The Pantheon

I’ve always loved Greek and Roman mythology. ‘Innocence’ is a retelling of the myth of Persephone and Hades. ‘Awakening’ goes further, using the story of Orpheus and Euridice as a subplot, and introducing more of the re-imagined Pantheon. I held nothing sacred and pulled from Ovid, Hesiod, Shakespeare, Homer, and even the Bible (‘cause why not?). Some of the references are super oblique, but if you’re a nerd about this stuff like me, you’ll appreciate this abbreviated cheat sheet (the full one will be in the back of Awakening):

The Underworld:

Cora Vestian: Persephone, Proserpina. First name comes from Kore. Last name inspired by the Vestal Virgins.

Marcus Ubeli: Hades. Last name inspired by the chthonic god Eubuleus.

Sharo: Charon. Nicknamed The Undertaker.

The Shades: Marcus’ criminal army.

The Styx: a crime ridden area of New Olympus

Brutus: Cerberus.

The Chariot: Marcus’ private club where he conducts most of his business. Contains the office where he and Cora met.

Other characters in New Olympus:

Armand: Hermes. He has wing tattoos and owns a business called Metamorphoses, a reference to Ovid.

Maeve: Hectate, goddess of the Crossroads. She advises Cora.

Zeke Sturm: Zeus. The esteemed mayor of new Olympus. Last name (Storm) inspired by the lightning bolts Zeus used.

More characters coming in the rest of the trilogy...

Innocence (a Dark Mafia Romance) by Lee Savino
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Published on June 06, 2019 11:27
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message 1: by Rhonda (new)

Rhonda Hicks Good grief, I can't wait for the rest of this one. It's spectacular!!

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