Recent papers in Yippies
Книга вышла в издательстве «Гилея» благодаря организационной, финансовой, моральной и иной деятельной поддержке основателя издательства Сергея Кудрявцева Акадэмическое издание (то есть много примечаний, комментариев и другого "научного... more
Вот уж не везет, так не везет: я хотел написать самую подрывную книгу в истории, а она стала коммерчески успешным бестселлером.
O artigo percorre a história da relação da cidade com o ativismo criativo, no século XX, descobrindo, na atuação e na ação performática de grupos como letristas, situacionistas, Diggers e Yippies, as matrizes da guerrilha publicitária.... more
As early as the 17th century, servants and slaves sold their wealthy employers’ castoff garments at secondhand depots to other impoverished people. Used clothes accordingly carried a heavy stigma of poverty and desperation, but centuries... more
In the opening to Howl (1956), Allen Ginsberg glorified "angelheaded hipsters" as the paragons of authentic religious seeking. Published a year later, Jack Kerouac's On the Road (1957) placed this archetype for "hip" spirituality center... more
Abbie Hoffman (1936-1989) fue un activista estadounidense, fundador del movimiento "yippie" (diminutivo de Youth International Party) y ardiente promotor del anarco/comunismo. En pleno Festival de Woodstock, el domingo 17 de agosto de... more
As Chicago remembers through exhibitions, lectures, articles, radio programs, and other events a pivotal moment of 40 years ago when, during a hot August, our city, like the rest of the country, was at war with itself, we catch glimpses... more
When Technocultures Collide provides rich and diverse studies of collision courses between technologically inspired subcultures and the corporate and governmental entities they seek to undermine. The adventures and exploits of computer... more
"Though often overlooked, apparel can be a powerful tool of political and social dissent, such as the Communist / anarchistic subtext of Surreal fashions. Costume has likewise been leveraged in political upheavals, as in the Boston Tea... more