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Best Flat Belly Exercises: Fit Expert Series, #3
Best Flat Belly Exercises: Fit Expert Series, #3
Best Flat Belly Exercises: Fit Expert Series, #3
Ebook154 pages1 hour

Best Flat Belly Exercises: Fit Expert Series, #3

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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The Best Flat Belly Exercises - For Women.
Lose Belly Fat, Lose Inches

What does your belly look like?
Would you say it was in pretty good shape?
Or are you thinking that it could do with some tightening up and shaping?

I am assuming because you are reading this that maybe you fall into the latter category. You have had enough of trying to hide your belly behind loose clothing and want to do something about getting the flat belly you have always dreamed of.

The good news is this is a goal that almost anyone can achieve. You don't have to be a fitness nut to see results but you will have to make some changes.

This book focuses on various ways you can flatten your belly. It includes exercises, fitness routines, nutritional advice and much more.

One of the great things about this series of books is that you gain knowledge from a number of professionals. In this particular book there are 8 fitness experts to learn from.

Each expert has their own chapter where they present their own unique advice for you to follow.

Release dateJul 21, 2015
Best Flat Belly Exercises: Fit Expert Series, #3

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    Book preview

    Best Flat Belly Exercises - Andy Charalambous



    Information about health and fitness is ever changing with a number of different approaches from a number of different experts

    It can be confusing for most to decide what information will most benefit them as an individual interested in general or specific wellness.

    The Fit Expert Series of books puts together experts in their field who offer their own personal advice, tips, tricks, exercises, programs and more on a given health and fitness topic.

    In this book 8 experts look at the correct and most efficient ways to flatten your belly. This involves a combination of exercise and nutrition for fat burning/weight loss.

    Getting a flat belly is one of the most popular topics in health and fitness. There are numerous books on the subject all promising to show you the path to those washboard abs.

    It is a topic that keeps coming up within the fitness industry with the question of, What really is the best way to get a flat belly?

    The truth is it really isn’t that complicated. As with most ways of improving the way our body looks and functions the answer includes a combination of the right foods and the right exercises. Let’s not forget genetics.

    Where all the confusion begins is, what exactly are the right foods and the right exercises?

    Most of you who have been reading up on fitness know by now that it is not possible to spot reduce areas of fat on your body. So if someone tells you the best way to get revealing abdominals is to do 100 sit-ups a day for a month, then you know this information just isn’t correct.

    Well, it is incorrect in the sense that doing those exercises alone will miraculously burn the fat laying on top of the abdominal muscles.

    The point is that there is a lot of misunderstood information out there not only about how to get a flat belly but also fat burning or weight loss in general.

    I created this book to cut through the BS surrounding this topic. There are many ways to look at how to improve the belly area which is why this book has a number of expert contributors who will show you their proven techniques.

    Regarding what I have written above, the title of the book is not misleading. There are many exercises specifically designed to target the core or waist area but bear in mind, as mentioned above, it is a combination of a number of factors.



    So what’s the deal with having a flat stomach? Why are women obsessed with keeping their belly size to a minimum?

    Strong abdominal muscles are vital for stabilizing your body and supporting the spine. They help you to bend, keep your balance, run, walk, twist, pivot, protect your internal organs and even breathe.

    The abdominal muscles do a ton of other things too but we both know why you are reading this book. You are interested in the aesthetics side of having strong abs.

    Maybe you are not too concerned about getting a 6 pack set of abs but at the very least you do want your belly to be flat and toned. 

    Let’s face it; we all look better with a flat stomach. Your clothes will fit you better, your body overall will be more aesthetically pleasing and as a bonus you will look amazing in a bikini.

    For those of you who live near the beach or are vacationing to a warmer climate, that last part may be very important to you.

    Of course, it may be that you need to strengthen your core or abdominal area for health reasons. Maybe you have bad posture and need to improve it by working the core muscles.

    Maybe you are someone who enjoys playing lots of sports and need to improve your running, twisting and pivoting.

    Whatever your reason, this book will show you how to lose belly fat and also show you the exercises you need to do to tone that area up. 

    I have searched high and low to find some of the best fitness experts in the business who are willing to share their years of experience with you. Each has laid out their own unique detailed plans of what you need to do to achieve your goal.

    Follow one of the plans or follow them all, it doesn’t matter as long as you feel comfortable with the routines. You have 8 experts to choose from with their own individual advice and information.

    Just by following the advice in this book and taking action you are already saving hundreds of dollars in personal training fees. All you need to know is right here and it is offered to you in a concise and easy to read format


    The Best Way to Lose Belly Fat & Tone Up 

    It totally amazes me how many exercise programs and devices there are out there that focus solely on losing belly fat and creating those 6 pack abs.

    People are spending millions of dollars each year on equipment, supplements, books, gym memberships and personal training all in a crusade for those washboard abs.

    With that many sales for products targeting the abdominal area you would expect to see a lot leaner and well toned people showing off their mid-section in the summer sun or in the gyms. As you well know this is certainly not the case.

    So why is that so? How can so many of us be spending all this money and not see any results? The truth is any type of exercise equipment cannot do what it is supposed to do without you taking action and being consistent in the training.

    The same goes for any How to.. books, gym memberships and even personal training. These are all tools to help you get you to your goal. The real magic to achieving your health and fitness goals comes from within you.

    You can have the best trainer in the world putting you through routine after routine but if your heart isn’t in it, if you don’t have the determination to push through the rough times then you are just not going to stick with it long enough to see any results.

    Now let’s say you are taking action. You are doing whatever it takes to lose belly fat and get toned up yet you still cannot seem to shift the flab. Why is that?

    If this is what you are experiencing then chances are you will find problem areas with your eating habits, your exercise program or both.

    Exercise alone will

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