Pattern Recognition, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 161 170, 1995
Elsevier Science Ltd
Copyright ~) 1995 Pattern Recognition Society
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0031 3203/95 $9.50+.00
Telecommunications and Traffic-Control Systems Group, Delft University of Technology, P.O. Box 5031,
2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
(Received 22 June 1993; in revised form 27 July 1994; received for publication 5 August 1994)
Abstract--This paper describesa technique for on-line signature verificationusing Hidden Markov Models
(HMMs). Signatures are captured and digitized in real-time using a graphic tablet. For each signature a
HMM is constructed using a set of sample signatures described by the normalized directional angle function
of the distance along the signature trajectory. The Baum-Welch algorithm is used for both training and
classification.Experimental results based on 496 signatures from 31 subjects are presented which show that
HMM technique is very potential for signature verification.
Baum-Welch algorithm
Signature verification
Forward probability
Multimedia has now become one of the most attractive
applied research subjects in the field of telecommunications. Many applications have already started to
affect the real life, such as facsimile, videophone and
tele-writing systems. I1~Some of the present operations
both in business and daily life will experience dramatic
change and tremendous improvement in efficiency and
other aspects by the introduction of tele-writing systems.
For instance, tele-working and tele-banking will make
it possible to have business done while the people
involved are in other locations. These are expected to
be realized in the near future with the continuous
improvement on user-machine interfaces and the enhancement of machine intelligence.
Writing tablet introduced for improving man and
machine communications plays a very important role
in the field. One of a few available commercial prototypes is pencomputers which are designed to enable
the input of handwritten script for computer systems.
One very interesting and potential application is to
build tele-banking systems using writing tablets as the
man-machine interfaces of the automatic systems. With
customers' information stored in a central database
accessible by all authorized terminals of the systems,
bank operation is expected to be more efficient and
customer friendly. This kind of system requires highly
reliable ability of machine interpretation and verification of handwriting, apart from sophisticated hardware
and telecommunication facility.
Reliable automatic signature verification would be
of great use in many other application areas in law
+Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed.
Backward probability
enforcement, industry security control and so on. Lately,
a lot of effort has been focused on investigation of
automatic signature verification methods. In general,
automatic signature verification can be done in two
fashions: off-line and on-line. The two methods differ
in the form by which the input data are captured, tn
the off-line situation, signatures prewritten on paper
are considered. Because it is difficult to extract individual features from static images or to detect imitations,
off-line signature verification is fisually more difficult
than on-line verification.121 Most of the systems proposed for signature verification are on-line systems
which extract signature features based on position,
velocity, acceleration and pressure signals of the pen
tip, among others. The comparison algorithms used in
those systems are mostly dynamic time warping and
regional correlation. Those systems have shown a various
degree of success in signature verification.12'3) Other
techniques like Fourier transform have also been applied
for signature verification with some success/4) Recently,
neural network has also been applied for signature
verification,tS) In addition to signature verification,
signature recognition has also been investigated by
several researchers, e.g. Lorette. t6~
In this paper an approach for on-line signature
verification is proposed. We attempt to apply the well
known speech recognition technique, Hidden Markov
Models (HMMs), to the problems of on-line signature
verification. HMMs have been successfully used for
speech recognition.~7~The application of the method
to on-line character recognition was also investigated
and the experimental results have shown that the method
is very promising/s'9) The advantage of modelling
signatures with HMMs is that it is possible to accept
variability in signing and at the same time capture the
individual features of the signatures. In the proposed
L. YANG et al.
method, signatures are described by the normalized
directional angle function of the distance along the
signature trajectory. Lorette t6~ used initial angle and
total cumulated angle of a signature jointly with other
measurements to form a feature vector describing a
signature for signature recognition. By applying data
analysis and clustering techniques, the feature space
was partitioned into clusters corresponding to signature
classes. Whereas, we try to incorporate dynamic sequence information of signing by extracting normalized
angles (features) along signature trajectory and model
the generation of this sequence by HMMs. For each
class of signatures, a HMM is constructed using a set
of sample signatures and stored as the reference of that
class. We have used the Baum-Welch algorithm for
both training and classification. To verify a signature,
the probability that an unknown signature was generated by a particular HMM is computed. Based on a
threshold a decision on whether to accept the signature
as authentic or to reject as forgery is made.
Our primary research has shown that the HMM
approach is very potential for signature verification, t~°~
This paper includes further research on the topic. The
paper mainly focused on the issues on processing of
signatures in order to apply HMMs. Section 2 presents
a brief discussion on the general aspects of HMM and
issues of model training and application for classification. We discuss the extraction of features for modelling
signatures with HMM, the signature verification process and threshold problem in Section 3. Experimental
results are described in detail in Section 4. Finally
conclusions are given in Section 5.
The HMM models a doubly stochastic process
governed by an underlying Markov chain with a finite
number of states and a set of random functions each
of which is associated with one state. At discrete instants of time, the process is in one of the states and
generates an observation symbol according to the random function corresponding to the current state. The
model is hidden in the sense that all that can be seen
is a sequence of observations. The underlying state
which generated each symbol is hidden. The HMMs
applied here are based on one proposed for speech
recognition by Levinson et al. ~ ~ We restrict ourselves
to the consideration of processes whose observation
sequence are drawn from a discrete finite alphabet
according to discrete probability distribution functions
associated with the states. A HMM may have different
structure. It is possible to constrain a HMM such that
only certain desired state transitions are allowed. An
example of left-to-right HMM is shown in Fig. 1, where
the five circles represent the states of the model and
states are not permitted to transit back to the previous
states. At a discrete time instant t, the model stays in
one of the states and generates an observation. At
instant t + 1, the model either remains in the same state
or moves to a new state according to the state transition
probabilities. This continues until a final terminating
state is reached at time T. The model can generate any
observation symbol of a finite alphabet from each state
governed by observation probabilities. The model is
initialized by initial probabilities of occupying states
Quantitatively, a HMM is described as following
using the same notation as used by Levinson et al. ~ ~
• set of N states {q~,q2,...,qN};
• a state transition matrix A = {ao}, where aij is
the transition probability from state ql to state qj:
• set of M discrete symbols {v~,v2..... Vu};
• an observation probability matrix B = ( b j k } ,
where b~k is the probability of generating symbol Vk
from state qj, and
• the initial probability distribution for the states
H = {rtj},j = 1,2 ..... N; rtj = Pr(qj at t = 1).
In general, to use HMMs for pattern recognition, there
are two problems:
(i) classification--compute the probability that a HMM
generated a test observation sequence representing an
unknown pattern; (ii) trainin9 of the models--estimate
the model parameters based on a training set of observation sequences of each pattern.
Fig. l. Left-to-right HMM with five states.
Application of Hidden Markov Models
2.1. Classification problem
Given an observation sequence O = {O1,02 . . . . . Or}
representing an u n k n o w n pattern from some vocabulary W = {wl, w: ..... wv}, where each O t is some Vke
{ U I , U 2 . . . . . / ) M } ' and a set of V models M 1 , M 2 . . . . . M v
each of which for one vocabulary word, the classification of an u n k n o w n pattern requires the computation
of Pr~(OIMO for 1 _< i_< V. An u n k n o w n pattern is
classified as w~ iff Pri >-Pr~ for 1 < j _< V. An efficient
method to calculate Pr(O]M) is to use forward and
backward probability, known as the forward-backward algorithm3 ~~ Denote 'forward' and 'backward'
probability a s o~t(i ) and f,(i), respectively. They are
given by:
~'+'(J)=[ ~ ct'(i)ao]
l < t <_ T - - 1 (1)
-bjk ~ t~Ot = vk
ffi . . . . . .
ct, (i)f I (i).
A detailed description of the algorithm and discussions
on implementation issues can be found in literature." 1)
For left-to-right models, the re-estimation is based on
a set of Q observation sequences which all start at state
q l(nl = 1). The re-estimation procedure is then modified
to handle multiple observation sequences and aimed
to adjust the model parameters such that the following
is maximized:
[I Pr(O(k)lM)= 1-I Prt"
f , ( i ) = ~ a~jbj(O,+Of,+l(j)
T - l - > t ->1, (2)
setting ~1(i) = nibi(O 0 for all i, and fir(J) = 1 for allj.
Equations (1) and (2) can be used to calculate Pr(OI M)
which is given by:
The modified re-estimation formulae are given by:
t2 T - l
~:tk(t)aij bj(O tk+ 1)fl, + 1(J)
aij =
for 1 ~ < t ~ < T - 1 .
bjk = k= a ,~o, = ~
2.2. Training problem
The training process can be generally described as
the following steps:
(i) make an initial guess of M;
(ii) use some re-estimation algorithm and O to derive
a new model M' with the property that Pr(OIM') ->
(iii) replace M by M' and repeat the re-estimation.
The re-estimation process iterates until the increase in
Pr (OIM) is small enough. Here, we consider the B a u m Welch algorithm which guarantees to increase Pr(OIM)
with the re-estimated A, B and n until the optimal
point is reached. (~ 1) In this algorithm, the forward and
backward probabilities are used to solve the problem
of training by parameter estimation. Given some estimate of M and an observation sequence O, a new
estimate ofa~j is computed as the ratio of the expected
number of transitions from state q~ to qj, to the expected
n u m b e r of transitions out of state qi, conditioned on
O. A new value of bjk is estimated as the ration of
frequency of occurrence of vk in state qj to the frequency
of occurrence of any symbol in state qj. In terms of
forward-backward probabilities, the parameters are
computed as:
T- 1
~ ~t,(i)a#bj(O,÷l)f,+,(j)
Pr(OIM)= E
u,(i)aijbj(O,+ Oft+ ,(J)
aij =
3. S I G N A T U R E
3.1. Description of signatures
In order to apply H M M s for signature verification,
it is very important to find appropriate description for
signatures which are independent of translation, rotation and scaling of a signature. Here, a signature is
captured in real time using a writing tablet. The absolute angular direction of a signature as a function of
the distance s along the signature trajectory, denoted
as O(s), is used to represent a signature. In the digitized
form, a signature is encoded as a sequence of absolute
angles: 01,02,..., 0 i. An example is shown in Fig. 2. The
rotation invariance is realized by subtracting the starting
angle from 0 i. Then, we get a sequence of angles
(0i - 01) which is independent of rotation. The effect of
size variance of signatures is eliminated by normalization. Each signature is uniformly divided into K number of segments. The length of the segments are slightly
different from each other due to the length difference
in tablet quantization vectors. The n u m b e r K is the
observation length of signatures for use in HMMs. The
normalized angle of a segment, denoted as q~(k),
k = 1, 2 . . . . . K, is derived as follows. Assume segment k
consists of n samples provided by the tablet and the
distance between the samples is st(I = i + 1..... i + n).
L. YANGet al.
Fig. 2. Encoding of a signature.
The angle ~b(k)of this segment is given by:
(k)=arctan| -- _--|.
L,Y+, s,,,,ooso,,,,_j
The normalized angle is then quantized into 16 levels
q~*(k) = Q[q~(k)],
k = 1,2 .... K.
The simple quantization scheme has been justified
by Veltman and Prasad. (9) Each of the 16 levels is
represented by a symbol called a pen-down symbol.
The pen-ups within a signature are eliminated by linear
interpolation. Those pen-ups are detected using a threshold. When the distance between two consecutive points
exceeds the threshold, pen-up is assumed. The threshold
is selected as the possible largest distance between any
two consecutive sample points captured by the tablet.
To distinguish the interpolated trace from the ordinal
trace, another 16 symbols have been introduced, called
pen-up symbols. The pen-up symbols have exactly the
same values as the pen-down symbols, but with different
token. Thus, a signature is described by a sequence of
observation (~b*(k)) of length K, each of which is one
of the 32 symbols. Figure 3 presents some examples of
quantized signatures applying different number of symbols. In the case of using merely pen-down symbols,
the interpolated portion of the trace between pen-ups
is treated as ordinary part of the signature and, therefore, a signature becomes one continuous trajectory.
However, when pen-down symbols and pen-up symbols
are used combined, the pen-up part is recorded by the
pen-up symbols. Figure 3(a) is the original signature
captured by a tablet. In Fig. 3(b)-(d), the signatures
described using 16 pen-down and 16 pen-up symbols,
8 pen-doWn and pen-up symbols and 4 pen-down and
4 pen-up symbols are presented, respectively. Figure
3(e)-(g) show the quantized signatures applying 32
pen-down symbols, 16 pen-down symbols and 8 pendown symbols, respectively. It can be seen that the
signature is greatly distorted when too few number of
symbols are used. The distortion is in an accumulative
fashion and it will directly influence the performance
of the method. It is also seen that the distortion is more
severe in the case of using pen-down plus pen-up
symbols than pen-down symbols only for the same
total number of symbols is used. This is obvious because
the former situation actually uses half of the total
symbols in quantization. In our primary research, we
have observed that using pen-up symbols can improve
the performance of the method in certain circumstance.
It means that the introduction of pen-up symbols
compensates the effect of distortion to certain extent.
More discussion on this issue can be found in Section 4.
The increase of number of symbols will greatly increase
the time needed for model training. If the number is
chosen too large, the time used in model training may
become impractical. Therefore, a certain compromise
between the degree of distortion allowed and the time
cost for model training needs to be made in deciding
the number of symbols to use.
3.2. Signature verification
The proposed signature verification system works
as follows. The signers sign their names with a pen on
a tablet that captures the information of signatures.
Based on a number of sample signatures of a signer, a
H M M is trained applying equations (4)-(6) or (8)-(9).
The derived model is used as the important and unique
feature of the signatures and it is stored as the reference
of that signer. The average probability (or mean) of the
Application of Hidden Markov Models
Fig. 3. (a) Original signature; the signature quantized using: (b) 16, (c) 8, and (d) 4 pen-down and pen-up
symbols. (e) 32, (f) 16, and (g) 8 pen-down symbols.
training signatures being generated by the model, denoted a s / 5 is also stored. Whenever someone claims
to be a particular person and writes his signature on
the tablet, the system retrieves the reference of the
claimed signer and calculate the probability (P,) that
the signature is generated by the particular model. A
decision is made on whether the signature is authentic
or forged using a threshold do. If P, is below the
threshold the signature is rejected as a forgery. There
are generally two types of error which may occur in
the signature verification process: false rejection (FR),
the error which arises when an authentic signature is
rejected; false acceptance (FA), the error for accepting
a forgery. The level of the two error rates are dependent
on the threshold chosen. In this paper, d o is chosen to
be dependent on /5 obtained using the training signatures as:
do . . . . . . . . , = 6. fi, ........ ~,
where the factor 6 is determined in experiments. The
value of 6 is dependent on the deviation of P, from its
mean/5. For each signer, 6 can be determined accor-
ding to the probability deviation behaviour. Figure 4
plots the mean and deviation of - l o g ( P , ) of both
genuine and forgery signatures of the training signatures of 31 signers in the database used in our
experiments (only simple forgery was considered, see
Section 4 for more information on the experiment considerations). In Fig. 4, the points marked with • and
[] are the mean and standard deviation of genuine
signatures of all the signers, respectively, while the
points marked with • and O are the mean and standard deviation of forgeries, respectively. It can be observed that for most of the signers, the differences
between the mean probabilities of genuine signatures
and forgeries are fairly large. On the other hand, the
standard deviations of probabilities of genuine signatures of all signers are relatively very small and more
or less consistent. Based on these observations, we
decided to use an uniformed 6 in our system in order
to simplify the problem. According to our experimental
results, a 6-state left-to-right H M M shows a relation
between 6 and error rates as in Fig. 5. It is reasonable
to chose 6 to be 0.85 where FR and FA equals. But, it
L. YANG et al.
~-., 14oo
• .
"6 l=oo
>e looo
', /
,, ,"
~t~,; \
' t
i . . . . IL~-i' '
; ~ <;' t
, oli
: e. 6 .:,
.. o
. ...
~ !
~ I
F '
Signer No.
Fig. 4. Mean (11) and standard deviation ([]) of -1og(Pr) of genuine signatures of each signer; mean ( e )
and standard deviation (O) of - log(Pr) of forgeries.
File R i g O r /
0.~ ci.4 o.5 o.e 0.7 0.8 0.9
1.1 12 1.3
Fig. 5. Error rates vs threshold of a 6-state left-to-right HMM.
is expected that if more elaborate 6 is selected for each
signer, the performance should be improved, to a certain
extent. Further, we observed in the experiments that
the mean and standard deviation of P,(thus the choice
of 6) is influenced by the number of signatures used in
training when the number of training signatures used
is too small, say 4. If the training is based on sufficient
number of signatures (above 7), the influence becomes
hardly observable.
An experimental system using H M M s for signature
verification was implemented on a personal computer
(486 DX2 33MHz processor) connected with a graphic
tablet (DSD 703 Digitizer, electromagnetic). The tablet
captures the trajectory of handwriting in spatial sampling fashion and provides the x - y coordinates of the
samples. The tablet has an effective working area of
19 cm x 14cm with resolution of 2100 x 1536 points.
The maximal data transmission rate to the computer
is 4800 coordinate pairs per second. The recognition
software system is implemented in PASCAL.
The experiments were carried out based on a data
base containing 496 signatures of 31 signers. Each of
the signers was asked to write his/her signature 16
times of which 8 times were used for model training
and the other 8 times for verification test. For each
signer, a H M M was generated based on his/her training
signatures and the model training was done off-line.
To evaluate the performance of the system the authentic
signatures of each signer and the other signatures of
the remaining 30 signers which were considered as
forgeries were tested over each corresponding model.
The overall average error rate of false rejection and
false acceptance were evaluated.
First, several model structures were investigated in
order to obtain the most suitable model for the problem.
The models chosen are listed as following and also
shown in Fig. 6:
Application of Hidden Markov Models
Fig. 6. Different model structure: (a) LTR-1; (b) LTR-2; (c) LTR-3; (d) parallel; (e) generalized.
(a) LTR- 1: only left-to-right transitions are allowed.
(b) LTR-2: only left-to-right transitions and single
skips of states are allowed.
(c) LTR-3: only left-to-right transitions and no skips
of states are allowed.
(d) Parallel: only left-to-right transitions are allowed
in which some states are parallel to each other.
(e) Generalized: transitions from any states to any
other states wilt be possible.
In the experiments, the number of states used is 6
and the observation length is 300. The overall false
acceptance and false rejection error rates were measured
for the test signatures. The results are shown in Table 1.
It is clear that the constrained models performed better
than the generalized model. Among the constrained
models, it is observed that the LTR-1 model gives the
best performance. There is a clear trend that the leftto-right model with less restriction gives better performance than those with more restriction. This implies
that the increase of freedom in the restricted model
may allow more inherent variance in the signatures of
a signer and at the same time can still reasonably
model the unique characteristics of a signer and, however, too much freedom in the model may increase the
probability of accepting false signatures. The reason
that left-to-right model gives better performance than
the generalized model may be that the left-to-right
model captures the dynamic characteristics of signing
in a better way. Left-to-right models inherently impose
a temporal order to the HMM since lower numbered
states corresponds to observations occurring prior to
those to higher numbered states. The progressive nature
of the states sequence reflects a certain dynamic characteristics. We chose LTR-1 model structure for our
further experiments.
The performance under different number of states
was also evaluated. With the number of states varying
from 2 to 9, we obtain the results shown in Fig. 7,
setting the observation length at 300. In spite of a
statistic fluctuation, a slow steadily improvement of
performance is observed as the number of states increases. However, the increase of the number of states
does not show significant influence on the performance
when certain number of states is reached. It is shown
that the selection of 6 states in the model is reasonable.
Table 1. Error rates of different models.
Type of error rates (%)
Model structure
False acceptance
False rejection
L. YANG et al.
Increasing the number of states will greatly increase
the time needed to train a model. The experimental
results showed that the performance of the model is
deteriorated using too small number of states, i.e. less
than 4. It is expected that a greater number of states
should be used with greater observation length in a
Investigation on performance with different observation lengths was carried out by varying the observation length from 100 to 500, while the number of states
was chosen as 6. The experimental results are shown
in Fig. 8. It is observed that at very low observation
length, say 100, the performance is very poor. This is
because that too short an observation length will lead
to very rough description of a signature and, consequently, the inaccuracy in the signatures resulted in
a large false acceptance of signatures. As the observation
length increases, more details of signatures are captured.
As shown in the figure, it is suitable to choose the
observation length to be 300. Larger numbers of observations may slightly improve the performance. However from time consumption point of view in model
training, the gain may not be worth. As the number of
observation length increases, the time used for a model
training is increased tremendously. It is observed that
at higher observation length, the error rates may even
increase. This may be due to the fact we mentioned
earlier that for a greater observation length the model
should incorporate with a greater number of states.
However, an optimal solution to observation length
is to adapt observation length according to the length
of signatures and at the same time eliminate the influence
of size variation. In general, it is reasonable that for
short signatures a smaller observation length can be
used than that for long signatures. To determine the
length of observation for each signature class indi-
Error rates ( % )
F ~ s e /.m:xx~tm'me
/ t/1
N u m b e r of s l a t e s
Fig. 7. Error rates vs number of states.
Error rates ( % )
False acceptance
False rejection
Observation length
Fig. 8. Error rates vs observation length.
Application of Hidden Markov Models
Table 2. Error rates with different number of symbols.
Total symbols
Number of symbols
Pen-down symbols
Pen-up symbols
vidually, an appropriate solution is to chose the
observation length in experiments according to the
performance of signature verification. To find an
optimal value for each signature class requires tremendous time. In our future research, an adaptive
observation length will be considered and the results
will be reported in the near future.
Section 3.1 has shown that the number of symbols
used has great impact on the way signatures are described. It is very useful to see how it influences the
performance of signature verification. The performance
applying the number of symbols of 4, 8, 16 and 32 were
evaluated both in the cases of using only pen-down
symbols and pen-down plus pen-up symbols. When
pen-down and pen-up symbols are used combined, it
means that half of the indicated number of symbols are
pen-down symbols and half of it are pen-up symbols.
Table 2 presents the results obtained in our experiments.
It is shown that the introduction of pen-up symbols
indeed improves the performance when the distortion
introduced is not too large. As the number of symbols
decreases, the performance became deteriorated in both
cases and, especially, the advantage of using pen-up
symbols is diminished. It can be seen that the performance may even become worse using pen-down plus
pen-up symbols than using only pen-down symbols at
some point. As shown in Section 3.1, when too few
number of symbols is used, signatures are severely
distorted resulting in poor performance.
We have presented in this paper a method for online signature verification applying HMM technique.
The signature features are taken as the normalized
angular direction as the function of the distance from
the starting point of the signature. The experimental
results show good signature verification performance
against substitution forgery. The overall error rates of
1.75~o and 4.44~ofor false rejection and false acceptance,
respectively, were observed. Generally speaking, leftto-right HMMs capture the information of signing
better than other model structures. The selection of the
number of states, number of symbols and observation
length is made with compromise between performance
and time cost in model training. The use of pen-up
Error rates (~)
False acceptance
False rejection
symbols improves the performance to a certain extent.
When the number of symbols chosen decreases, the
improvement is diminished. At some point, the performance is even worse. The performance may be further
improved using some better discrimination method
instead of a simple uniform threshold. Our further
attention will be focused on the system given satisfactory performance against skilled forgery by combining dynamic information of signature, i.e. pressure,
velocity and/or acceleration, etc., in the verification
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L. YANG et al.
About the Author--LIPING YANG received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Hunan University,
P.R. China, in 1982. She started graduate studies in electrical engineering at Delft University of Technology,
The Netherlands, in 1990. She is currently a Research Assistant in this university and working towards her
Ph.D. degree. Her current research interests include analysis and recognition of handwriting, signature
verification, image processing and multi-media communications.
About the Author--MICHAEL B. K. WIDJAJA was born in The Hague, The Netherlands on 19 June 1970.
He received the M.Sc.E.E. degree from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. He has done
research on signature verification applying Hidden Markov Models. His interests are in signal processing,
pattern recognition and communication systems.
About the Author--RAMJEE PRASAD, since February 1988, has been with the Telecommunications and
Traffic Control Systems Group, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, where he is actively
involved in the area of personal radio and multi-media communications. He has published over 150 technical
papers. Prof. Prasad is listed in the U.S. Who's Who in the world. He was organizer and Interim Chairman
of IEEE Vehicle Technology/Communications Society Chapter, Benelux Section. Now he is elected chairman
of the joint chapter. He is also founder of the IEEE Symposium on Communications Vehicle Technology
(SCVT) in the Benelux and he was the Symposium chairman of SCVT'93. He is one of the Editor-in Chief
of a new journal on "Wireless Personal Communications" and also a member of the editorial board of the
other international journals including IEEE Communication Magazine. He is the technical Program
Chairman of PIMRC'94 International Symposium to be held in The Hague, The Netherlands during 19-23
September 1994 and also of the Third Communication Theory Mini-Conference in conjunction with
GLOBECOM'94 to be held in San Francisco, California during 27-30 November 1994. He is a Fellow of
IEE, a Fellow of the Institute of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers, a Senior Member of IEEE
and a Member of the New York Academy of Science and of NERG (The Netherlands Electronics and Radio