The science of wizardry is high and cold and brilliant, all mind and no heart. But the old Earth magics make the blood run like liquid silver in the veins . . .
For young Gwenlliant of Celydonn, stones speak, trees talk, stars sing. The ancient Wild Magic runs through her veins . . . and the discipline of wizardry is the key to her power. As a new and very young bride, she is brought to Mochdreff—a place of danger and blight. Only her knowledge of the Wild Magic—and of herself—can save her . . . if she can uncover the secret legacy of the Castle of the Silver Wheel.
I believe I began telling stories as soon as I learned to talk. More than sixty years later I am still inventing them.
On paper, my life looks more glamorous than it was in actual fact (most peoples' lives do). My husband and I met at our local Renaissance Faire. I've made and sold puppets, spent twenty years as a professional fortuneteller, worked in a craft store, and been an active member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. My hobbies are Halloween and Christmas.
Currently, I am working as an editor for Tickety Boo Press, heading a new imprint Venus Ascending, which will be publishing fantasy and science fiction romance novels. For submission guidelines
My own published work includes eleven fantasy novels, written under my own name and my pseudonym, Madeline Howard, as well as short fiction, reviews, interviews, and articles on writing.
I live with my husband, two adult children, a son-in-law, two grandsons, assorted pets, and more books than you might think would fit in the remaining space.
First book I've read by the author and I'll be looking for more. Cute, fresh, approachable Celtic mythology-inspired fantasy. Princesses, castles, monsters, witches, and magic good, evil, and neutral.
Castle of the Silver Wheel by Teresa Edgerton is the first book in a second trilogy, set in her Celtic-y world. Prince Tryffin, a noble of the land, has gone to govern Mochdreff until a proper heir can be identified. He brings with him his child-bride, Gwenlliant (he only married her to protect her from her unscrupulous relations and they don’t do anything inappropriate). The plot centers around Tryffin’s investigations concerning a troublemaker’s evil machinations. Meanwhile Gwenlliant explores the castle, fears she isn’t a good enough wife, and worries about exploring her natural talent for magic.
All proper names are Welsh-esque, which means that the easiest are things like Tryffin and Gwenlliant, but others look like Smythrlghtgain and Cwywelyynyn Mnr. Because they are so non-intuitive, the mind sends to skip over them, and it is harder to identify who is who. Besides which, there is an elaborate back-story – intriguing it is – but never explained all at once. You pick it up in little hints and fragments mentioned by other characters in passing. It does feel as though the reader is joining a story-in-progress.
The main characters are very likable. And after a while, I began to get a handle on all the details and became more immersed in the world. I can say that I was sorry to see it end, and will eventually get the sequel… though I may try the prequels first, just to get my bearings.
This is the start of the second trilogy relating to the world Edgerton created in the Green Lion Trilogy. I really enjoyed these second installments, maybe someday she'll revisit her world and give me more to read.
The Castle of the Silver Wheel by Teresa Edgerton – I picked this one up based on the cover in a used bookstore, but I had a hard time getting into the book itself. Happy Reading!