Teresa Edgerton

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Teresa Edgerton

Goodreads Author

in Van Nuys, California, The United States
August 23, 1949




Member Since
October 2011


I believe I began telling stories as soon as I learned to talk. More than sixty years later I am still inventing them.

On paper, my life looks more glamorous than it was in actual fact (most peoples' lives do). My husband and I met at our local Renaissance Faire. I've made and sold puppets, spent twenty years as a professional fortuneteller, worked in a craft store, and been an active member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. My hobbies are Halloween and Christmas.

Currently, I am working as an editor for Tickety Boo Press, heading a new imprint Venus Ascending, which will be publishing fantasy and science fiction romance novels. For submission guidelines http://www.ticketyboopress.co.uk/tere...

My own published work includes eleven fa

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Teresa Edgerton Perseverance is the most importance thing. Of course the more you write the more you learn and improve. But in submitting their work for publication t…morePerseverance is the most importance thing. Of course the more you write the more you learn and improve. But in submitting their work for publication too many writers give up too easily. Talent means nothing if you don't have the drive to keep on in the face of rejection. A smaller talent may eventually succeed by sheer persistence.

But if you don't truly love it, if you want to be a writer more than you want to write, then perhaps you should stop and find something else that you do love, and do that. If you can't give writing your whole heart, then maybe it's not for you.

Some people, whether they are ever published or not, just have to write. They can't give it up. They can't bear to be anything else but a writer. (Though they may have other jobs that put food on the table.) They don't need my encouragement, or anyone else's encouragement, to keep writing—though they may need encouragement about submitting their work.(less)
Teresa Edgerton Actually, I struggle with writer's block. A genuine block -- not the kind that lasts a day or a week, but the sort that lasts months or years -- can b…moreActually, I struggle with writer's block. A genuine block -- not the kind that lasts a day or a week, but the sort that lasts months or years -- can be devastating. But in my experience that kind of block is not the problem; it's the symptom. Like the symptoms of physical disease, it's not always easy to discover the cause. It could be a physical illness, like un-diagnosed diabetes or anemia. It could be clinical depression (which I believe is the most common cause). It could be traumas and stresses in your everyday life.

So the cure is not some silly little exercise your friends might suggest (or even some of their better ideas, which can work very well for the one day or one week depression), but to fix whatever is causing it. Sometimes it's easy. You go to your doctor and get blood work, and he or she tells you to take iron pills or watch your sugar intake, and before long you are healthier and back writing. Sometimes it's hard. You have to work your way through problems with your family or your personal relationships (although some writers find these material for their writing).

Sometimes you can't fix it and you just have to fight and do the best you can. I suffer from severe clinical depression, which is a widely misunderstood disease. There are a lot of treatments, a lot of medications that work for some people and not for others, so you and your doctor have to keep trying them out until you find the one that works. If there is one. In the meantime, you have to try and mitigate it, and one way is not to let people make you feel guilty or useless, which is what many people —well-meaning people, unpleasant people, people who just don't get what it is, all sorts of people— will try to do. The depression just gets worse, because you probably already feel guilty and useless.

I try to surround myself with things that inspire me, things that lift my spirits. I take walks, read good books, try to eat better.(less)
Average rating: 3.88 · 2,155 ratings · 204 reviews · 23 distinct worksSimilar authors
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4.10 avg rating — 50 ratings — published 2017 — 3 editions
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The Queen's Necklace

HarperCollins recently surprised me by reprinting my novel The Queen's Necklace, out of print for many years. Apparently they have decided it is time to introduce this story to a new generation of readers -- and I agree.

For those interested, herewith a description of the book from some old publicity materials (and a few blurbs to further pique your interest):

The Queen's Necklace is a standalone no Read more of this blog post »
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The Queen's Necklace
(1 book)
3.73 avg rating — 683 ratings

Goblin Moon The Gnome's Engine
(2 books)
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The Castle of  the Silver W... The Grail and the Ring The Moon and the Thorn
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Penric and the Bandit by Lois McMaster Bujold
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Darcy and Deception by Victoria Kincaid
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AUGUST FANTASY: This poll decides which two books will go on to the run off poll for the August 2015 Fantasy BOTM.

  11 votes, 15.3%

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message 4: by Teresa (last edited Oct 18, 2011 05:06PM)

Teresa Edgerton Mohammed wrote: "Here you dont need an avatar and it feels more personal having your own picture to stand by your reviews, your comments.

I like your hat in the picture, looks grand. ."

Thanks. It's the feathers; they're antique. They don't make feathers like that anymore. (Well, the birds do, of course ...)

I thought about using the same picture as an avatar on Chrons, but right now I am trying to brand the cover art and the idea of the book on everyone's mind. I might change that in a month or so.

I must admit the fedora was awesome.

message 3: by Mohammed (last edited Oct 18, 2011 04:13PM)

Mohammed  Abdikhader  Firdhiye Teresa wrote: "Mohammed wrote: "Hi Teresa nice to see you here and have you as GR friend :)

Interesting seeing what books,authors we have in common other than SFF books we usually talk about in Chrons."

Hi, Moh..."

Hehe Robert E Howard, he looked so cool in that fedora.

Yeah nice to meet face to-face so to speak. Interesting to see the people behind the avatars.
Here you dont need an avatar and it feels more personal having your own picture to stand by your reviews, your comments.

I like your hat in the picture, looks grand.

message 2: by Teresa (last edited Oct 17, 2011 10:07PM)

Teresa Edgerton Mohammed wrote: "Hi Teresa nice to see you here and have you as GR friend :)

Interesting seeing what books,authors we have in common other than SFF books we usually talk about in Chrons."

Hi, Mohammed. It's wonderful to finally meet you face-to-face (as you might say) instead of always feeling like I am talking to Robert E. Howard. It seems more personal, somehow, and your face is much nicer.

Mohammed  Abdikhader  Firdhiye Hi Teresa nice to see you here and have you as GR friend :)

Interesting seeing what books,authors we have in common other than SFF books we usually talk about in Chrons.

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