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Ethics is often broadly understood as answering the questions of ‘what is good?’ and ‘what is bad?’. Of course, this assumes that there are simple answers to these (and similar) queries. We define ethics in language revitalization as... more
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      SociologyLanguage revitalizationVilamovianWymysorys
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      Language revitalizationIndigenous theatreVilamovianWymysorys
Die wilmesaurische Sprache ist seit über hundert Jahren von verschiedenen Forschern untersucht und beschrieben worden. Unabhängig davon, ob sie in ihren Texten als Dialekt, Ethnolekt, Mundart oder eigenständige Sprache gilt, bewundert man... more
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      Language revitalizationEndangered LanguagesMiddle High GermanHistorical Germanic Dialects
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Etnolekt wilamowski (Wymysiöeryś) to zjawisko wyjątkowe na językowej mapie Polski. Według najbardziej optymistycznych szacunków biernie zna go kilkaset, czynnie kilkadziesiąt osób, a większość badaczy już w latach 90. XX w. nie widziała... more
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      Language revitalizationEthnic and National Minorities In PolandWymysorysWilamowice
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      Language revitalizationEndangered LanguagesVilamovianWymysorys
“Languages have stopped being used and have been formed and transformed all along in human history, but this rela vely slow and usual process has greatly accelerated within the last decades, leading to the modern «Great Dying». [...]... more
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      Language revitalizationLanguage Planning and PolicyEndangered LanguagesNahuatl
The article presents the current state of discussion on the status of indigenous language varieties of Poland which strive to gain more prestige and a certain level of independence. In sociolinguistic literature, they are described with... more
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      DialectologyEthnolectsCollateral LanguagesRegional Languages
Preface Wymysorys (Wymysiöerys), one of the smallest Germanic languages, is a critically endangered language of Southern Poland spoken by less than 45 inhabitants of the town of Wilamowice. The classification of Wymysorys is a... more
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      Historical LinguisticsPhoneticsMorphologyVilamovian
This article describes the history and the present situation of a Germanic language island in the southern-Polish town of Bielsko-Biała and its neighbouring settlements. While most of the inhabitants were expelled as German nationals... more
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      Language revitalizationEndangered LanguagesGermanic-Slavic Language RelationsEthnic and National Minorities In Poland
This paper contains a list of 117 publications concerning the history, culture and language of Wilamowice, a small town in the south of Poland, populated by descendants of medieval colonists of Germanic origin. The town is well known for... more
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      Language revitalizationBibliographyHistory of SilesiaMinority language literature
An annotated transcript of the debate “Małą łyżką smakuje dłużej” (With smaller spoon you enjoy it longer) - the closing event of the 2018 conference “Small language - large issue”, featuring authors and translators translating fiction... more
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      Translation StudiesMinority LanguagesLiterary translationEthnic and National Minorities In Poland
This thesis aims to compare the process of language revitalization and the influence of the community on this process. In the theoretical part, terms such as language death, language revitalization, language vitality, or cultural... more
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      Language revitalizationEndangered LanguagesMinority LanguagesLanguage death and revival
Our paper has shown that Vilamovicean speakers can engage in a com‑ plex pattern of conversations where not only one (i.e. Vilamovicean) but three (i.e. Vilamovicean, Polish and German) grammatical cores are com‑ monly and extensively... more
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A Polish Patriot from a German Colony: An Analysis of Hagiographic Texts about Józef Bilczewski The town of Wilamowice was established in the thirteenth century by settlers of Germanic origin, who came from Western Europe. The Germanic... more
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      HagiografiaVilamovianWymysorysWilamowicean culture
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      VilamovianWymysorysWilamowicean cultureWymysoü
Wilamowice były obiektem badań wielu naukowców zarówno polskich jak i niemieckich. Oprócz historii miasta badano szczególnie język, stroje i tradycje. Szczególnie niemieccy naukowcy skupieni wokół ruchu badania wysp językowych –... more
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In Südpolen, 70 km von Krakau, liegt ein schönes, kleines Städtchen namens Wilmesau (poln. Wilamowice). Es unterscheidet sich von den umliegenden Dörfern und Städten, dessen Einwohner sich über Wilmesau lustig machen, indem sie Wilmesau... more
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      Language revitalizationIdentity (Culture)AutoethnographyIndigenous Language Revitalization
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      Germanic linguisticsWymysorys
The statement was presented on August 9th 2021 during the press conference of the Coalition Parliamentary Club of the Left concerning the project of deputies' bill changing the Act on National and Ethnic Minorities and on the Regional... more
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      Political participation of ethnic minoritiesPolicies regarding regional minority languagesEthnic and National Minorities In PolandWymysorys
The paper presents the way of writing about Wilamowice as represented by both German and Polish authors, on the example of the Vilamovian headscarf called the “drymła”, in an attempt at analyzing the... more
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This paper offers an exhaustive description of the principal parts (Infinitive, Preterite Present and Plural, and Past Participle) of all irregular verbs found in Vilamovicean, a severely endangered Germanic vernacular spoken in Poland.... more
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      Germanic linguisticsdialects of GermanVilamovianWymysorys
The town of Wilamowice (southern Poland) is the unique home to the community of speakers of Wymysiöeryś. The language enclave originates from Colonial Middle High German and – according to diachronic dialectological analyses – is made up... more
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      Language revitalizationMinority LanguagesWymysorys
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      Language and IdeologyEndangered LanguagesMinority LiteratureVilamovian
Eine anthropologisch-historische Studie der Wilmesauer Kolonie in Wien
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      VilamovianLiteratura LudowaWymysorysWilamowice
Ethics is often broadly understood as answering the questions of ‘what is good?’ and ‘what is bad?’. Of course, this assumes that there are simple answers to these (and similar) queries. We define ethics in language revitalization as... more
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      SociologyLanguage revitalizationVilamovianWymysorys
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      SociologyLanguage revitalizationVilamovianWymysorys
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      Language revitalizationGermanic linguisticsLanguage DocumentationMiddle High German