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Along with the front hospitals (HOE), the action of sorting out the injured was one of the most important innovations of the Great War. Progressively, it was implemented and codified on each level of the evacuating chain, with variations... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryHistory of MedicineNurse Education
Les gelures sont des lésions locales des extrémités liées à une exposition à des températures en dessous de 0°C. Le risque, en l’absence de prise en charge, est l’amputation des zones gelées qui évoluent vers la gangrène. Le traitement et... more
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      Emergency MedicinePrimary CareNurse EducationNurse education research
The current economic downturn in the UK and other countries has caused healthcare organisations to justify the costs of more advanced technologies. This is seen especially within the wound care discipline. The costs of healthcare account... more
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      Health SciencesWound HealingPublic HealthHealth Care Management
Chronic wounds are very distressing for the patient and a difficult problem to manage. Many treatment modalities exist for this condition, making it difficult for the health care professionals to choose the appropriate treatment. This... more
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      Wound careWound management
Virtual Patients (VPs) are an interactive computer-based clinical patient scenario used in medical education. To determine how VPs are used in medical education, a literature search and review was completed. Methods: A literature search... more
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      Medical EducationWound HealingChronic WoundVirtual Learning
The majority of maxillofacial gunshot wounds are caused by suicide attempts. Young men are affected most often. When the lower one-third of the face is involved, airway patency (1.6% of the cases) and hemorrhage control (1.9% of the... more
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      Emergency MedicinePre Hospital CareSuicideWound Healing
Les vagues d’attentats en France depuis les années 1980 ont apporté à la pratique civile l’expérience du polymorphisme des mécanismes vulnérants physiques et psychiques du terrorisme. Les enseignements tirés des confl its militaires de la... more
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      Crisis ManagementNurse EducationMedicinePrehospital Emergency Care
Aim: The wound is the consequence of an acute skin aggression either limited or spreading, sometimes iatrogenic, which may be worsened by a delay in care in peculiar circumstances. The aim of this study is to present the benefits and give... more
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      Wound HealingWound careChronic WoundArmy
Burns is a global public health problem in the developed world and expensive burn dressings are not universally available. Most burns patients suffer from a deep second degree burn that can be treated conservatively. However, the ideal... more
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      Wound HealingDogsHoney in wound careBurn wound
Virtual patients (VPs) are an interactive computer-based clinical patient scenario used in medical education. Part one of this article, published in the last issue, discussed a literature search carried out to determine how VPs are used... more
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      Medical EducationWound HealingWound careVirtual Learning
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    • Wound management
A degloving wound is a minimal to extensive loss of skin with variable amounts of deep tissues loss through trauma. The occurrence of degloving injuries has been reported to affect different body parts. This article presents a left... more
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      Wound HealingIntentionWound DressingWound management
Points essentiels ■ Les plaies traumatiques et chroniques imposent des soins et des démarches de soins différentes. ■ La plaie doit être lavée abondamment à l’eau ou au sérum physiologique avant l’évaluation. ■ Le nettoyage avec une... more
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      Emergency MedicineNurse EducationWound HealingEmergency Management
Der Artikel beschreibt einige grundlegende Probleme, die bei der kontinuierlichen Dokumentation chronischer Wunden durch ambulante Pflegedienste auftreten, und zeigt ein an der Hochschule Harz im Rahmen des ZIM-NEMO-Netzwerkprojekts... more
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      Health Care AdministrationHealth CareDigitizationWound Healing
(R,R')-4'-methoxy-1-naphthylfenoterol [(R,R')-MNF] is a highly-selective β2 adrenergic receptor (β2-AR) agonist. Incubation of a panel of human-derived melanoma cell lines with (R,R')-MNF resulted in a dose- and time-dependent inhibition... more
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      MigrationCancerWound HealingCell Cycle
Millionen Menschen leiden unter schlecht oder gar nicht heilenden Wunden - besonders bekannt ist etwa der häufig bei älteren Menschen auftretende Dekubitus - mit denen nicht nur enorme gesellschaftliche Kosten, sondern auch erhebliche... more
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      PhotographyHealth Care AdministrationHealth CareDiabetes
The direct application of bone marrow (BM) can accelerate the healing of chronic wounds. We hypothesized that this effect is due to the presence of stromal progenitor cells (SPCs) found within whole BM preparations. To test this... more
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      SurgeryImmunologyStem cell and Regenerative medicineWound Healing
Objective: Wound management recommendations usually group dressings by base substrate material or reimbursement codes, even when functional differences are vast (e.g., honey-containing alginates, super-absorbent hydrogels). Polymeric... more
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      Evidence Based NursingWound HealingEvidence based Practice (Health Sciences)Clinical Nurse
A chronic ulcer is that, which does not heal within three months. Diabetic, arterial and venous ulcers are the common cause for non-healing lower extremity ulcers. The prevalence of chronic leg ulcers is 0.6-3% in people over 60 years and... more
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      Wound HealingChronic WoundWound management
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy has been reported as an effective treatment for lower limb ulceration. The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy for the treatment of... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringNursingPhysiotherapy
ABSTRAK Odor Sensor Digital (OSD) adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi bau luka yang mencerminkan tingkat infeksi. Cara kerja OSD dalam mendeteksi tingkat infeksi yaitu dengan menangkap bau yang terkandung dalam luka, kemudian... more
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      Wound HealingWound careWound InfectionsWound management
Introduction. Pilonidal sinus (PNS) disease affects the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the natal cleft of the buttocks. The treatment is variable and depends on presentation and the extent of disease. The mainstay of surgical management... more
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      Wound HealingWound careWound InfectionsWound management
La société française de médecine d’urgence (SFMU) a publié en septembre dernier des recommandations formalisées d’experts (RFE) sur la prise en charge des plaies aiguës en structure d’urgence. Elaboré via une revue de la littérature... more
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      Emergency MedicineFire and Emergency ServicesNurse EducationWound Healing
Introduction : La main est le principal outil de l’homme. En cas de traumatisme aigu, toute la filière de soin doit être mobilisée pour optimiser une récupération fonctionnelle hypothétique. Les acteurs sont nombreux à intervenir dans ce... more
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      Emergency MedicineSurgeryRehabilitationWound Healing
Infection in wound delays healing and may cause wound breakdown, herniation, and complete wound dehiscence. This study investigated the isolation and identification of bacteria associated with wound sepsis. A total number of ten (10) swab... more
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      Escherichia coliStaphylococcus aureusPseudomonas aeruginosaAntibiotics
Pack mules are often subject to tethering injuries and saddle sores. Prevention is the best approach to these injuries and action should be taken to ensure that the mule’s welfare is protected. Where wounds do occur, a wound management... more
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      Animal WelfareTourismMountain TourismEthical Tourism
To report the use and describe the interest of hemostatic dressings in a civilian setting, we provided medical prehospital teams with QuikClot Combat Gauze (QCG) and asked physicians to complete a specific questionnaire after each use.... more
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      Emergency MedicineTactical Emergency MedicineHemostasis and ThrombosisFire and Emergency Services
Etiologia - Venosa, Arterial
Apreciação da pessoa (estado nutricional), do membro inferior (meios auxiliares de diagnóstico) e da ferida
Diagnóstico diferencial
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      NursingWound HealingChronic WoundsWound management
CASE 1 CASE 3 CASE 2 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 72 year old AA M with a medical history significant for HTN and OA presented with a chronic left knee ulcer for 1 month following left knee arthroscopy. The patient was noncompliant with a... more
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      Plastic SurgeryWound HealingPlastic and Reconstructive SurgeryChronic Wound
Le bilan initial et les premiers soins conditionnent la qualité du traitement chirurgical secondaire des plaies complexes de la main. Le soignant primo-intervenant en est l’acteur principal. L’analyse de la gestion de ces traumatismes “en... more
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      SurgeryNurse EducationPatient Provider CommunicationWound Healing
ITV réalisée par Isabelle Fromantin, vice-présidente de la SFFPC: - Quelle conduite à tenir immédiate adoptez vous face à une plaie traumatique sur la voie publique ? Vous contentez vous de « couvrir » pendant le transport ou assurez... more
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      Emergency MedicineNurse EducationWound HealingEmergency Management
Open fractures are not so obvious sometimes, and in the case of multiorgan injuries, they may be misdiagnosed in emergency department. Here, we report a 48-year old man with motor vehicle crash injury. There were ominous facial,... more
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      Emergency MedicineOrthopaedicsWound careDiagnosis
Statement on using tape on or around Pressure Ulcers (PrU). Advice is not to use tape and to read the new NICE Guidelines on this subject.
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      NursingPhysiotherapyWound careTaping
A tropical forest is a hostile environment for humans. The military physician supporting these immersion activities must cope with varied clinical situations with limited resources to reduce operational unavailability. This article... more
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      Sports MedicineTropical MedicineWound HealingEmergency Management
L’eau du robinet est une alternative possible et sûre à une solution de chlorure de sodium stérile pour le nettoyage des plaies aigues avant suture : étude prospective, en double-aveugle, randomisée et contrôlée. Weiss EA, Oldham G, Lin... more
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      Emergency MedicinePre Hospital CareWater and wastewater treatmentNurse Education
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy has been reported as an effective treatment for lower limb ulceration. The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy for the treatment of... more
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      NursingPodiatryPrimary Health CareDiabetes
Burns is a global public health problem in the developed world and expensive burn dressings are not universally available. Most burns patients suffer from a deep second degree burn that can be treated conservatively. However, the ideal... more
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      Wound HealingDogsHoney in wound careBurn wound
Background: Dressing materials are known to influence post-operative surgical wound healing and scar formation (SF). A particular dressing that could promote wound hydration is essential to ensure quick epithelialization and reduce SF.... more
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      SurgeryWound HealingWound careChronic Wounds
Necrotizing fasciitis of the lower extremities results in large tissue defects, and most cases require reconstruction using skin grafts or flaps. We describe a 61-year-old man who developed necrotizing fasciitis of the right lower leg and... more
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    • Wound management
Novel findings on fabrication techniques for bioactive materials, discovering further basic knowledge about wound healing process, and availability of stem cells as alternative candidate for differentiated cells have highly encouraged... more
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      Wound HealingWound careChronic WoundWound Dressing Materials
The direct application of bone marrow (BM) can accelerate the healing of chronic wounds. We hypothesized that this effect is due to the presence of stromal progenitor cells (SPCs) found within whole BM preparations. To test this... more
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      BioinformaticsSurgeryImmunologyProtein Purification