens to attend a very abnormal school. In a college where the pretty girls can kill you with a whisper and most of the guys can bench press a car, Mack and his sister Jetta are just run of the mill people -- or are they? Formerly printed as a Kindle Vella, this is a novel of the Demon Accords that gives a glimpse into the lives of the only non-supernatural kids in College Arcane.

366 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 1, 2023

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About the author

John Conroe

34 books1,667 followers
I'm the Urban Fantasy author of the Demon Accords series. For more information, check out my website or follow me on Facebook at the Demon Accords page.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 69 reviews
Profile Image for William Howe.
1,653 reviews74 followers
December 12, 2023
it’s been too long

It’s been a while since I re-read the whole Demon Accord series. Took me a minute to place some of the events mentioned in the early part of the book.

Always a pleasure to read. The prose flows smoothly and really draws you into the story.

I look forward to more.

PS There is a single mention of a ‘Victoria’ in Chapter 30. I think it was supposed to be ‘Veronica’.
Profile Image for Jim Gutzwiller.
181 reviews3 followers
December 14, 2023
Lucky Son of a Gun

Whoa! Awesome! All the back story about Mack and Ronnie and Jetta , wonderful! I read the Vella and then bought the book! Loved it, want more!!
Thank you !
Profile Image for Gareth Otton.
Author 6 books118 followers
January 4, 2025
Lucky Son of a Gun was an interesting change of pace after the monumental events of Blood Cull. It was a story that focused on Mack Sutton, allowing us to see the repercussions of Blood Cull through the lens of a smaller and more intimate story.

In many ways this book reminded me of some of the earlier stories of the Demon Accords, delivering a slice of life style story but where the subject of that story just happens to live a fascinating supernatural life. There's a great balance of character study, relationships, fun, adventure and world building which adds up to deliver an easy reading story that is a joy to read.

However, as much as this was a smaller story in comparison to the other more recent main line novels in this series, it still touches on the larger plot points and themes of the series, making this a meaningful step forward for this series rather than the interlude to the main story it might otherwise have been.

Overall I really enjoyed this latest entry, and I look forward to the audiobook release so that I can add this to my bi-annual Demon Accords binge read.
Profile Image for Dave Stone.
1,275 reviews75 followers
June 29, 2024
Everything you'd look for in a John Conroe book

The POV of Demon Accords has shifted again from Chris Gordon to Declan O'Carroll, and now to Mack Sutton. (You remember. The "normal" guy who killed an entire werewolf pack with is sister and no super powers. Declan's college room mate) This book takes place mostly at College Arcane with side trips to follow up other on-going story threads, and a half dozen cameo appearances.
So the upshot of this change is that once again we pull back from the ordinary guy who became an intergalactic badass, to focus on an ordinary guy. ( who is becoming quite a badass, Uh oh!)
It worked last time with Declan O'Carroll, and it seems just as effective here for making a fun book about guns, guts, and girls. Can't forget the guns.
This has the same thrill ride feel and pacing as the early books about Chris, and then Declan.
Profile Image for Tawnya.
339 reviews25 followers
March 4, 2025
I have missed this series. I wish that we could get back to Chris and Tanya. Still, it was interesting to see how the lowly humans deal with problems. I do wish this was written in third person instead of first. By focusing everything from Mack’s perception we missed out on a lot. Seeing Jetta’s point of view would have been cool. I have a very large quibble with the book though. Mack says that he knows Jenks always gave Declan a hard time. Um nope. What Jenks did was torture. The guy should have been fired in that book. Ashling should have made his scrotum feel like a pressure ball fixing to pop two little marbles through his sack. He should have faced actual consequences (like jail time for abusing a minor) and he damn well should not have been teaching still. Mack was there and he just brushed it aside. Nope. I last read that book 5 years ago, and I am still ticked. Jenks is a worthless sado-masochistic troglodyte.

Anyway, aside from that the book had some cool parts. It needed more Awasos. Stacia’s story is up next. Hopefully that means we will get more of him.
Profile Image for Steven Allen.
1,175 reviews18 followers
January 12, 2024
I have enjoyed nearly all of the DA books. I keep waiting for this series to tank or slide into mediocrity, but so far the author has done a decent job of keeping this series interesting.

It is nice to see a see a series with such overpowered MCs take time to challenge the characters. I really like Declan and Stacia, but despise Caeco and hope that she does not reappear.

Lots of social commentary in this one, and it can get kinda thick in some spots. One thing I have to admit is that the author is usually spot on with his weapons. Unlike most authors who phone in the weapons, it appears this author takes the time to learn (or is familiar himself) weapons not to muff it up in his books.
Profile Image for Dana.
108 reviews5 followers
April 16, 2024
So I have the fortunate but at the same time unfortunate gift of being a speed reader when I find something interesting and don't have any distractions, loved it when I was in school and had time limits, but hate it when it's casual reading for entertainment purposes, and since it's a habit I haven't really been able to break it makes me facepalm when I realize I didn't relish each word. This becomes a big issue when it comes to having to wait for weekly chapters on something like Vella, because once I see it's released on my kindle app I become like a starving animal and read each chapter in 5 minutes or less, so I truly enjoyed this re-[listen]read because 1. I love the VA for this series and 2. I get 8+ hours of entertainment instead of the, if I'm lucky, 2 hours it takes reading the book myself. So this truly was something I was looking forward to even knowing I have read it twice on the Vella format.

I have trouble sticking with stories that don't have great characters, it can have the greatest world building, awesome action, perfect syntax etc. but if I don't connect with the MC or the side characters, all that goes down the drain. One thing that has always got me hooked on this series is that other than a few characters like Lydia and Gina, I truly like this entire cast, and Declan is one of my favorite MC's of all time. Add in the great friendships, non cringey romance, good action, doesn't give me the soap opera-esque anxiety some books push for to keep fans interested and just the right amount of slice of life to keep the characters feeling real even with their world ending powers, it's no wonder this is a series I keep coming back to and re-reading far too often.

The only issues I have had was that Conroe cut back on the slice of life that fleshes out the characters and relationships later on for more action, and I think he realized this and these Vellas are his answer to the fans. This book did what the start of the series pulled off well by interweaving the action and slice of life, but making it just as fun as the books have been since Declan joined the crew. Unfortunately my least favorite book happened to be the one that Mac took the main character role in (#12) and while that wasn't his fault, I enjoyed his POV, I just felt it was poorly timed and would have much rather seen Declan's journey into Faerie from his PoV. Luckily I think this was timed perfectly for Mac to take center stage for a book and I look forward to anything Conroe adds later on involving him and Veronica.

I am really glad that Conroe scrapped what I think most fans thought would be the endgame girl for Mac early on, Ashley, for the new witch in town Veronica. Ashley was one of the side characters that we're supposed to like, but I could never muster up any positive feelings for her after College Arcane with how she treated Declan. Veronica was a fun character, she has a strong backbone, was able to throw some fun witty snark to Mac and wasn't afraid to show her like then love for Mac , which is obviously what Mac needed after his dealings with Lillith, it seemed like his trust in himself and the opposite sex had started to become an issue before Veronica swoops in to take our boy out of this rut. So it was fun seeing their chemistry blossom all while Mac is dealing with some of the fallout from his best friend becoming basically a god among men, while supporting him at the same time. The action didn't take up the whole book, so it made scenes where Mac was being chased for Jenks class more entertaining, and the scene with Declan being so fed up he lays the smack down on Russia more epic. The constant faceslapping this series does with the government is a bit of a guilty pleasure, sorry not sorry. The only things that made me side eye a bit was when they talked about Jetta still being 17 even though 10+ books have happened since her introduction, where she was also 17. This is a bit of an issue Conroe has with certain characters, like how Ginas kid is a toddler in book 2, but a few books later she's somehow a teenager at College Arcane. This isn't a huge issue, honestly it's a nitpick, but I wish he'd refence time a bite more so we can gauge these things better. The only other issue I have is that I don't understand why Mason Convoy is still part of Arcane, he's an obvious liability for the students, and he's extremely weak even for a male, so I find it weird Omega didn't talk Declan into putting his foot down and send the kid full of undeserving resentment toward him and who's in the governments pocket packing.

All in all, Lucky Son of a Gun shows me once again why this is my favorite series, all while doing it with someone who's not even one of the main characters, Mac Sutton, Declan's best friend and one "Lucky Son of a Gun". I'm now counting the days for when White Wolf get's released on Audible.
Profile Image for Steve Naylor.
2,191 reviews128 followers
April 18, 2024
Rating 4.0 stars

I wasn't really sure about this one. I don't know why. I love this author's writing. I didn't particularly like the last "side quest" book CAECO but even I can admit that even though it wasn't my favorite, it was still pretty good. Still, I was reluctant. There have been a few more of the stand alone/side quest/supporting character books coming out recently. There is the one with Levi, the one with Katrina and then this one. I wasn't sure I wanted to put the time and energy into this. I am not sure why I was so hesitant. Good writing is good writing. I guess I felt the world was getting over saturated, maybe? Not sure. Anyway, I liked this story. Mack is a strong character that deserves his own time in the spotlight while still being firmly entrenched in the side character role. This one worked better for me that the CAECO story. It made more sense that Declan was brought up often in this one as Mack was his best friend and one of the few people he could talk to without an agenda. In the CAECO book, whenever Declan was mentioned it made me a little confused. They had broken up years before, it almost seemed like the author was trying to force the connection. Anyway, in this one, Mack continues to deal with being one of the few non supernatural beings in an all supernatural school. He is still reeling a little from being a pawn to the demon and that has affected how he acts around women. He also has to come to the realization that being Declan's best friend comes with it's own responsibilities. Major powers in the world want access to Declan and he is a potential avenue of access. This isn't always a bad thing. Declan can't be everywhere, and having someone who he can trust help out can be useful. Overall a good addition to the Demon Accords universe.
Profile Image for David U..
146 reviews4 followers
April 2, 2024
This was a decent instalment in the demon accords franchise. It reads like a filler world-buildings episode mixed with an apology letter from the author to Mack (Declan’s best-friend) for the bullshit that occurred with Lilith in an earlier book. As far as story progression goes, there really wasn’t anything noteworthy that occurred. There was a running pun about Mack being lucky, he gets a new witch girlfriend and we get to see how the world adapts to the scarcity of essential goods and forced environmental awareness.

Essentially, if you like the demon accords franchise as a whole, and you’ve gotten this far in the book series, then you’ll most likely enjoy this book.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tony Hinde.
1,891 reviews61 followers
March 23, 2024
3.5 Stars

It's a testament to the quality of Conroe's writing that I was invested in this book from start to finish... despite there being almost no plot. Heck, there was no conflict until halfway through.

It was fun following Mack for this story. And lo, the author loved his creations so much that he bequeathed to each a novel of their own.

Many authors shy away from having to create a post-singularity/apocalypse world. It's a lot of work bridging two worlds with all the same characters. I think he's found a nice middle ground here. Life is still recognizable but only on the surface. There are lots of juicy changes to explore in future books.

Mack and Jetta's superpower is played subtly. I've seen other stories handle a high Luck stat as if it were a get-out-of-jail-free card... Deux ex Machina left right and center. Instead, we get the smallest nudge to probability, at just the right time, to avoid death by the narrowest of margins. No single event strains credulity, but when many escapades are laid out in sequence, then the pattern is clear. I like it.
571 reviews12 followers
December 16, 2023
Should have stopped

This series needs to stop just quit writing it, it's stale not worth reading just saying over and over how powerful everyone is. I liked that first 5 books but it should have ended their
Profile Image for Tammy Moldovan.
1,756 reviews18 followers
April 7, 2024
Mack’s story

This is the 19th book in the urban fantasy/sci-fi Demon Accord series. It is always fun and exciting to visit the world where Mack Sutton, Chris Gordon, Tanya Demidova, Declan O’Carroll and Stacia Reynolds live. Each book in the series continues to be engaging and the storylines continue to be fresh. This book is from Mack’s point of view. Mack and his sister Jetta are the only non-supernatural students at College Arcane. Despite being simply “human”, Mack has a lot of skills, incredible survivability “luck”, and also happens to be the best friend and former roommate of Declan. This book pick up after the last book where the Earth elemental got angry and Declan became Earth’s steward. The world and its people are still trying to adjust to the new normal. This book is not quite as heavy on the chastisement of human behavior as the last book was so the tone of this one feels more like the previous books in the series. The overarching storyline continues about the pending attacks/invasion from Vorsook against earth, the death of millions of earth’s inhabitants, the deal with hell, and the arc about public opinion of our heroes and the various supernatural powers. I love that Mack, smack in the inner circle of multiple super powerful beings, still struggles with life and emotions like a normal human which makes him a more relatable and likeable hero. Almost all of the characters from the other books are present in this book as well which gives the story more depth. The story includes what you’d expect from this genre - fighting, dangerous situations, end of the world scenarios, paranormal creatures, loyal friends and family, tragic back stories, mystical coincidences, snark, and laughs. I love this series. 4.5 stars.
107 reviews
December 24, 2024
I read this book in one day.

Mr. Conroe is apparently dedicating several of his recent books to the POV of some of the side characters in Declan's life. Not a bad way to write. Mono-vision can get tedious for some readers.

My only minor disappointment is the American Mainstream Mindset implied by the focus on Mac's love life. There is, baked into much of our indoctrination, the belief that a person (or character) is not a whole, mature person until they mate and settle down. So very much of our culture revolves around this quaint notion. It is a way to lock in, calm and invest rambunctious youth into a feeling of being part of a community. It also gives them skin in the game and leverage against them if they misbehave. :-)

In fact, there is a LOT of subtle social commentary at the micro and macro levels in this "light" fictional escapism. I may not be a fan of the morality play of good guys vs. bad people that all fiction seems to require writers to follow in formulaic fashion, but the book was still entertaining.

It is also worth noting that Mr. Conroe likely was personally impacted/influenced by the strain on society caused (increased?) by Covid-19 while writing his most recent story arc. Many critics/fans/readers railed at the political undertones within the last few books. Few seemed to appreciate the reflection of the very real world civil collapse of 2019 through 2023 that emotionally leaks through the fall of the book's fictional world. I, as you may have guessed, liked said leak through. Heh! :-)
Profile Image for Grant Barber.
59 reviews5 followers
January 1, 2024
Pretty good yarn

So, volume 19. God Touched, vol 1, 2010. The focus on other characters, their perspectives and histories, has been a hallmark of the series. Sure wish Aisling would get her unique time...good thick book. Mack is a great character; right or wrong, I always picture him as Joshua Jackson (Pacey from Dawson's Creek). After 14 yrs now, so much about characters, events spring to mind. However, I've lost the plot on several matters. What is the agreement with hell, and when did demons figure in? Who is Holly....werewolf I know.. but backstory? Scandanavian girl who'd been on a camping trip with family when bit and turned? Only quibble I really have here is--actually 3: Chris and Tanya's story hooked me...does the shift to Declan not have room for them other than the throw away mentions? What about their evolved 2 kids? 2nd, I really couldn't follow a lot of the magic even if described in detail. Example, the big portal at the end...created in a parking lot, manifesting in space? I figured the dangerous thing would come down to the parking lot and pass through. Finally, a wee bit of fast and loose with details....e.g. Given Omega's previous abilities and priorities I would not expect Declan to ever be without it as a bodyguard.
Profile Image for Denise Belt.
314 reviews1 follower
January 23, 2024
Mack Sutton and his sister Jetta attend a school for supernaturals and are the only two students who are considered normal or nonmagical, yet they are the luckiest people ever. Is it simply a case of luck or is it something more? Mack has been known as a player with the women but after a very bad experience where he was tricked by a demon, he hasn’t been dating anyone. Cue beautiful witch girl, Veronica. He’s not sure if he’s scared of her or just really into her but everyone else can see they are clearly into each other.

One of the things I really enjoyed about Conroe’s books is the underlying meanings. Often his books in some way reflect what’s going on in the real world or what could soon be happening in the real world, and I find it interesting to see his take on things. In this series I don’t think you can even have a favorite character because each book makes a character your favorite.
226 reviews
December 31, 2023
Just like from Vella was hoping for some Easter eggs

Still a very good read just as it was on Vella! Really nice the have the whole book rather than each chapter like Vella. Yes it is spending double but I don’t mind since it is still cheaper and less expensive than most other entertainment that has any cost. This book doesn’t even cost gas money or shoe tread to purchase if you already did the Vella. Sadly I am sure Amazon is making much more than John Conroe is off the price.
Still get to look forward to White Wolf on Vella and book 20! Hopefully will come out with another compendium on Rory - Declan friend and some of Chris’s buddies and neighbors from the first two books??? Definitely much more fertile ground to pull several short stories and side books from this series.
50 reviews
January 2, 2024
Too short

It was too shirt to make a goof story. It's not enough to make me want to re-read it again and again just for the adventure or the plot. Some of the story are just fillers to move the story along. I feel it almost like most of the chapters were written in summary form and then stitched together to try to make it into a novel. The author isn't think it through enough. It just went over tactics and skills of Mack, but then glossed over it by pointing out it was because he was lucky. Just by saying that, it covers the fact that the story itself was just like paper tissue, nothing substantial underneath. I like Mack, I just wished his story was as substantial as Declan's and not just the side kick.
Profile Image for Kevin.
1,636 reviews25 followers
October 20, 2024
Ah yes. Had to slip in a totally random interview *wink wink* while eating out.

The author has exhausted this series beyond recovery. He is now having us follow someone new (wouldn't be surprised if he becomes a regular main protagonist), so we can view what Declan is doing.

I probably shouldn't have picked this book up. This is tiring. The author always brings others from the series to drop cameos to try and keep your interest.

This was meh. I just want the series to end. The author is not even writing new series. He did two other series, but they all felt samey.

I also have a feeling that the author reads my comments about the interview fetish. If not, why is he making it so obvious recently?

2.5/5 Stars
Profile Image for Amyiw.
2,663 reviews65 followers
April 18, 2024
Really doesn't further the over arc but is a nice addition to the side characters this being Mack's story and how he is now at the school learning and teaching. Some things were pushed a bit far While reading I was like what, no, no really, and then yep. So wasn't buying it. Other than that I really liked being back in the series. I think I bumped it up because Mack is more a regular person and it is how he relates to the world around him and the everyday. This is why I came to he demon accords in the beginning. Mostly it is now the super heroes vs the uber villains hopped up on Vorsook tech. I rather like this side vision than the uber war books.
Profile Image for Goede.
201 reviews3 followers
December 19, 2023
Conroe is my favorite writer

Lucky Son of a Gun is the 19th book in the Demon Accords series, and the first one to focus on Mack Sutton, a human student at College Arcane.
The book is a fun and fast-paced adventure that explores a different side of the Demon Accords universe. The book has plenty of action, romance, humor, and twists that will keep the readers engaged and entertained.

Lucky Son of a Gun is a great addition to the Demon Accords series, and a must-read for fans of urban fantasy. Conroe gives Jim Butcher a run for his money. Still I like them both!

Profile Image for Kc.
451 reviews7 followers
January 12, 2024
I continue to enjoy this series and grab up new stories as soon as I know about them. Mack is a great character to continue this world as it brings us back to the day to day story with fantastical elements that this author excels at writing.

I admit that the explanation on the Mack runs got a little too deep for me. After the first few chapters, I skimmed those parts a bit more. This is mostly why I reviewed this as 4 instead of 5. It won’t be the first book of this series I will pick up to reread.
86 reviews
December 23, 2023
Excellent book
Nice to catch up with Mack and Jetta
This is a very good read
While I would like to read more of this books ie one a week I realised it’s hard to write great stories that don’t turn to crap after the first four or so good job mr conroe
Have you thought of cloning yourself at least four times to give us more books ( just a thought ) it’s hard to find a good series to read and enjoy with as many books as you have written so I wish you well and speedy fingers
Profile Image for Irizumi.
439 reviews2 followers
January 9, 2024
Great new book in the series

Every time I read a book in this series I am quickly reminded of why it is so great. Every character is well written and “feels” like a real fleshed out character. This book focuses on the Suttons especially Mac. And it is awesome. Love getting to know more of these characters and how they fit into the overall plot and arc of the series. Can’t wait for the next book in the series.
5 reviews
December 10, 2023
sucked into the John Conroe wormhole

Very nice addition to the series. Current world issues are part of the story. The reader isn’t sidetracked with them but it makes the reader ponder for a moment as the story moves forward. I started and finished it within 6 hours with several small interruptions
626 reviews3 followers
December 14, 2023
Lucky Son of a Gun

This is the continuing saga of Demon Accords. Stuff that happens from Mack's POV and, to a lesser extent, Jetta's.
To me, the whole book picks out and highlights all the good and bad of the human condition. John just adds in fun things like witches and weres. What an imagination! Love it!
3 reviews
December 16, 2023
Another great story from The Demon Accords

I have enjoyed all of the books by John Conroe, but The Demon Accords have so much diversity of characters that adds to the story. Book 19 does an excellent job of of blending past characters with new ones and I enjoyed it immensely , and highly recommend it.
175 reviews20 followers
December 18, 2023
I originally started reading this authors books because of his last name. I come from Conroe, Texas and when I saw his name I read the first book in the Demon Accords series and haven't looked back. I love this series and all of the others that he has written including the serialized vellas in Kindle that this books started as.
Can't wait for the audio format of this one.
Profile Image for SANDMAN.
139 reviews
December 19, 2023

Been craving a return to this world & the author does not disappoint. I’ve always liked Mack & Sister & it was nice to see it from his point of view.

Mr Conroe - you need to type quicker as we need more books in this series.

Don’t just jump in people & read this as your first book, you need to start at the start!

63 reviews
December 24, 2023
My favourite series ever

The Demon Accords is me favourite ever series and this book doesn't disappoint. John Conroe has created such a brilliant world filled with so many interesting characters that a story centered around what is normally a supporting character is still fantasticly engaging and entertaining. I look forward to the next book and hope this series never ends!
4 reviews
January 4, 2024
One of the most enjoyable Demon Accords books IMHO. While I expected a few chapters on Mack Sutton, this is a full book from Mack's view that falls in time after Blood Cull. Not only is it a solid and enjoyable plot line, John Conroe manages to at least include a cameo appearance by almost every major Demon Accords character.
A thoroughly fun and worthwhile read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 69 reviews

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