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The Little Match Girl - The Golden Age of Illustration Series
The Little Match Girl - The Golden Age of Illustration Series
The Little Match Girl - The Golden Age of Illustration Series
Ebook66 pages32 minutes

The Little Match Girl - The Golden Age of Illustration Series

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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This touching fairy tale is Hans Christian Andersen’s tragic story of a young girl who’s left alone on the snowy streets the night of New Year’s Eve.

In the cold and dark of a snowy New Year’s Eve, a young girl desperately tries to sell enough matches so she can return home without facing punishment from her father. But as night draws in, and the child fails to sell her wares, she begins to use the matches as a last attempt to stay warm. As she loses consciousness, she begins to envision the most beautiful things around her.

First published in 1824, this classic story is a moral tale, evidencing the result of selfish or uncaring behaviour. As part of the Golden Age of Illustration series, this edition of The Little Match Girl features beautiful artwork from the likes of Arthur Rackham, Mabel Lucie Attwell, Harry Clarke, Honor Appleton, Maxwell Armfield, among others.

Release dateApr 16, 2013
The Little Match Girl - The Golden Age of Illustration Series

Hans Christian Andersen

Hans Christian Andersen ist fast jedem noch heute bekannt als einer der größten Märchenerzähler des 19. Jahrhunderts. Sein bewegtes Leben begann am 2. April 1805 im dänischen Odense auf der Insel Fünen. Er war der Sohn eines verarmten Schuhmachers und einer Trinkerin und hatte dadurch alles andere als gute Voraussetzungen für sein künftiges Leben. Den meisten sind heute die Märchen des Hans Christian Andersen bekannt. Auch wenn Hans Christian Andersen die Märchen zunächst für Kinder schrieb, sind sie heute vor allem bei erwachsenen Lesern beliebt. Der hintergründige Humor und die oft ernste Handlung mit subtilen Untertönen finden mehr bei Älteren Anklang.

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    The Little Match Girl - The Golden Age of Illustration Series - Hans Christian Andersen


    Copyright © 2015 Pook Press

    An imprint of Read Publishing Ltd.

    Home Farm, 44 Evesham Road, Cookhill, Alcester,

    Warwickshire, B49 5LJ

    This book is copyright and may not be reproduced or

    copied in any way without the express permission of

    the publisher in writing.

    British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data.

    A catalogue record for this book is available from

    the British Library.


    List of Illustrations

    Hans Christian Andersen

    The Golden Age of Illustration

    The Little Match Girl

    Illustrator Biographies

    Honor C. Appleton

    Maxwell Armfield

    A. W. Bayes

    Gordon Browne

    The Dalziel Brothers

    Harry Clarke

    Arthur J. Gaskin

    Jennie Harbour

    Arthur Rackham

    Charles Robinson

    W. Heath Robinson

    Helen Stratton

    Hans Tegner

    List of Illustrations

    The Little Match Girl.

    Honor Appleton

    The Little Match Girl.

    Edna Hart

    A poor little girl was wondering in the dark cold streets.

    W. Heath Robinson

    It was so terribly cold.

    Helen Stratton

    A poor little girl, with bare head and naked feet.

    Hans Tegner

    She carried a lot of matches in an old apron and a box of them in her hand.

    Jennie Harbour

    Hungry and shivering, she went along, poor little thing, a picture of misery.

    Charles Robinson

    She sat down and huddled herself together.

    A. Gaskin

    She had drawn her little feet under her, but felt colder than ever.

    Helen Stratton

    Whist! How it shed sparks and how it burned! It gave out a warm, bright flame, like a little candle.

    Jennie Harbour

    Where the light fell upon the wall it became transparent.

    Edna F. Hart

    The goose jumped from the dish with the knife and fork in its back.

    Hans Tegner

    Goose hopped down from the dish and, with a knife and fork sticking in its breast, came waddling across the floor.

    Charles Robinson

    And there she was sitting under the beautiful Christmas tree.


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