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Supporters of languages planned for international communication, like Esperanto, often claim that these languages are less complex and therefore easy to learn as compared to natural languages. To what extent does this claim have empirical... more
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      Language complexityEsperantoVolapükPlanned Languages
International Auxiliary Languages (IALs) are languages consciously planned for enabling communication between speakers having different native tongues on an equal footing. They are the most developed area of interlinguistics, the science... more
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      InterlinguisticsEsperantoVolapükSociology of Language, Interlinguistics
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      InterlinguisticsInternational Planned LanguagesVolapükLanguage Planning
Künstliche Sprachen im Rahmen einer computergestützten lexikostatistischen Untersuchung 1 1. Vorüberlegungen Um die Ähnlichkeit zweier Sprachen feststellen und vergleichen zu können, existieren bislang mehrere unterschiedliche Ansätze und... more
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      InterlinguisticsComputational LinguisticsArtificial LanguageEsperanto
L’esperanto, llengua internacional creada com a instrument neutral de comunicació, es va iniciar el 1887 amb la publicació a Varsòvia de la primera gramàtica. Signava el text el Dr. Esperanto, pseudònim de Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof, un... more
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      InterlinguisticsLegitimacy and AuthorityLanguages and LinguisticsSociolinguistics