Sandeep Pratap Singh1, Shiv Shankar P. Shukla1, Nitin Rakesh1 and Vipin Tyagi2
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jaypee University of Information
Technology, Waknaghat, Dist. Solan, India
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jaypee University of Engineering
and Technology, Guna, M.P., India
[email protected]
Online auction, shopping, electronic billing etc. all such types of application involves problems of
fraudulent transactions. Online fraud occurrence and its detection is one of the challenging fields for web
development and online phantom transaction. As no-secure specification of online frauds is in research
database, so the techniques to evaluate and stop them are also in study. We are providing an approach
with Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and mobile implicit authentication to find whether the user
interacting online is a fraud or not. We propose a model based on these approaches to counter the
occurred fraud and prevent the loss of the customer. Our technique is more parameterized than
traditional approaches and so, chances of detecting legitimate user as a fraud will reduce.
HMM, online shopping, fraud detection, mobile authentication.
Online shopping across the world is replacing crowded stores for its one click convenience .It
has become a popular option for the consumers. According to the trends in online shopping a
global consumer report February 2008, the world’ s online population that use the internet for
shopping is over 85%, increased by 40% from last two years and in this maximum users are
regular online shoppers i.e. doing online shopping once per month . The escalating popularity
of the online shopping is really a global phenomenon .South Korea with the 99% of internet
users shopped online has the largest number of online shoppers in the world. German, U.K and
Japanese consumer comes after that [1].
As the credit card users around the globe is going up continuously it is also providing more
opportunities to the illegitimate user to commit fraud i.e. to steal the card details and
subsequently making illegal transactions. The total credit card fraud in United Kingdom alone
was around 535 million pound in 2006 [2] and 750 to 830 million dollar in U.S. in 2006 [3].
Fraud is one of the very serious issues in the credit card industry which may cause very severe
financial loss to the consumer. So the main aim is to detect the fraud and to protect the
consumers from being cheated. The fraud can be done either by stealing the physical card or get
the important card details like card numbers, security code, validity etc. This type of details can
be used to do a fraud on the internet. This type of fraud is not easy to detect since the genuine
user may not know that his card information is used by the some other person. The most
common way to detect this type of fraud is examining the patterns of the card activities and
other things like mobile phone activities. Based on these patterns profile of the legitimate user
will be created. As human beings mostly follow the specific behaviour pattern so any unusual
deviation from the behaviour is a threat.
This paper is divided in five sections. Section first is introduction where the problem is defined
and the recent trends are introduced. Second section consists of previous work in this domain. In
third and fourth section the model is proposed and the case studies on this model are discussed.
Section fifth is concluding this paper and is followed by references.
In the field of credit card fraud detection there is lot of research area with no of technique used
especially neural network and the data mining. Dorronsoro et al (1997) [4] proposed an online
fraud detection system based on neural classifier. Here the main problem was that data is needed
to be grouped by the kind of the account. Card watch by Aleskerov et al [5], it is a data mining
system based on neural learning module used for fraud detection. But this was inefficient due to
mix detection of fraudulent transaction. To reduce the number of misdetection Kim & Kim
proposed a concept [6]. Brause et al used data mining tools like Clementine and neural network
technologies to obtain better fraud detection [7].
Bayesian networks can also be applied to detect fraud in credit card as proposed by Maeset. al.
[8].The main disadvantage of this technique is the time limit as compared with neural network.
Chiu and Tsai [9] proposed combination of the data mining techniques for banking industry, by
using this bank has knowledge of the fraud patterns in distributed environment.
In most of these above techniques they need examples fraud cases due to card stealing, loss
card, counterfeit fraud based on which fraudulent transactions are identified. In a real scenario
to get the fraud data is a big problem and since day by day new types of fraud are appearing. To
solve this problem of fixed fraud data we presents a new model which does not required fixed
fraud data but can detect the fraud by cardholder spending behaviour and mobile activities. This
model uses combination of two techniques one is based on spending profile i.e. HMM model
and other is based on the mobile implicit authentication system. The details of this model are in
section 3 and 4.
By this model we are combining two techniques namely HMM techniques on spending
profile and mobile implicit authentication system.
3.1. Mobile authentication architecture
According to the proposed work by Richard Chow et al. [10] a fraud can be detected based on
architecture for supporting authentication and authentication based on some behaviour pattern
of the user called implicit authentication. Here this behavioural pattern is based on mobile
phone data like call history, SMS activity, location, internet access etc. This behavioural pattern
will be used to generate an authentication score based on past behaviour and recent behaviour
and this score is compared with a threshold which decide whether to accept or reject the user.
The main problem with is approach is when the mobile is stolen, in this false positive will be
high (this means legitimate user is not authenticate and will be treated as fraud).
3.2. HMM model
According to the proposed work of Abhinav Srivastava et al. [11], hidden markov model can be
used to detect fraud. HMM observes the sequence of the money spend in each transaction.
Based on the spending habits of the user HMM develop spending profile of a card holder
generally it uses three profile low, middle and high. After computation user is given a spending
profile which suited his spending habits. Here a sequence of a card transaction is formed and
after new transaction a deviation is checked. If there is deviation then percentage of deviation is
compared with threshold to decide fraud. If deviation is greater than threshold then fraud else
the new transaction is added to the sequence. In this approach accuracy of the system is close to
80%. Here there is a scope of improving the false positive by providing more restriction.
If score <th 1
If th 1< score <th 2
If score >th 1
Figure 1.Proposed Hybrid Model
3.3. Hybrid model
By this proposed model, see figure 1, we are combining the two approaches as discussed above
i.e. HMM technique and the authentication by the user mobile.
Table 1. Algorithm for Proposed Hybrid Model.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
User accesses the web server and makes the payment request to the
authentication decider.
Authentication decider asks for the authentication details from the
authentication checker.
Authentication checker refer to mobile device and /or data gatherer for
the authentication details based on mobile behavioural pattern.
Authentication checker then generate the score (discussed below) and
send it to authentication decider.
Authentication decider then compare score with the thresholds than
follow any of the three cases discussed below.
The detail explanation of the complete process is discussed in this section and with the help of
the case studies in the next section.
In this architecture we consider the following types of blocks i.e. mobile phone, data gatherer,
authentication checker and authentication decider, HMM model block(this block includes
complete HMM model which is based on spending habits of consumer as discussed in part B,
[11]). In this approach user made a payment request (for any article, commodity) from a web
page to the authentication decider. The data gatherer collects the mobile data from mobile
information like SMS history, phone call history, history of browser, information of the network
and device location regularly.
The authentication checker takes the data from the data gatherer or directly from the client
device. The authentication checker makes all the decision with the help of the data collected and
the policies of authentication. These policies are given to the authentication by the
authentication decider which is obtained from the user request (payment request). After that
authentication decider compare the probability score obtained from authentication checker with
the two threshold namely threshold 1 and threshold 2 (assuming: threshold 1 < threshold 2).
The score mention above is the probability of matching the behavior, it is computed with the
past and recent behavior of the user .the thresholds can differ for different applications and there
security parameter. The comparison of score and threshold is used for making decision for
authentication. If the score is less than threshold 1 then request will be directly rejected. This
means there is high degree of mismatching in the pattern of behaviour so there is definite chance
of a fraud. The figure 2 shows how model will flow in this case.
If score <th 1
Figure 2. Flow diagram for case 1.
If threshold 1 < score < threshold 2 in this case there is slight or partial matching of the pattern
so the requested transaction is forwarded to the hmm model .now if according to the HMM
model there is deviation or anomaly in the spending profile of the card holder then alarm is
raised else if everything is normal then request is fulfilled. The figure 3 shows how this model
flows in this case. If score >threshold 2 then the request is directly accepted because there is
high degree of matching probability i.e. pattern behavior is almost same as the legitimate user.
The figure 4 shows how this model flows in this case. The mobile phone operating system
collects the data that includes user’s activities on the mobile like phone call patterns, SMS
activities, location, web access etc.
After this it informs this to data gatherer on a regular basis. These data are temporally stored till
data gatherer obtains it completely and then it is erased from the local memory of the mobile.
This exchange of data is done securely with the help of some encryption techniques applied
before the exchange of data. This is done to protect the privacy of the customer. In this way the
patterns will be detected while keeping in the mind the privacy of the customer.
If th 1< score <th 2
Figure 3. Flow diagram for case 2.
The authentication checker collects the data from the data gatherer and sometimes directly from
mobile device. It collects the data based on the policy provided by the authentication decider.
When a payment request comes to authentication decider it forward the request to the
authentication checker and the details associated with it authentication checker then send the
query to the mobile device and/or data gatherer.
If score >th 1
Figure 4. Flow diagram for case 3.
The data gatherer respond to the query and send back the required details to authentication
checker. It then computes the authentication result based on the policy .the authentication
checker also calculate the score of the matching pattern with help of the past and recent
behavior. This score is send to authentication decider where it compares it with the threshold 1
and threshold 2 as mentioned above.
In our proposed model here we study it on two scenarios namely mobile theft and card
theft (details).
4.1. Mobile theft
By mobile authentication approach we have to only relied on the pattern observe by the
authentication system. So in this case there is high probability that the legitimate user will be
treated as fraudulent user. HMM model is not affected by mobile theft. So mobile theft has no
significance here it only depends on the observation of the card holders spending behaviour. In
Hybrid model we do not only rely on the pattern of the mobile details. Here we use both the
pattern of the mobile and the spending behaviour of the card holder depending on the
probability of the pattern matching by the first phase. The possible cases are as follows:
Case 1: High profile: this means the pattern observe in the first phase has a high probability of
matching .i.e. authentication score > threshold 2. But in case of mobile theft there is minimal
chance of high score because the thief usage patterns will definitely differ from legitimate user
Case 2: Middle profile: this means the pattern observe in the first phase has a probability of
partial matching .i.e. threshold 1 < authentication score < threshold 2. In case of mobile theft it
is the most probable case because only mobile patterns can’t give the surety of mobile theft so
our model will further check the transactions with help of 2nd phase i.e. HMM phase. In this way
we are more probable than the previous method i.e. mobile authentication approach, to detect
the fraud user and chance of the false positive (to detect the legitimate user as fraud user) is less.
Case 3: Low profile: this means the pattern observe in the first phase has a very low probability
of matching i.e., authentication score < threshold 1. In case of the mobile theft this also a
probable case but for this the thief observation patterns should be more so that there is high
mismatching of the patterns. In this case the user will be identity as a fraud and can be directly
rejected. Example is that the mobile of user has been stolen. Now, let us suppose our threshold 1
is at 25% and threshold 2 is at 75%.
In this case since mobile is stolen so call patterns, location and others things pattern will deviate
from actual therefore pattern mismatching will b there and there is very little chance that
authentication score i.e. percentage of matching will be higher than threshold 2 i.e. 75%.the
maximum a probability is of the middle case in which score is between threshold 1 and
threshold 2 i.e. 25 and it will again the user for its authenticity through hmm model,
which depends on spending profile.
And if percentage of matching is very less then will directly reject the user i.e. authentication
score or percentage of matching is very less let’s say below 25. In all there is very less change
that we treating legitimate user as fraud user therefore our checking is much stricter than other
approaches. For example let us take records of a mobile use for 1 week. Here we consider only
2 parameters; they are no. of phone calls and number of SMS see table 2.
Table 2.Records of calls and SMS.
No. of calls
No. of SMS
Now let’s on next day mobile is being lost or stolen, we are considering if mobile is stolen then
number of calls and number of SMS will be zero. Let us suppose that threshold 1 is 25 and
threshold 2 is 75.Now we will calculate the score based on these patterns at a time we are
considering 7 days. So initial average no. call is as follows
Now on next day number of call is zero so new average will be calculated based on last 7 days.
Score = percentage of matching = [100 – ((previous average – recent average) / previous
average) × 100]
For number of SMS we can calculate the score as follows:
Now on next day number of call is zero so new average will be calculated based on last 7 days.
Score = percentage of matching = [100 – ((previous average – recent average) / previous
average) × 100]
Now the score of parameters are averaged, i.e.
As per our model score is compared with thresholds. Here score is
which is greater than
threshold 2 i.e. . So this will be accepted as per proposed hybrid model. Now on next to next
day number of the call and the number of SMS will be again zero. Thus new average for
number of calls = 4.28 and the previous average
. Therefore by using above mentioned
formula score
. The new average for the number of the SMS = 2 and previous average
. Therefore score
. Thus overall average score
. This score is between
threshold 1 and threshold 2, so user will be further authenticated by HMM model. This score
will further degrade as the number of the day’s increases and after the score is below threshold 1
the request will be directly rejected. The above discussed example can be further improved by
considering more parameters
4.2. Credit Card Stolen (card detail)
By mobile authentication the location of the card transaction and the mobile device is more
probable to differ. So there is a probability of fraud. By hmm model: in this case if the card
details are stolen the spending behaviour of the user will deviate from the actual behaviour so
there is the probability of the fraud. In this case we are only looking the spending behaviour
which may not be enough to detect the fraud. By the hybrid model: In our model we use both
the pattern of the mobile and the spending behaviour of the card holder depending on the
probability of the pattern matching by the first phase. There are three possible cases:
Case 1: High profile: this means the pattern observe in the first phase has a high probability of
matching .i.e. authentication score > threshold 2. But in the case of card stolen the location of
the card and the mobile may differ so there is very less chance of pattern matching .so this case
may not be applied in card stolen.
Case 2: Middle profile: this means the pattern observe in the first phase has a probability of
partial matching .i.e. threshold1 < authentication score < threshold 2. In case of card stolen at
the initial period the pattern mat5ching will be partial so we can’t say directly whether it is fraud
or legitimate user. So the detection will be further carried out by the 2 nd phase i.e. hmm model,
which deals with spending behaviour of the user. So there is better chance of detecting the
Case 3: Low profile: this means the pattern observe in the first phase has a very low probability
of matching .i.e. authentication score < threshold 1. In case of card stolen after a certain period
there will be high mismatching in the pattern where location (i.e. location of the card transaction
and the mobile device) will be the prime factor. So we need not to move to the 2nd phase and can
be directly reject the user treating him as a fraud.
In this paper we have proposed a model which combination of hmm model based on spending
profile of user and mobile implicit authentication based on mobile data patterns. this model
impose much security to the cardholder as it has taken two things under consideration (spending
habits and mobile usage habits).in this is less chances that legitimate user will be treated as
fraud, means false positive will be decreased. We will extend this approach for different other
online frauds and their explicit detection techniques. It is still required to specify the technique
of fraud detection with respect to a fraud. This type of detection model which combines
complete detection and prevention mechanism will be more productive to online
communication and commerce.
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Sandeep Pratap Singh received the B.E. degree in Information Technolgy from Lakshmi
Narain College of Technology, Bhopal in 2009.He is currently working towards the MTech
degree in Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan-173215.His
research interest include fraud detection, communication and network security and
coding theory.
Shiv Shankar Prasad Shukla received the Diploma’s degree in computer application
from Government Polytechnic Mining Institute, Dhanbad (Jharkhand) in 2007. He holds
Bachelor’s Degree in computer technology from Priyadharshini College of Engineering, Nagpur
(Maharastra) in 2010. He is currently working towards the MTech degree in Jaypee University
of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan-173215. His research interest include
fraud detection, Cloud computing, computer and network security and information
Nitin Rakesh is Sr. Lecturer in the Depart. of CSE, JUIT, Waknaghat, Solan–173215, India. In
2004, he received the Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology and Master’s Degree in
Computer Science and Engineering in year 2007. Currently he is pursuing his doctorate in
Computer Science and Engineering and his topic of research is parallel and distributed systems.
He is a member of IEEE, IAENG and is actively involved in research publication. His research
interest includes Interconnection Networks & Architecture, Fault–tolerance & Reliability,
Networks–on–Chip, Systems–on–Chip, and Networks–in–Packages, Network Algorithmics,
Parallel Algorithms, Fraud Detection. Currently he is working on Efficient Parallel Algorithms
for advanced parallel architectures.
Dr. Vipin Tyagi is Associate. Prof. in Computer Science and Engineering at Jaypee University
of Engineering and Technology, Guna, India. He holds Ph.D. degree in Computer Science,
M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering and MSc in Mathematics. He has about 20 years
of teaching and research experience. He is an active member of Indian Science Congress
Association and President of Engineering Sciences Section of the Association. Dr. Tyagi is a
Life Fellow of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers. He is a senior
life member of Computer Society of India. He is member of Academic-Research and
Consultancy committee of Computer Society of India. He is elected as Executive Committee
member of Bhopal Chapter of Computer Society of India and M.P. and CG chapter of IETE. He
is a Fellow of Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, life member of CSI,
Indian Remote Sensing Society, CSTA, ISCA and IEEE, International Association of
Engineers. He has published more than 50 papers in various journals, advanced research series
and has attended several national and international conferences in India and abroad. He is
Principal Investigator of research projects funded by DRDO, MP Council of Science and
Technology and CSI. He has attended many advanced courses in various engineering discipline.
He has been a member of Board of Studies, Examiner Member of senate of many Universities.
His research interests include Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Digital Forensics.