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Wild Ones - Excerpt

Wild Ones - A Contemporary Romantic Comedy
Live now and free in Kindle Unlimited.
“You’re just going to spend the whole day with me?” she asked.
“If you’ll let me,” I admitted.
“We’ll have to see if I get any better offers from random men.” She beamed up at me, her green eyes sparkling in the bright sun.
I knew she was kidding, but something fierce and protective welled up in my chest and I had to fight the urge to pull her close to me again, as if in warning that no one else would be getting near her.
What was it about this girl that had gotten under my skin so quickly? Yeah, she was cute, but working in Hollywood I was surrounded by beautiful women. I’d never been interested in anyone like this. In fact, out there, I avoided women to the point that the press had begun speculating if I was dating any of my male co-stars.
Everything seemed so superficial in California. I wasn’t necessarily looking for a forever relationship, but I also didn’t want every dinner to be a publicity stunt.
I loved my job, but everything that came with it kind of sucked.
“Uh-oh,” Bonnie said, squeezing my hand. “There you go thinking again.”
“My apologies.” I chuckled as I smiled down at her. “No more thinking.”
“That’s the spirit.” She tugged my arm, leading me toward the games pavilion. “Come on, I want to play.”
Well, that worked out, because so did I. That was what today was supposed to be all about. Playing, having fun, pretending to have a normal life.
People were still staring at us, doing double takes as they probably realized who I was, but so far no one had approached. I hoped it stayed that way.
The longer I could be just a regular guy with Bonnie, the better my chances of maybe snagging a second date with her.
Not that this was a date.
Though, someday when I told our kids about how we met, I’d probably tell them it was.
Published on June 11, 2021 06:42
new-release, romance, romantic-comedy, romcom