Visual Communication in Design
Recent papers in Visual Communication in Design
Mark Roxburgh’s research over the past decade has focused on the evolving conceptualization, discourse and development of research methodologies for design. This has lead him to question the historical pattern of design whereby the... more
This handbook is the result of an exploratory study that tries to connect rhetoric and user experience (UX). Here, the user interface (UI) becomes the middle point through which rhetorical figures can be applied to influence the user... more
Today, it is observed that visual communication is used everywhere and a cultural structure based on seeing is being created with the ever-evolving technology. When we consider that communication started with the drawings on the rocks in... more
Logo is recognized as a form of visual communication to represent an individuals, organizations and enterprises in a form of graphic mark (sign), symbol or emblem. In the fi eld of graphic design, “Logo design”, is an important area as... more
The aim of this paper is to point out the structural connection between two processes of the recent transformation of Montevideo’s urban landscape. One process is the explicit and intended governmental incentive of muralism in Montevideo,... more
Despite proven advantages of parametric design techniques within engineering and manufacturing processes, architects have not applied these methods in their creation tasks to address urban design issues at a higher level of understanding.... more
In 2014, 1 in 68 children have autism spectrum disorders (ASD) according to US data from the Centres for Disease Control. Occurring in all groups (race, income, geographic), ASD is diagnosed 1 in 42 in boys, which is nearly 5 times higher... more
This paper focuses on Virtual West Cambridge – an interactive multimedia environment constructed to support design and development of a large-scale, long-term urban project. In architecture, such persistent, continuously-growing virtual... more
The demand for graduates with more competencies, more knowledge, a broader world view and value system, liberated minds and rapidly evolving job descriptions and competitiveness in the marketplace, plus internationalisation in education... more
Brand sponsorship connects brands with large, passionate audiences. The sponsorship literature emphasizes the importance of brand sponsor–team congruence; however, prior research has largely focused on the relevance of the brand to the... more
Komunikasi praktis mencakup hal fisik dan non fisik secara kontekstual dimana sebuah komunikasi dapat dilakukan dan digunakan. Komunikasi praktis dapat terjadi dalam hubungan antara pengirim dan
Stories, folktales and myths have been an integral part of any community. These, stories, myths, etc. are evolve from and within culture. In the collection of tales, there is an incessant addition of contemporary folklores but how and why... more
Осъщественият теоретичен анализ на Сократовата беседа е свързан с възможността тя да бъде приложена като средство за обучение по графичен дизайн. От своя страна анализът на основните елементи на графичния дизайн, както и на принципите за... more
Discourses on epistemology in a variety of disciplines have established the need for diverse and case-specific approaches to writing. This need is as actual in practice-based research and the relevant fields would benefit from better... more
Can the themes of an experience be visualised using a new Visual Phenomenological Methodology to aid interaction designers to design better interactions? Can the creation of such a design methodology cultivate an alignment between HCI... more
Strickler argues that the growth of visual communication as an academic discipline can only occur if there is an “empirical bridge between theory and practice” (1999: 38). Such a bridge is also a precondition for the evolution of visual... more
Logo is recognized as a form of visual communication to represent an individuals, organizations and enterprises in a form of graphic mark (sign), symbol or emblem. In the field of graphic design, " Logo design " , is an... more
The Icograda Board edits a shared outline that identifies the communication design community's major educational concerns and desired advancements. The draft sets the general guidelines for the development process of defining, first the... more
"De Gruyter versus Simon de Wit : Supermarket visual identies in the early seventies In 1972 the Dutch supermarket chains De Gruyter and Simon de Wit both launched a new visual identity. The De Gruyter identity was the work of Total... more
Until recently, visual communication was the province of highly trained specialists who saw little need for methodically and analytically explicit approaches to design, relying instead on creative sensibilities formed during their... more
Graphicdesignhasgrownasaprojectactivity.Characterizedasagatheringofknowledge fromseveralfields,andwithoutanindisputabledefinition,itdependsonitstechnical resourcefulnesstosolveproblemswhoseoriginismainly visual. This text wishes to... more
This article seeks to explore the social and negotiated nature of design practice through an analysis of conversations held between clients and designers working on visual communication projects. Of specific interest will be the way in... more
Drawing upon recent theories of the social construction of technology, actor network theory, discourse analysis, cultural studies and design as rhetoric, I will argue that design practice is a form of cultural production that is social,... more
The Icograda Board edits a shared outline that identifies the communication design community's major educational concerns and desired advancements. The draft sets the general guidelines for the development process of defining, first the... more
Thinking MEDIA is an audio-visual platform that was established in 2012 and has held three editions since then.This exhibition is made possible by forming a group of contemporary art practitioners who are continually exploring media for... more
Interaction Design is a young discipline that grew out of an overlap of other science and design disciplines, its remit was the design of interactive products, services and systems for human behaviour. Visual Communication and its output... more
This study examines the concept of visual plagiarism within a contemporary cultural context shaped by postmodern design theory and the digital information age, as a challenging concern for tertiary level graphic design education. This... more
I almost flunked high school. Academic writing sucked. I liked making stuff and not thinking to hard about why. Perversely I eventually became a career academic in design and needed to start doing what I hated – academic writing. It was a... more
This paper is a theoretical contribution to the research area of Aesthetics of Interaction, but from a Visual Communication perspective. In order to convince those that still see Visual Communication as merely style and artifice, and an... more
Logo diiktiraf sebagai satu bentuk komunikasi visual untuk mewakili individu, organisasi dan perusahaandalam bentuk tanda grafi k (tanda), simbol atau jata. Dalam bidang reka bentuk grafi k, “Reka bentukLogo”, adalah bidang penting serta... more
The paper contains a theoretical analysis of communicative means comprehended at diverse levels of psyche. The comprehension is understood as an involving of received information into internal systems of cognition, valuation, and skills... more
The paper contains a theoretical analysis of communicative means comprehended at diverse levels of psyche. The comprehension is understood as an involving of received information into internal systems of cognition, valuation, and skills... more
Despite the fact that our culture views artists with a degree of suspicion - the bad, mad, self-destructive artist is the one most people are familiar with - those who actually practice art will attest to its soothing, healing, centreing... more
Il contributo culturale e progettuale della comunicazione visiva alla pubblica amministrazione in Italia.
To address the issue of effective and sustainable design, against decorative or entertaining design, the Department of Visual Communication Design at College of Design, Arizona State University, conducted an experiment. For the last two... more
Investigations into the role of theories and practices of observation and imaging is commonplace in a range of established intellectual endeavours. The potential of such investigations applied to photo-based image-making, in visual... more
The goal of this project was to redesign an experimental prototype and apply its design features to a different and only tangentially related model. In testing the transferability of a very specific technology across domains we hoped to... more