Papers by Adhiawan Soegiharto
Journal of Esq Business Information System, Feb 28, 2014
Implementasi sistem besar seperti ERP memerlukan investasi yang tidak sedikit. Implementasi ERP b... more Implementasi sistem besar seperti ERP memerlukan investasi yang tidak sedikit. Implementasi ERP biasanya didorong oleh kebutuhan akan proses yang lebih cepat, operasional yang lebih efisien, data yang lebih akurat, dan pelaporan yang lebih berkualitas. Manfaat dari implementasi sistem ini telah dirasakan oleh baik perusahaan maupun para penggunanya. Namun demikian, manfaat-manfaat tersebut masih dideskripsikan secara normatif. Tanpa adanya perhitungan yang jelas dari sisi finansial, biaya implementasi dan operasional ERP dianggap menjadi beban keuangan perusahaan. Penelitian ini mengusulkan suatu metode untuk mengkuantifikasikan manfaat-manfaat dari implementasi ERP, untuk melihat seberapa besar kontribusi finansial dari implementasi ERP. Generic IS/IT Business Value digunakan sebagai tool dalam metodologi ini sebagai dasar identifikasi manfaat. Alur dan sebab-akibat antar manfaat-manfaat yang teridentifikasi dianalisis menjadi suatu rantai manfaat. Manfaat-manfaat yang berada di ujung rantai kemudian dihitung manfaatnya secara finansial sehingga dapat diketahui besaran Return on Investment (ROI) dari implementasi ERP.
Data and spatial information has been recognised as an important element in decision making. The ... more Data and spatial information has been recognised as an important element in decision making. The high cost of spatial data procurement can become an obstacle in accessing spatial information, so that the spatial data held by certain institutions cannot be shared by other institutions that may need it. To overcome this problem, national government has issued policies on the dissemination of spatial data. This policy appoints several agencies to act as nodes and node connectors of a National Spatial Data Network. However, within this policy there is no reference to the architecture that is required to build an egovernment which can support the use of spatial data for decision making. To build such an architectural model, identification and observation is required in every relevant Indonesian institution designated as nodes and connecting node in the National Spatial Data Network. To establish current best practice, a critical observation and comparative review will be completed of e-government architecture models in other spatially enabled countries. The results of this identification and observation become the basis for the design of an appropriate architectural model. Architectural models thus formed can provide a reference for agencies in Indonesia. Such a reference is expected to facilitate institutions in building the information technology architecture that can enable them to efficiency and effectively make best use of spatial data.
Papers by Adhiawan Soegiharto