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      Computer And SocietyEducationEducational TechnologyE-learning
The Information Systems Crimes Law No (30) of 2010 has been dealt in detail and other traditional criminal laws were discussed in brief. The primary objective of the current study was to determine the Jordanian legal mechanism for... more
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      Information SecurityInformation and Communication technologyCloud ComputingeGovernment, IT
So much research that has been done concerning eGovernment (eGov) frameworks. However, little focus has been put towards the use of Digital Forensics (DF) to conduct a proper Digital Forensic Investigation (DFI) in eGovernment frameworks.... more
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      Computer ForensicseGovernmenteGovernanceDigital Forensics
There is scarcely any aspect of government activity that does not involve the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The EU has supported the building of digital infrastructures and the sharing of best practices on... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean LawPublic Budgeting and Finance
The virtual currency Bitcoin has got a lot of attention since it was presented in late 2008 and implemented in early 2009. However, the main attention has been on the currency and not the underlying technology called the blockchain. This... more
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      Information SystemseGovernment, ITConferenceBitcoin
Against the background of recent economic realities, certainly one of the bigger forces that is affecting businesses worldwide is cloud computing technology, whose advantages consist of agility, Cost savings, time to market, Competitive... more
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      Management Information SystemsInformation SecurityInformation and Communication technologyCloud Computing
The costs of coordination failures are serious in disaster response operation. Uncoordinated responses lead to inefficient use of resources and sometimes fatally result in disaster affected persons not receiving ‘the right aid at the... more
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      Disaster ManagementSmart GridSmart CitieseGovernment, IT
Curso 2019 de Tecnología y Sector Público, carrera Licenciatura en Administración Pública, Escuela de Política y Gobierno de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM), ARGENTINA
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      Latin American StudiesTechnologyArgentinaPublic sector
Este artigo discorrerá sobre o Plano Nacional de Desmaterialização de Processos -Administração Sem Papel, ora em delineamento pelo Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão. O artigo descreve o contexto e o conceito de... more
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      eGovernmenteGovernment, IT
In this paper, we propose a recognition technique for handwritten Indian numbers. Due to the variations in shapes and sizes of handwritten Indian numbers, image representation, smoothing, skeletonization and localization processes are... more
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      Information SecurityInformation and Communication technologyCloud ComputingeGovernment, IT
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      National IdentityeGovernmenteGovernment, IT
Data and spatial information has been recognised as an important element in decision making. The high cost of spatial data procurement can become an obstacle in accessing spatial information, so that the spatial data held by certain... more
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      SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure)eGovernment, IT
Una sintesi sulle dimensioni europea, nazionale e regionale
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      eGovernment, ITDigital Agenda
Capacity building of municipal functionaries is recognized as an approach to make strong municipal work practices and to improve the achievements of municipalities in India. The main purpose of this paper was to describe the social,... more
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      eGovernanceGood GovernanceeGovernment, IT
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      Egovernment And Welfare PolicieseGovernmenteGovernanceeGovernment, IT
The Internet application has dramatically expanded since the past decade, and such expansion has equally led to the increased risk in Internet usage, especially in the domain of internet banking. The confidence level among different... more
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      Information Systems (Business Informatics)Internet BankingeGovernment, ITBusiness Informatics
In the modern world, information and speed are paramount. Governments and businesses alike compete not only with one another but to better serve the public. Governments around the world are using more and more technology to reach those... more
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      DissertationseGovernment, ITICT4D, eGovernement, Socio-Technical Systems
Cloud computing Adoption has achieved an essential inflection factor; this is affecting IT and business models and strategies all through the industries. There is a lack of empirical evidence how the adoption of cloud technology and a... more
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      Information SecurityInformation and Communication technologyCloud ComputingeGovernment, IT
OLIVEIRA, João Batista F. et al., Governo Eletrônico no Brasil: Aplicando Conceitos Resumen-Este artigo pretende apresentar um breve histórico do governo eletrônico no Brasil, a estrutura atual do programa, as diretrizes, padrões, algumas... more
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      Egovernment And Welfare PolicieseGovernmenteGovernment, IT
In this paper, we present the project denominated Efficient and Transparent Municipalities -MuNet, developed by the Organization of American States -OAS, with the sponsorship of the Canadian for International Development Agency -CIDA. The... more
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      Enterprise ArchitectureE-GovernmentE-HealtheGovernment
Проведено аналіз останніх законодавчих ініціатив Президента України як одного із суб’єктів законодавчої ініціативи у сфері інформатизації та впровадження електронного урядування. Розглянуто особливості правового регулювання... more
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      Egovernment And Welfare PolicieseGovernmenteGovernanceeGovernment, IT
Economía o sociedad de la información. la gran tienda del barrio. la gestión ambiental como herramienta de mejoramiento más que de supervivencia. economía, gerencia y economía, gerencia y DIEgO FERNANDO CARDONA MADARIAgA 1
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      Enterprise ArchitectureInformation SocietyE-GovernmentE-Health
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      eGovernmenteGovernment, ITE-ServicesInformation Technology Enabled Services
Finland is known for its advances is mobile computing, not least because of being the country Nokia is from. The success of Finland and Nokia is however relative, and in many fields the country has returned back to the group of average... more
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    • eGovernment, IT
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      Political ParticipationeGovernment, IT
In order to describe the citizen behavior toward eadministration, understood as the interaction channel of the government for services delivery using ICT, it is necessary to identify the citizen ICT attitude/aptitude and his perception of... more
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      Enterprise ArchitectureE-GovernmentE-HealtheGovernment
Information and communication technologies have become important tools for ensuring good governance as it makes service delivery easy, fast and economic. As any other under developed country Bangladesh has much potential to use this ICT... more
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    • eGovernment, IT
Deze evaluatie betreft het ICT-beleid van het Ministerie van Economische Zaken (EZ), Directie Regeldruk en ICT-beleid. Het gaat om de periode 2011-2015. De evaluatie richt zich op 15 beleidsinitiatieven binnen de clusters e-overheid en... more
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      ICT PolicyeGovernment, IT