Winna Efendi

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Winna Efendi

Goodreads Author

in Jakarta, Indonesia
January 06, 1986




Sarah Dessen, Sophie Kinsella, Roald Dahl, childhood memories, friends ...more

Member Since
July 2007


A woman with passion in both reading and writing and has written a few books in both English and Indonesian. Used to work as a freelance reporter for an in-house magazine and a fashion journalist/contributor in, an Indonesian fashion community.

Some fictions have been published online and in a number of magazines. Her published novels are: Kenangan Abu-Abu (February 2008), Ai (February 2009), Refrain (September 2009), Glam Girls Unbelievable (December 2009), Remember When (March 2011), Unforgettable (January 2012), Truth or Dare (Gagas Duet May 2012), Melbourne: Rewind (2013), SCHOOL Tomodachi (2014), Happily Ever After (2014), Girl Meets Boy (2015). Winna's non-fiction book is Draf 1: Taktik Menulis Fiksi Pertamamu (Se

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Winna Efendi Dengan banyak membaca dan berlatih menulis.

Membaca dapat membantu kita menelaah cara dan gaya menulis orang lain, dan mempelajari keluwesan bahasa mer…more
Dengan banyak membaca dan berlatih menulis.

Membaca dapat membantu kita menelaah cara dan gaya menulis orang lain, dan mempelajari keluwesan bahasa mereka. Sedangkan berlatih menulis akan mengasah kemampuan kita sendiri untuk menulis dengan lebih baik lagi.(less)
Winna Efendi Sudah ada satu naskah lagi yang sedang diproses Gagas Media, jadwal dari penerbit kemungkinan September 2014 :) ditunggu ya.

Genrenya remaja, dan judul…more
Sudah ada satu naskah lagi yang sedang diproses Gagas Media, jadwal dari penerbit kemungkinan September 2014 :) ditunggu ya.

Genrenya remaja, dan judul tentatif Happily Ever After.(less)
Average rating: 3.84 · 28,160 ratings · 3,065 reviews · 17 distinct worksSimilar authors

3.87 avg rating — 7,016 ratings — published 2009 — 2 editions
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3.84 avg rating — 5,580 ratings — published 2008 — 3 editions
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Ai: Cinta Tak Pernah Lelah ...

3.77 avg rating — 2,973 ratings — published 2009 — 2 editions
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Melbourne: Rewind

3.86 avg rating — 2,705 ratings — published 2013
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Truth or Dare

3.69 avg rating — 1,541 ratings — published 2012
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3.62 avg rating — 1,434 ratings — published 2012 — 3 editions
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Happily Ever After

4.05 avg rating — 1,077 ratings — published 2014
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Tomodachi (SCHOOL, #2)

4.10 avg rating — 921 ratings — published 2014
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3.68 avg rating — 648 ratings — published 2009
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Some Kind of Wonderful

3.87 avg rating — 576 ratings — published 2017
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Wish You Were Here
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A Crane Among Wolves
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Night Road
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Wish You Were Here by Renee Carlino
Wish You Were Here
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Night Road by Kristin Hannah
Night Road
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Quotes by Winna Efendi  (?)
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“Tidak ada persahabatan yg sempurna di dunia ini. yang ada hanya orang-orang yang berusaha sebisa mungkin untuk mempertahankannya.”
Winna Efendi, Refrain

“kenapa masih sulit melupakan walaupun sudah terlukai? -Moses”
Winna Efendi, Remember When

“You can meet someone who’s just right, but he might not be meant for you. You break up, you lose things, you never feel the same again. But maybe you should stop questioning why. Maybe you should just accept it and move on.”
Winna Efendi, Melbourne: Rewind



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“Duduk sendirian dibawah sinar lampu,
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Bercakap-cakap secara akrab dengan manusia dari generasi yang tak tampak.
Sungguh suatu kenikmatan yang tak bertara”
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“He's like a drug for you, Bella.”
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Comments (showing 1-43)    post a comment »
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message 43: by Herma

Herma thx udah di approve :)

message 42: by Winna

Winna Lengkapnya ada di Draf 1 :)

message 41: by Fathiya

Fathiya kak ajarin aku dong gimana caranya biar bisa nulis yang bagus dan ngga gampang bosennn :((

message 40: by Winna

Winna Sama2 :) thanks for adding.

message 39: by Bella

Bella Rafika aahhh dikonfirmasi sama kak winna >.<
makasih banyak ya kak.
aku tunggu novel terbarumu ya kak :D

message 38: by Winna

Winna Terima kasih Lolli :)

message 37: by Lolli

Lolli Adriani Makasih ya kk winna..saya slh satu pembaca novel2 kakak :)

message 36: by Winna

Winna Sama2 thea :)

message 35: by Thea

Thea hiii Ci Winna.. makasih yah kemaren itu udah add aku.. gak nyangka~ padahal aku udah gak pernah buka goodreads~
tapi, sekarang mulai aktif lagi..heheh..

Alethea Yoris

message 34: by P.P.

P.P. Rahayu makasih kak winna :)

Nur Fadilla Octavianasari sipp, followed kak :)

message 32: by Winna

Winna Pheiyy wrote: "kak winna ada twitter ga? :)"

Ada, di @WinnaEfendi

Nur Fadilla Octavianasari kak winna ada twitter ga? :)

ijul (yuliyono) Hi, teman...udah baca apa aja di bulan Februari ini? Tinggal sehari lagi nih. Yukkk, dibagi kesan-kesannya, siapa tahu bisa menginspirasi temans lain sebagai bahan bacaan di bulan-bulan mendatang.

Ayo di-update list buku yang udah kamu baca di sini ya:
Buku Yang Kubaca di Bulan Februari

Baca itu Seru...

message 29: by Winna

Winna Karen wrote: "Hey, thanks for the friend request

Your books look interesting though probably unaccessible to me in Aus. Love the cover for 'Ai', very cute :)"

Thanks, Karen. Too bad they're not for sale in Australia.

I've browsed through your bookshelves and found that some favorite books of yours happen to be my faves, too :)

message 28: by Tien

Tien Hey, thanks for the friend request

Your books look interesting though probably unaccessible to me in Aus. Love the cover for 'Ai', very cute :)

message 27: by Winna

Winna @ Sefry: thanks, Sef :)
@ Echa: peluukkkk.. :D

message 26: by e.c.h.a

e.c.h.a jabat erat :)


Sefryana Winna, congrats buat Refrain!
Pasti dicari. Hehe..
Moga sukses ya, say.

message 24: by Winna

Winna Dear Prisca, thank you banget ya.. aku juga masih belajar kok, kita sharing aja ya dan sama-sama belajar.. :)

message 23: by Prisca

Prisca Halo Winna. Winna, saya baca-baca lagi novelmu Ai. Bahasanya keren banget dan indah sekali... Bolehkah saya belajar gimana caranya merangkai kata dan kalimat dengan sebagus itu...? Ketika saya baca novel terbitan gramedia yang temanya musim-musim itu (gak sebut merk ya...hehehe...), novel kamu asli jauh lebih bagus penggunaan bahasanya.

Thanks banget ya Winna. Semoga Winna berkenan.

message 22: by Winna

Winna thanks, Windry :)
couldn't have done it without you!

message 21: by Windry

Windry Winna honey,
selamat atas buku keduamuuu!

message 20: by Winna

Winna Ka, you deserve that review :)

message 19: by Winna

Winna Lia, thanks juga!

Hehehe thanks for reading my book :D let me know what you think.

Ika Natassa winna, damn, your review of my book is sooo awesome, thanks ya. nice to know you too ;)

message 17: by Lia

Lia Junita thanks for the add!
gue baca deh buku lu. okok
temanya sih kayaknya gue banget. hehe

message 16: by Winna

Winna Rusi, thank you :) hehehe met membaca yaa

message 15: by RUSI

RUSI HAKIM hai..thanks uda add gw.. of course gw pasti baca buku loe, sorry baru bales coz gw lagi sibuk kerja and uda lama juga ga baca buku he..
but anyway gw baca dulu buku loe oke, ntar gw kasih komentar he..

hav agood day

Wikupedia hmmmm...maaf kok kaver bukunya agak kurang menarik yah....;)

message 13: by Sundang

Sundang Saputra Winna... thanks ya
Buku kmu menarik tampaknya... aq baca dlu ya

Wittiyaa Halo Winna,
Thx udah add. Sukses launchingnya!


message 11: by Winna

Winna Novel saya Kenangan Abu-Abu akan launching nasional bulan Februari 2008 ini :)

Happy Valentine's Day!

message 10: by Jeremy

Jeremy I want to apologize for the all the recommendations from me today. I wanted to share the Stoker Award news, and I only pressed the send button once--I'm not sure what happened.

Argh...this is terrible...

Again, I'm very sorry.


message 9: by Winna

Winna Hello Jeremy, thanks for adding me. Wish you all the best with your book.

Mbak Nuke, Banana Yoshimoto punya 7 buku, semuanya rata-rata spiritual dan model semacam chick-lit tapi genrenya lebih gelap, malah menurutku cenderung ke aneh. Cerita bervariasi, biasa naratornya itu wanita muda umur 20an tahun, yang punya pengalaman spiritual (misalnya kehilangan suara trus muncul lagi, ketemu hantu, bisa melihat orang dari masa lalu, dan lain-lain). Biasa ceritanya itu tentang kematian orang terdekat atau kehilangan :)

Jeremy Thanks for the goodreads friendship, Winna!

Here’s wishing you a nifty new 2008 filled with noiseless noses, neato nicknames, noble Nebraskans, gnarly narcoleptic nebulas, and novel novels about nut-eating narwhals and novercaphobic gnats.

I thought I'd let you know that my novel “Vacation” has been nominated for the best Horror Novel of 2007 in the Preditors & Editors Readers' Poll. So far it's ranked 3rd.

In case you're interested in voting (today's the last day to vote), feel free to visit the website by clicking here:

Thanks again!

-Jeremy :)

PS—if you do decide to vote, you should know that you need to validate the vote by clicking on the validation link in the email they send you.

"Shipp's clear, insistant voice pulls you down into the rabbit hole and doesn't let go."
--Jack Ketchum

"[Vacation] is an intriguing, challenging, literate, provocative novel I'm not sure I understand and suspect I'm not meant to… I recommend it to those who find reality boring; it may make them see it in new ways."
—Piers Anthony

message 7: by Nuke

Nuke Win, setelah nyimak shelf kamu, sptnya kamu suka banget ama Banana Yoshimoto. Emang buku/novelnya tentang apa Win? Bisa ceritain dikit?

message 6: by Winna

Winna Thanks ya Mbak Nuke dan Luthfi :) moga-moga juga bukunya disukai. hehehe.

Luthfi waah...selamat ya atas Kenangan Abu-Abu-nya...semoga di hari-hari mendatang isa semakin produktif dalam menulis...!
Do'akan aku juga bisa nulis ya...

message 4: by Nuke

Nuke Hi Win, selamat buat novel Kenangan Abu-Abu nya ya!:D Akhirnya terealisasi! Moga di masa depan, akan semakin banyak lagi karya2mu tuk bisa dinikmati pencinta buku di tanah air!:D

message 3: by Winna

Winna Thank you, Abdyka

I hope you have a wonderful new year too!


Abdyka Wirmon Happy New Year 2008

Happy New Year to you!
May every great new day
Bring you sweet surprises--
A happiness buffet.

Happy New Year to you,
And when the new year’s done,
May the next year be even better,
Full of pleasure, joy and fun.


message 1: by Abdyka (last edited Aug 25, 2016 02:16PM)

Abdyka Wirmon misi..

cm mo bilang:

Thanks for adding me as a friend..

Have a Nice Book


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