Recent papers in Liveness
In five steps this text tries to convey a semiotic analysis of the phenomenon of ‘live VR music concerts’.Through this paper it becomes clear that the meaning of live music and virtual live music is not always clear. Virtual does not... more
This book examines television drama in the age of streaming—a time when television has been reshaped for national and international consumption via both linear ‘flow’ and on-demand user modes. It builds on an in-depth study of the... more
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in wireless sensor networks. One of the major issues in wireless sensor network is developing an energy-efficient clustering protocol. Hierarchical clustering algorithms are very... more
The early history of the so-called ‘neighbouring rights’, as part of the history of copyright, has so far been given very little attention by scholars. This article sheds light on a European contest over the rights in sound recordings... more
Liveness Detection (LivDet)-Face is an international competition series open to academia and industry. The competition's objective is to assess and report state-of-theart in liveness / Presentation Attack Detection (PAD) for face... more
Telematic music: Latency, Compositional Attitude and Liveness Abstract: This article aimed to present the computacional strategy in free software used to solve the difficulties from the latency of the network audio streaming inserted on... more
The relationship between television and "live music" has been a weak one: the televisive dimension of music was mainly absorbed by the music video model, or by single performances in TV shows. The arrival of digital technology has... more
Ghislaine Boddington - This paper is going to discuss, what will be called, 'The Internet of Bodies'. Our physical and virtual worlds are blending and shifting our understanding of three key areas: (1) our identities are diversifying, as... more
The COVID-19 emergency has had a profound impact on the artistic and cultural sectors, and on performing arts in particular. The lockdown required the suspension of all live performances and rehearsals, including the cancellation of... more
In recent years, the expansion and use of mobile Internet and social media have changed live music engagement and fandom quite considerably. It has not only allowed fans to find and connect with each other at shows, but also to tweet and... more
The better quality pdf is downloadible from here: " Through recent artistic practices and technology of interactive systems for music, composition and... more
With today’s prevalence of technology, enormous quantities of data are generated and disseminated in real time through a highly networked, programmable and distributed environment. Networks of machines and the circulation of data mediate... more
ISBN 978-989-98796-1-4 Nesta investigação tentamos contribuir para um enquadramento teórico da ciberformance, a performance que acontece em plataformas, ambientes e mundos virtuais e que se caracteriza por ser ao vivo, mediada,... more
In this paper, we use two audio/visual performance projects based on differing design approaches to consider the relationship between designer and user. Using the examples of OverWatch and Waves, we examine similarities between classical... more
This essay is a study of performance and performativity in visual art in contemporary Cambodia. I argue that, while stage performances often draw on existing traditions of performance, and rapidly codify new conventions, performance in... more
Περίληψη Τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες η εισαγωγή των ψηφιακών τεχνολογιών στις επιτελεστικές τέχνες-στις οποίες ανήκει και η μουσική-έχει πυροδοτήσει έντονους προβληματισμούς και αντιπαραθέσεις στο πεδίο των επιτελεστικών τεχνών (και άλλων... more
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę dotyczącą słuchania akuzmatycznego. Autor zastanawia się, czy taki rodzaj słuchania zachodzi tylko w momencie, kiedy do słuchacza dociera dźwięk bez kontekstu jego źródła, czy może również wtedy, kiedy... more
This article proposes a theory of mediated presence, defined as the sense of presence-despite physical absence-made possible by technology. Pushing the boundaries of media, the theory integrates various notions of presence at a distance:... more
Martin Parker’s gruntCount is a multi-version, configurable composition for improvising musician (or musicians) and computer. Performers embark on a journey through sound processing modules that are specifically customised to individual... more
The problem of documenting performance is discussed via viewer testimonies of Jerzy Grotowski’s practices. On the one hand, Erika Fischer-Lichte’s notion of performance involves the viewer’s experience in the aesthetic work. On the other... more
I concerti digitali sono il futuro. Anzi, no: sono videoclip a pagamento. I live sulle piattaforme ci sono da tempo: oltreoceano è già un modello da grandi numeri. Ma bisogna andare oltre i luoghi comuni
What is so eventful about an event movie's arrival to the multiplex, and how does this eventfulness function as both an industry strategy and audience experience? Synthesizing an analysis of trade discourses, promotional campaigns, and... more
A dearth of research exists that examines live stand-up comedy from the audiences' perspective. This empirical article redresses this neglect by examining the appeal of live stand-up comedy to audiences and revealing their motivations... more
Subscriptions to archives and databases can change at any time, and you may not be able to access the same materials from week to week. Moreover, different universities have different levels of access. We learned that the hard way. •... more
The article explores the affective consequences of the new mode of instant access to enormous levels of musical recordings in digital format. It is suggested that this " musical superabundance" might weaken the individual's ability to be... more
The last two decades in India have seen an enormous growth of satellite television. News has established itself in the meanwhile not merely as a source of information but also of entertainment. Available in all regional languages through... more
Come cambia l'idea del "live", con le piattaforme, e dopo il distanziamento sociale imposto dalla pandemia? La parola live sembra diventata un ossimoro: concerti annullati o rimandati, mentre sui social media abbondano performance... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
The proliferation of two screen or connected viewing on multiple devices (smartphones/iphones, laptops, tablets/ipads) simultaneously are reshaping the ways that TV broadcasters programme, schedule, and deliver programmes and content.... more
In some musical genres, professional performers play live shows many times a week. Arduous touring schedules bring encounters with wildly diverse audiences across many different performance ecologies. We investigate the kinds of... more
Die 1974 zuerst ausgestrahlte Talkshow "III nach 9" wird fernsehhistorisch kontextualisiert als Versuch den Live-Aspekt des Fernsehens zu erneuern und das Medium wieder an seine Wurzeln zurückzuführen, indem das Unerwartbare ins Zentrum... more
This paper investigates representations of performance and the role of the archive. Notions of record and archive are critically investigated, raising questions about applying traditional archival definitions to the performing arts.... more
This article was published on Desearch
The COVID-19 emergency had a profound impact on the artistic and cultural sectors, and on performing arts in particular. The lockdown required the suspension of all live performances and rehearsals, including the cancellation of seasons... more
This paper provides a formal specification and proof of correctness of a basic Generalized Snapshot Isolation certification-based data replication protocol for database middleware architectures. It has been modeled using a state... more
Input devices like touch-sensitive dance mats, plastic guitars or the Wii-Controller (or nowadays Microsofts Kinect as well) add a special quality to “playing” music in a double sense: Music games like for instance Guitar Hero, Rock Band... more