71 min listen
Where Math Programs Flourish and Where They Need Support
Where Math Programs Flourish and Where They Need Support
44 minutes
Feb 27, 2023
Podcast episode
In this episode we dig into some of the results from over 100 district leaders across over 100 institutions around the world who have already jumped on the opportunity to take our 12-minute Mathematics Program Assessment Tool to learn not only where their system wide mathematics programs are flourishing, but also where those programs are met with speed bumps along the way. While some of the results from our assessment were not surprising, others definitely were and the mentorship calls we’ve had with over 25 different district leaders from around the world highlight that many of these struggles are not unique to any one school, district or jurisdiction. What are the bright spots we’re seeing across over 100 mathematics programs and what are the common hiccups along the way? Listen in to find out…You’ll Learn: Which areas are mathematics programs doing well; Which areas are mathematics programs struggling in the most; How you and your leadership team can identify the areas to improve in your school district to strengthen your school/district math program; and,What area you should focus on next to obtain the desired results you are after. Resources: The Impact of Identity in K-8 Mathematics: Rethinking Equity-Based Practices [Book]Measure What Matters - John Doerr [Book]Take the Make Math Moments Math Program Assessment Tool [Classroom & Leader Versions]Join the Academy - Free for 30 DaysDistrict Leader Resources:Take the Make Math Moments Math Program Assessment Tool The Make Math Moments District Planning Workbook [First 3 pages] Learn About Our District Improvement ProgramAre you a district mathematics leader interested in crafting a mathematics professional learning plan that will transform your district mathematics program forever? Book a time to chat with us!Get a Customized Math Improvement Plan For Your District.Are you district leader for mathematics? Take the 12 minute assessment and you’ll get a free, customized improvement plan to shape and grow the 6 parts of any strong mathematics program.Take the assessment
Feb 27, 2023
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
#6: Looking for Joy in Mathematics Joy: An Interview with James Tanton: This week we interview the great James Tanton. Author, curriculum writer, speaker, creator of Exploding Dots and spreader of joyous mathematics! We bet that you’ll find yourself smiling as you listen to James’ enthusiasm for joyous mathematics.... by Making Math Moments That Matter