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The Ugly Duckling - The Golden Age of Illustration Series
The Ugly Duckling - The Golden Age of Illustration Series
The Ugly Duckling - The Golden Age of Illustration Series
Ebook101 pages59 minutes

The Ugly Duckling - The Golden Age of Illustration Series

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This volume of the Golden Age of Illustration Series contains Hans Christian Andersen's most famous tale 'The Ugly Duckling', first published in May of 1859. This classic fairy tale has been continuously in print in different editions since its first publication, with many, many, different artists illustrating the story over the years. This edition features a beautiful collection of the best of that art, taken from the likes of Arthur Rackham, W. Heath Robinson, Harry Clarke, Anne Anderson, Milo Winter among others.

This series of books celebrates the Golden Age of Illustration. During this period, the popularity, abundance and - most importantly - the unprecedented upsurge in the quality of illustrated works marked an astounding change in the way that publishers, artists and the general public came to view this hitherto insufficiently esteemed art form.

The Golden Age of Illustration Series, has sourced the rare original editions of these books and reproduced the beautiful art work in order to build a unique collection of illustrated fairy tales.
Release dateMay 18, 2016
The Ugly Duckling - The Golden Age of Illustration Series

Hans Christian Andersen

Hans Christian Andersen ist fast jedem noch heute bekannt als einer der größten Märchenerzähler des 19. Jahrhunderts. Sein bewegtes Leben begann am 2. April 1805 im dänischen Odense auf der Insel Fünen. Er war der Sohn eines verarmten Schuhmachers und einer Trinkerin und hatte dadurch alles andere als gute Voraussetzungen für sein künftiges Leben. Den meisten sind heute die Märchen des Hans Christian Andersen bekannt. Auch wenn Hans Christian Andersen die Märchen zunächst für Kinder schrieb, sind sie heute vor allem bei erwachsenen Lesern beliebt. Der hintergründige Humor und die oft ernste Handlung mit subtilen Untertönen finden mehr bei Älteren Anklang.

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    Book preview

    The Ugly Duckling - The Golden Age of Illustration Series - Hans Christian Andersen


    Copyright © 2015 Pook Press

    An imprint of Read Publishing Ltd.

    Home Farm, 44 Evesham Road, Cookhill, Alcester,

    Warwickshire, B49 5LJ

    This book is copyright and may not be reproduced or

    copied in any way without the express permission of

    the publisher in writing.

    British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data.

    A catalogue record for this book is available from

    the British Library.


    List of Illustrations

    Hans Christian Andersen

    The Golden Age of Illustration

    The Ugly Duckling

    Illustrator Biographies

    Anne Anderson

    Maxwell Armfield

    Gordon Browne

    Harry Clarke

    Rie Cramer

    John Hassall

    Vilhelm Pedersen

    Arthur Rackham

    Charles Robinson

    W. Heath Robinson

    Hans Tegner

    Milo Winter

    List of Illustrations

    The Ugly Duckling.

    Rie Cramer

    The Ugly Duckling.

    Maxwell Armfield

    The Ugly Duckling.

    Anne Anderson

    Summer-Time in Storkland.

    John Hassall

    In the sunniest spot stood an old mansion.

    Maxwell Armfield

    In the thickest part of the wood.

    John Hassall

    The Troublesome egg.

    John Hassall

    Leave it, and teach your other children to swim.

    Hans Tegner

    Peep, peep! said the youngster as he rolled out of the shell.

    Hans Tegner

    They swam together in the pleasantest manner.

    Anne Anderson

    And so they came into the poultry-yard.

    Vilhelm Pedersen

    Make haste and bow your heads to the old duck. She is the oldest of them all here. She is of spanish blood!

    Hans Tegner

    Now bend your neck, and say Quack!

    Helen Stratton

    Bless me, what a queer-looking object one of them is.

    Edna Hart

    A kind mother.

    John Hassall

    The poor duckling was scoffed at by the whole yard.

    Milo Winter

    The turkey cock marched up to the duckling quite red with passion.

    Anne Anderson

    Pity the poor duckling!

    John Hassall

    The poor duckling was hunted about by them all.

    Arthur Rackham

    The poor duckling was scorned by all.

    W. Heath Robinson

    The girl who fed the poultry kicked him.

    Helen Stratton

    The poor duckling was bitten and jeered.

    Gordon Browne

    He came to a wide moor.

    W. Heath Robinson

    Not so bad as he looks.

    John Hassall

    Suddenly a terrible dog, with his tongue hanging out, stood right in front of him.

    Hans Tegner

    Here there lived a woman with her tom-cat, and her hen.

    Charles Robinson

    An old woman and a cat and a hen lived in the cottage.

    Vilhelm Pedersen

    Next morning the new guest was perceived.

    Anne Anderson

    What’s that? said the woman, looking around.

    Helen Stratton

    Can you lay eggs?

    John Hassall

    In this house lived an old woman with a cat and a hen… What’s this? asked the woman. She could not see well, and so she believed the duckling was a fat duck.

    Hans Tegner


    John Hassall

    And the cat said, Can you pur?

    W. Heath Robinson

    The duckling watching the swans.

    John Hassall

    One evening a flock of beautiful birds rose from the brushwood.

    Anne Anderson

    And the winter grew so cold!

    Charles Robinson

    He turned round and round in the water like a wheel.

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