Wrong Kinds of Reasons Problem
Recent papers in Wrong Kinds of Reasons Problem
Mark Schroeder has recently presented apparent counterexamples to the standard account of the distinction between the right and the wrong kinds of reasons. We argue that these examples appear to refute the standard account only because... more
A demon threatens catastrophic destruction if you don’t value his toenail clippings. That doesn’t make them valuable. Your friend’s depressed and could really use a win. Letting him win is still not good sportsmanship. These sorts of... more
Abstract: In trying to distinguish the right kinds of reasons from the wrong, epistemologists often appeal to the connection to truth to explain why practical considerations cannot constitute reasons. The view they typically opt for is... more
Thomas Kroedel argues that we can solve a version of the lottery paradox if we identify justified beliefs with permissible beliefs. Since permissions do not agglomerate, we might grant that someone could justifiably believe any ticket... more
Reactive emotion accounts hold that blameworthiness should be analyzed in terms of the familiar reactive emotions. However, despite the attractions of such views, we are not persuaded that blameworthiness is ultimately a matter of... more