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Surviving Introduction to Finance
Surviving Introduction to Finance
Surviving Introduction to Finance
Ebook78 pages31 minutes

Surviving Introduction to Finance

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About this ebook

The idea for this book came from my experiences as a finance instructor and tutor. Repeated observations of learners and areas where they struggle, ask for clarification, or request assistance working problems has led me to the main items I cover in this book. This is meant not to be an introduction to finance text but instead an easy-to-read guidebook that addresses the most common questions and areas of concern. It can be used as a supplement while taking an introduction to finance course or it can be reviewed prior to taking a course. A few individuals interviewed as part of preparation for this text also noted how it serves as a useful review for those who have completed the course in the past (new graduate students, for instance, in an MBA program).
Release dateMay 12, 2014
Surviving Introduction to Finance

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    Surviving Introduction to Finance - James Triplett

    Surviving Introduction to Finance

    Surviving Introduction to Finance

    Copyright 2014 by James Triplett

    ISBN:  978-1-312-18283-7

    Published by:  Lulu

    Raleigh, NC 27607-5436

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author.

    As always, to my wife Michelle.  Without you I would not be ...

    Other books by James Triplett

    On Organizational Effectiveness and Change:  The Graduate Years and Beyond, Volume II

    On ethics, diversity, and conflict:  The graduate years and beyond, Volume I

    On leadership, salad, and the American Revolution

    Organizational Design:  A holistic view


    My thanks to Dr. Neal Shambaugh, IDT Program Coordinator at West Virginia University, for his guidance on the structure of this book as part of my design project, a workshop that has the same name as this book.


    The idea behind this book came from my experiences teaching and tutoring finance students.  I found over the years some common items that were the source of learner frustration with learning the concepts in this course.  I observed my courses and tutoring sessions for a few semesters and grouped the common areas of learner reported concerns and results of formative and summative feedback into five categories which form the five chapters in this book.

    Each chapter stands alone or the book may be approached from the beginning through the last chapter.  One objective of this book was to organize and write it in a manner that it can serve as a useful handbook for the learner to be reviewed and referenced, as needed.  And, as a means to assist the learner, I have provided some of the templates and others at my website for free download and use.

    Chapter I –  Algebra Review

    One of the obstacles I have noted with learners first entering an introduction to finance course is it may have been some time since one completed an algebra class or the scheduling of the finance course is placed before a math class.  The latter can sometimes happen when a course prerequisite does not list a math class.  Many of the formulas one finds in the introduction to finance course are basic algebra and there are instances where a learner may be required to manipulate a given equation a number of ways to solve for each unknown variable.  Other instances involving combining like terms or using the Distributive Property.  Finally, as it may have been some time since an algebra class, order of operations may be an issue.  Typically, when order of operations is the problem, learners express anxiety as they set up the formula correctly and still get an incorrect answer when matched against the examples in a book, an answer key, or

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