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This paper presents a new approach to language model construction, learning a language model not from text, but directly from continuous speech. A phoneme lattice is created using acoustic model scores, and Bayesian techniques are used to... more
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      Language AcquisitionLexical acquisitionBayesian LearningBit Error Rate
In this paper, we first describe an automatic table ground truth generation system which can efficiently generate a large amount of accurate table ground truth suitable for the development of table detection algorithms. Then a novel... more
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      Computer ScienceDocument AnalysisWord SegmentationExtraction Method
Dzongkha, the national language of Bhutan, is continuous in written form and it fails to mark the word boundary. Dzongkha word segmentation is one of the fundamental problems and a prerequisite that needs to be solved before more advanced... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingText ProcessingWord Segmentation
Recent work on extracting features of gaps in handwritten text allows a classification into inter-word and intraword classes using suitable classification techniques. In this paper, we apply 5 different supervised classification... more
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      Machine LearningWritingSupport Vector MachinesNeural Networks
Over the past couple of decades, research has established that infants are sensitive to the predominant stress pattern of their native language. However, the degree to which the stress pattern shapes infants' language development has yet... more
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      Language AcquisitionCognitionSpeech perceptionVocabulary
This chapter explores the hypothesis that diminutive usage in child-directed speech may provide multiple benefits for language acquisition. We summarize a series of experiments that exposed naïve English-speaking adults to Dutch or... more
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      Language AcquisitionChild Directed SpeechExperimental StudyWord Segmentation
The current study examined the pattern of prosodic phrasing and the distribution of post-lexical pitch accent types in a Spanish-English bilingual child. We collected utterances from natural interactions between parents and the child at... more
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      Speech ProductionNatural interactionWord Segmentation
Th is chapter explores the hypothesis that diminutive usage in child-directed speech may provide multiple benefi ts for language acquisition. We summarize a series of experiments that exposed naïve English-speaking adults to Dutch or... more
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      Language AcquisitionChild Directed SpeechExperimental StudyWord Segmentation
In this paper,
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      Search EngineWord SegmentationMinistry of EducationPart of Speech Tagging
The lack of distinct word delimiters, white space, between the words in a sentence in written text is one the problems in performing Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks for Myanmar language. In order to determine the specific meaning... more
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      MyanmarDictionaryWord Segmentation
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      Information RetrievalNatural Language ProcessingInformation ManagementMachine Learning
One of the infant's first tasks in language acquisition is to discover the words embedded in a mostly continuous speech stream. This learning problem might be solved by using distributional cues to word boundaries-for example, by... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLanguage AcquisitionLearning problems
This paper attempts to participate in the ongoing discussion in search of a suitable model for the computational treatment of Greek morphology. Focusing on the unsupervised morphology learning technique, and particularly on the model of... more
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    • Word Segmentation
Through this research the problem of Sindhi Word Segmentation has been addressed and various techniques have been discussed to solve this problem. Word Segmentation is the preliminary phase involved in any tool based on Natural Language... more
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      Computer ScienceComputational LinguisticsSindhi LinguisticsWord Segmentation
This issue includes the following papers; P1121653529, AUTHOR="Sameh Magdy and Tarek Mahmoud and Mohamed Ibrahim", TITLE="Improved Face Recognition based on Hidden Markov Model" P1121705544, AUTHOR="Afaf Abd Elkader Abd Elhafiz",... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingGenetic AlgorithmsFace RecognitionHidden Markov Models
Word segmentation: The role of distributional cues. Journal of Memory and Language, 35,[606][607][608][609][610][611][612][613][614][615][616][617][618][619][620][621] have shown that adults and infants can use the statistical properties... more
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      MusicLanguage AcquisitionMusic and LanguageCognition
This study examined the changes in word segmentation and word writing from preschool through second grade in Hebrew and Spanish, two languages which use different scripts. Participants were 56 Spanish-speaking and 59 Hebrew-speaking... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCognitive developmentWord Segmentation
Cognitive neuroscience has focused on language acquisition as one of the main domains to test the respective roles of statistical vs. rule-like computation. Recent studies have uncovered that the brain of human neonates displays a typical... more
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      GeneticsLanguage AcquisitionPsycholinguisticsSpeech perception
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceExperimental PsychologyAcoustics
Document segmentation is one of the critical phases in machine recognition of any language. Correct segmentation of individual symbols decides the accuracy of character recognition technique. It is used to decompose image of a sequence of... more
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      Computer ScienceImage ProcessingMachine LearningPattern Recognition
The effect of spacing in relation to word segmentation was examined for four groups of non-native Chinese speakers (American, Korean, Japanese, and Thai) who were learning Chinese as second language. Chinese sentences with four types of... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMultilingualismReading
This paper proposes a novel of text document authorization based on SIFT and SURF. It mainly consists of two stages enrollment and identification. In all stages SIFT (scale invariant feature transform) descriptors are extracted the scale... more
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      SurfSIFTWord SegmentationSvm
Marathi and Hindi both being Indo-Aryan family members and using Devanagari script are similar to a great extent. Both follow SOV sentence structure and are equally liberal in word order. The translation for this language pair appears to... more
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    • Word Segmentation
It plays essential role in estimating and comparing research results achieved by different groups of researcher to create standard databases. Many handwritten databases reported are mostly based on Latin, Chinese, Arabic, and other... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingWritingDatabasesNoise
This paper discusses problems of word and sentence segmentation in Thai. Disagreements on word segmentation are caused mostly from compound words. To set a standard resource and tool of word segmentation, we suggest that only simple words... more
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      Word SegmentationDiscourse Structure
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      Information SystemsApplied MathematicsComputer ScienceMachine Learning
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceConditional probabilityWord Segmentation
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      Word SegmentationDigital Library Systems
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      Natural Language ProcessingText ProcessingWord Segmentation
This paper presents a text word extraction algorithm that takes a set of bounding boxes of glyphs and their associated text lines of a given document and partitions the glyphs into a set of text words, using only the geometric information... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringData MiningIterative Methods
Chinese word segmentation (CWS), named entity recognition (NER) and part-ofspeech tagging is the lexical processing in Chinese language. This paper describes the work on these tasks done by France Telecom Team (Beijing) at the fourth... more
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      Cognitive ScienceNatural Language ProcessingComputational LinguisticsLinguistics
Recibido para revisión 12 de Julio de 2001, aceptado 12 de Septiembre de 2001, versión final recibida 30 de Septiembre de 2001 RESUMEN: El presente trabajo muestra los resultados obtenidos con los algoritmos desarrollados para la... more
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      Image ProcessingWord Segmentation
Recibido para revisión 12 de Julio de 2001, aceptado 12 de Septiembre de 2001, versión final recibida 30 de Septiembre de 2001 RESUMEN: El presente trabajo muestra los resultados obtenidos con los algoritmos desarrollados para la... more
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      Image ProcessingWord Segmentation
Authentication is the act of confirming the truth of an attribute of a datum or entity. This might involve confirming the identity of a person, tracing the origins of an artefact, ensuring that a product is what it's packaging and... more
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      Character RecognitionBack PropagationWord SegmentationComputer Program
In this paper, we present a segmentation methodology of a handwritten document in its distinct entities namely text lines and words. Text line segmentation is achieved making use of the Hough Transform on a subset of the connected... more
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      Image ProcessingPattern RecognitionModelingImage Analysis
With growing interest in Chinese Language Processing, numerous NLP tools (e.g. word segmenters, part-of-speech taggers, and parsers) for Chinese have been developed all over the world. However, since no large-scale bracketed corpora are... more
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      Community InvolvementLanguage ProcessingWord SegmentationLarge Scale
This paper describes the state of the art in segmentation algorithms of aerial images. Different approaches and object classes are described and their advantages and limitations are shown. First the advantage of multiple input data (e.g.,... more
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      Feature ExtractionScale SpaceWord SegmentationTexture Analysis
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      Automatic Speech RecognitionWord SegmentationText to SpeechDatabase System
We investigate whether adult learners' knowledge of phonotactic restrictions on word forms from their first language (L1) impact their word segmentation abilities in a new language. Adult learners were exposed to a speech stream in which... more
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      Word SegmentationAdult learner
We present a series of experiments involving the machine translation of Zulu to English using a well-known statistical software system. Due to morphological complexity and relative scarcity of resources, the case of Zulu is challenging.... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingMachine TranslationStatistical Machine TranslationPhrase-based SMT
Vine-plot mapping and monitoring are crucial issues in land management, particularly for areas where vineyards are dominant, like in some French regions. In this context, the availability of an automatic tool for vineyard detection and... more
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      Remote SensingLand managementFourier AnalysisWord Segmentation
Two novel approaches to extract text lines and words from handwritten document are presented. The line segmentation algorithm is based on locating the optimal succession of text and gap areas within vertical zones by applying Viterbi... more
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      Image ProcessingPattern RecognitionSupport Vector MachinesBenchmarking
This study analyzes (speakers of English, Croatian, Austrian). Hypothesis 1 is that signers will show sensitivity to more simultaneous information and sign language (SL) specific phonological the word-segmentation strategies used in 3... more
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      Sign LanguageLanguageWord Segmentation
Question Answering (QA) is becoming an increasingly important research area in natural language processing. Since 1999, many international question answering contests have been held at conferences and workshops, such as TREC, CLEF, and... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingMachine LearningNamed Entity RecognitionQuestion Answering System
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      Cognitive ScienceLanguages and LinguisticsLanguage AcquisitionPsycholinguistics
Recibido para revisión 12 de Julio de 2001, aceptado 12 de Septiembre de 2001, versión final recibida 30 de Septiembre de 2001 RESUMEN: El presente trabajo muestra los resultados obtenidos con los algoritmos desarrollados para la... more
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      Image ProcessingWord Segmentation
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      Information RetrievalMachine TranslationAutomatic Speech RecognitionSpeech Recognition
This paper describes the techniques we explored to improve the translation of news text in the German-English and Hungarian-English tracks of the WMT09 shared translation task. Beginning with a convention hierarchical phrase-based system,... more
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      Machine TranslationStatistical Machine TranslationWord Segmentation
In this paper, we present a segmentation methodology of handwritten documents in their distinct entities, namely, text lines and words. Text line segmentation is achieved by applying Hough transform on a subset of the document image... more
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      Document Image AnalysisWord SegmentationDistance metricGaussian Mixture Model
Uniform resource locators (URLs), which mark the address of a resource on the World Wide Web, are often human-readable and can hint at the category of the resource. This paper explores the use of URLs for web page categorization via a... more
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      Computer ScienceContent AnalysisText CategorizationWorld Wide Web