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Abstract. In the last three years or so we at Enterprise Platforms Group at Intel Corporation have been applying formal methods to various problems that arose during the process of defining platform architectures for Intel’s processor... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingDistributed Shared Memory SystemFormal methods
Distributed systems performance is affected significantly by cache coherence protocols due to their role in data consistency maintaining. Also, cache coherent protocols have a great task for keeping the interconnection of caches in a... more
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      Distributed ComputingDistributed SystemsComputer Architecture/Organization, Cache Memory, Cache CoherenceDistributed Information Systems
Assertions are valuable in producing quality software but some assertions like those checking data structure invariants are costly by nature. The authors of this paper propose that costly assertions be queued up for later execution by a... more
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      User InterfaceTransactional MemoryFeasibility StudyParallel Machines
The specification and verification of shared-memory multiprocessor cache coherence protocols is a paradigmatic example of parallel technologies where formal methods can be applied. In this paper we present the specification and... more
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      Computer ScienceFormal methodFormal VerificationPact
Nowadays, the computational systems (multi and uniprocessors) need to avoid the cache coherence problem. There are some techniques to solve this problem. The MESI cache coherence protocol is one of them. This paper presents a simulator of... more
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      Cache MemoryMemory SystemsElectrical And Electronic EngineeringCache Coherence
To meet the demand for more powerful high-performance shared-memory servers, multiprocessor systems must incorporate efficient and scalable cache coherence protocols, such as those based on directory caches. However, the limited directory... more
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      Memory ManagementOPERATING SYSTEMEffect sizeProtocols
In a previous paper we presented a method which allows to compute abstractions for parameterized systems modeled in the decidable logic WS1S. These WS1S systems provide an intuitive way to describe parameterized systems of finite state... more
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      LivenessSafetyCache MemorySystem modeling
This paper explores a new technique called coherence decoupling , which breaks a traditional cache coherence protocol into two protocols: a Speculative Cache Lookup (SCL) protocol and a safe, backing coherence protocol. The SCL protocol... more
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      Performance ImprovementSystem SimulationCOLCache Coherence
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      Distributed ComputingCache MemoryParallel & Distributed ComputingShared memory
The evaluation of network performance under real application loads is carried out by detailed time-intensive and resourceintensive simulations. Moreover, the use of ILP processors in cc-NUMA architectures introduces non-deterministic... more
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      Computer ScienceNetwork DesignCase StudyRandom access memory
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      Computer HardwareMicroElectrical And Electronic Engineeringcache coherence protocol
In a modern shared memory multiprocessor, it is possible to support more than one protocol for maintaining cache coherence. Possible candidates might be based on the Write-Back/Invalidate, Write-Through/Invalidate, and Write-Update... more
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      Distributed Shared Memory SystemDistributed SystemPerformance EvaluationPerformance Prediction
Protection and security are becoming essential requirements in commercial servers. In this paper, we present a fast and efficient method for providing secure memory and cache-to-cache communications in shared memory multiprocessor systems... more
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      Shared memoryCryptographic Protocolscache coherence protocolShared memory multiprocessor system
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      Computer SciencePacket SwitchingDistributed Shared Memory SystemGAP
The use of model checking for validation requires that models of the underlying system be created. Creating such models is both difficult and error prone and as a result, verification is rarely used despite its advantages. In this paper,... more
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      CompilersModel CheckingProtocolsHardware
The use of model checking for validation requires that models of the underlying system be created. Creating such models is both difficult and error prone and as a result, verification is rarely used despite its advantages. In this paper,... more
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      Computer ScienceModel CheckingQuality of ServiceCase Study
We present PREACH, an industrial strength distributed explicit state model checker based on Murphi. The goal of this project was to develop a reliable, easy to maintain, scalable model checker that was compatible with the Murphi... more
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      Computer ScienceModel CheckingOpen SourceHash Table
A shared data structure is lock-free if its operations do not require mutual exclusion. If one process is interrupted in the middle of an operation, other processes will not be prevented from operating on that object. In highly concurrent... more
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      Transactional MemoryData StructureConcurrent SystemsMutual Exclusion
Distributed shared-memory architectures typically employ a directory-based protocol to maintain cache coherence. Identifying sharing patterns in parallel programs and applying specialized optimizations can increase cache-coherence... more
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      Distributed Shared Memory SystemShared memoryHigh performancecache coherence protocol
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      Critical path of historyCacheChipLow Latency
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      Distributed ComputingBroadcastingComputer SoftwareProtocols
Caching has been intensively used in memory and traditional file systems to improve system performance. However, the use of caching in parallel file systems and I/O libraries has been limited to I/O nodes to avoid cache coherence... more
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      Distributed ComputingComputer SoftwarePerformance ImprovementProtocol Specification
The evaluation of network performance under real application loads is carried out by detailed time-intensive and resourceintensive simulations. Moreover, the use of ILP processors in cc-NUMA architectures introduces non-deterministic... more
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      Network DesignCase StudyRandom access memoryNetwork Performance