(2) Input Output Economics
Recent papers in (2) Input Output Economics
I would like to creat an open-source R package that makes working with Eurostat and OECD symmetric input-output tables very easy. The aim is to make various comparisons, for example in backward linkages or employment multipliers accross... more
Bu kapsamda çalışmanın nihai hedefleri özelde Taşkömürü Madenciliği Sektörü genelde ise Zonguldak il ve ilçelerindeki; • sektörlerin üretim seviyelerinin belirlenmesi ve sektörlerin üretim faaliyetleri sonucunda ortaya çıkan toplam üretim... more
Theoretical chapter of an EU study on the economic impact of the European shipping sector.
ÖZET Bir ülke, bölge ya da şehre yönelik plan yapılabilmesi için planın uygulanacağı alanın tarihsel, kültürel ve sosyo-ekonomik yapısı dikkatlice analiz edilmelidir. Yörenin dinamiklerini dikkate almayan ve halkın benimsemeyeceği... more
Turkey became an EU member candidate in 1999, and its economy achieved greater stability in the 2000s, compared to that observed before the 2000–2001 economic crisis. Nevertheless , it remains unclear whether this performance could help... more
Salah satu strategi pembangunan pemerintah Indonesia dalam Masterplan Percepatan dan Perluasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia (MP3EI) adalah pembangunan di bidang transportasi dalam rangka “Penguatan Konektivitas Nasional”. Tujuan dari... more
The fields of Political Economy and Input–Output economics are commonly unrelated due to the discrepancy between the qualitative and quantitative analysis in economic science. With the aim to overcome this separation, this paper relates... more
Sustainable practices require a controlled setting within an urban system where the practicality present a review by what means integrated carbon footprint and monetary factor may construct an environmental health impact dimension to... more
Resumo: O trabalho discute empiricamente o fenômeno da desindustrialização e o processo de especialização tecnológica entre 1989-2010. Em primeiro lugar, discutimos empiricamente o fenômeno da desindustrialização e da estrutura das... more
1. Objetivo 2. Matrices IO 3. Fuentes 4. Metodología y Resultados 5. Conclusiones Aproximaciones al conocimiento sobre China a través de las matrices de insumo producto. Resultados y retos 4
This paper calculates the environmental effects of the Attiki Odos (AOD) motorway investment expenditures in the Athens Metropolitan Area (AMA), Greece. The AOD is incorporated in the Trans-European Networks (TEN) and is a priority... more
My review of The People's Republic of Walmart by Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski. I discuss the attribution of Input-Output analysis to Marx and provide my perspective on the authors' proposal to implement a democratic variant of... more
Cloud computing is a concept of providing user and application oriented services in a virtual environment. Users can use the various cloud services as per their requirements dynamically. Different users have different requirements in... more
Abstract The increasing inconsistency in the Turkish economy gave rise to transformations necessitated by the manner of its growth and technological changes. Between 1923 and 1962, the Turkish economy was based on agricultural growth... more
"A Decision Support System (DSS) is described, the prime objective of which is to aid in the location of new investments in a multi-site, multi-product dairy processing company. A network program model is described which optimises the... more
In this paper we apply the Lenzen and Reynolds (2014) Waste Supply Use Table extension of Nakamura and Kondo’s (2002a) Waste Input–Output (WIO) framework to the 2008 Australian economy. This is the first application of any WIO-style... more
The construction of fuel pipelines along high-throughput corridors can alleviate demand for rail, barge, and truck transportation. Pipelines have a very different externality profile than other freight transportation modes due to... more
The purpose of this paper is to examine the growth and the structure of employment in the service sector in the Spanish Economy from 1958 to 1989 and to draw comparisons with the trends exhibited by other European countries. In contrast... more
Multiregional dynamic models of economic growth rarely capture the interdependencies among regions that are geographically distant and/or often underestimate the importance of these linkages. This bias has become more and more serious... more
Bu rapor, BAKKA’nın Doğrudan Faaliyet Desteği kapsamında, Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi’nden 7 kişilik bir araştırma grubu tarafından hazırlanmıştır. Batı Karadeniz Kalkınma Ajansı ile Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi’nin birlikte... more
Desde el impulso inicial de Wassily Leontief y Richard Stone, son numerosos los desarrollos, modelos y aplicaciones que han tenido como base la Tabla Input Output (TIO) o la Matriz de Contabilidad Social (SAM). Para Stone (1985) la... more
In publicly available waste reports only the totals of waste produced for municipal, or industry waste typically feature. The types of waste generated and the generating industry sector are usually omitted. We propose the direct inputs... more
One of the main structural changes in all OECD countries has been a shift in employment and total output towards services. This trend indicates that services are a dynamic part of the economy and make an increasing contribution to... more
Balancing continued economic progress and conservation of our biosphere is the challenge of our time. It’s a dilemma of the anthropocene epoch. Without corporation to the mix, our endeavor is fruitless. Increasingly, corporations have... more
In literature two types of models exist that aim at describing the production decision(s) of entrepreneurs, taking account of production costs and costs incurred by the existence of inventory stocks of final goods. One type is called the... more
A formal analysis of the spatial economic structure of the EC requires the integration of input-output data and intra-EC trade data. Such data are available in a set of intercounty EC input-output tables for 1970, 1975 and 1980. The... more
In this study, import dependency on intermediate goods within main manufacturing industries in Turkey was analyzed using World Input-Output Database (WIOD) between 2002 and 2014. Moreover, import dependency on intermediate goods within... more
This paper investigates the role of the domestic value chain in transmitting the economic impact of Covid-19 lockdown measures. By employing techniques of complex networks analysis and input-output traditional tools, the study identifies... more
In this work, we analyzed the export- biased productivity, wage growth and the ULCP in Turkey. Then, by using input- output methods, we could show that Turkey has an economy which is able to be a part of the Euro system and Euro is... more
This paper explores the relationship between productivity and mechanization within the input-output structure of the U.S. economy to test the classical-Marxian proposition that the rate of growth of manufacturing productivity is tied to... more