Plagiarism studies
Recent papers in Plagiarism studies
Etika berasal dari kata ethos yang artinya adalah teori tentang perilaku manusia yang dipandang dari nilai baik dan buruk sejauh yang dapat ditentukan oleh akal, sedangkan akademik menggambarkan ruang lingkup kawasan tempat etik... more
The sudden shift of schools to distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic has also impacted hospitalized children with severe medical, physical, or neurological conditions. We developed a system that enables children to attend classes... more
NEW SUBTERRANEAN FINDINGS UNDER HAGIA SOPHIA This archaeological survey has been directed by Dr. Çiğdem Özkan Aygün on behalf of Istanbul Technical University (ITU) since 2005. The research sofar covers the cisterns, water... more
In this work, we determined, the level of incidence of the use of technologies on academic success and the incidence of interaction and experience on the level of plagiarism of university students. A sample of 10,952 students from 31... more
l 17 de octubre de 2013 se publicó en Facebook una denuncia sobre un caso de plagio de tesis. Los afectados son dos hermanos que egresaron de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, y a quienes sus respectivas tesis fueron plagiadas... more
Mit dem Internet und insbesondere den Möglichkeiten des Web 2.0 ist eine neue Kultur der Transparenz entstanden, mit der immer weniger Nischen, also Orte und Zeiten der Intransparenz einhergehen. Google Street View zeugt von diesem... more
The creativity of an individual is only limited to the imagination span of an individual, in that there have been persons who have shaped and advance the world by only their creative imagination , but in contrast to that there is the... more
The present review attempted to address the direction of plagiarism literature in Turkish context. 15 studies conducted in Turkey on plagiarism were analyzed through content analysis. The context, purposes, methodological issues and... more
Plagiarism is regarded as a heinous crime within the academic community, but anecdotal evidence suggests that some writers plagiarize without intending to transgress academic conventions. This article reports a study of the writing of 17... more
Two kind of frequent written activities of Romanian advanced students are described in this paper: these are quotation and plagiarism in french dissertations done for research degree. Both are used by students for the production of their... more
У статті дається характеристика ознак плагіату, визначається, які твори з точки зору авторсько-правової охорони можуть бути об’єктом плагіату, досліджуються відмінності у використанні ідеї та елементів форми вираження твору, пропонується... more
Top Ten Reasons to read this Book 1. Show Christians and Jews the truth of the Quran while showing them the errors of the Bible! 2. You will see exactly which verses of the Quran correct those errors from the Bible! 3. Contains Islamic... more
With the increased use of digital materials, undergraduate writers in English as a foreign language (EFL) contexts have become more susceptible to plagiarism. In this study, the researchers designed a blended English writing course with... more
This text is the result of a research process that has been carried out during the last five years on the realities and problems of plagiarism in contexts of higher education in different countries. We have observed eight groups of... more
У доповіді висвітлюються спостереження автора про причини вчинення плагіату. Робиться висновок, що у багатьох випадках недобросовісні запозичення з чужих творів є наслідком відсутності знань про авторське право і наявності оманливих... more
This is the PDF-PowerPoint which I prepared for my online exposition at The X International Legal Forum "Legal Protection of Intellectual Property: Problems of Theory and Practice" HISTORY OF LEGAL SCIENCE: TRANSFORMATION OF IDEAS AND... more
Die Frage der "Italianità" im Stil Händels und die in seinem Werk so oft vorkommende Entlehnungspraxis sind eng miteinander verbundene Themenbereiche. Die Übernahme und Bearbeitung von motivischen Materialien italienischer Komponisten... more
The paper discusses self-plagiarism and associated practices in scholarly publishing. It approaches at some length the conceptual issues raised by the notion of self-plagiarism. It distinguishes among and then examines the main families... more
Squeezing the Bodleian collection of Vivien Eliot's papers for anything of value they may contain, in the hope of seeing off any idea of publication, which would be almost impossible (they are scrapbooks, often of printed material), sad... more
In preparation for a book that rebutted the thesis of Walter Rea's book, The White Lie, the author responded directly to materials sent him by Walter Rea regarding the evidence for his charging Ellen White with plagiary and his dismissal... more
Sobre plagios de tesis, o académicos, se han reportado varios recientemente, en todo el mundo. En los casos ocurridos en países industrializados las consecuencias han sido severas para los plagiadores. Revocación de grado, pérdida de... more
În 2016, la patru ani de la decizia Comisiei de Etică a Universității din București (CEUB) asupra tezei de doctorat semnată de Victor Ponta (VP), reapar în spațiul public clișee de (auto)apărare împotriva acuzației de plagiat. Pentru cei... more
The aim of this research is to find out the reasons for cheating and plagiarism tendencies and behaviours of university students, to suggest solutions with these findings and to contribute to the literature on this topic. Descriptive... more
... instruction, Pecorari supports learning by doing (p. 50), ie apprentice-type arrangements through which novices ... reporting of content from a source without distortion; (4) the effectiveness of using sources for ... to be called... more
Plagiarisme adalah tindakan pelanggaran dan momok bagi ilmu pengetahuan. Pelaku plagiarisme mencuri karya penulis lain tanpa mengutip referensi asli. Psikologi adalah salah satu ilmu yang paling rentan dengan plagiarisme dan harus lebih... more
Purpose: This study centers on 25 cases of plagiarism in scientific publications committed by faculty members and students of the University of the Philippines and dealt with by eight of the university's academic publishers. Methods: We... more
En el centenario de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo presentamos una colección de trabajos sobre bio/ética a cargo de académicos en universidades de México (Universidad de Guadalajara, Universidad Autónoma de... more
This exploratory study contributes to the field of plagiarism studies by exploring the potential role of culture and educational context on how students understand and interpret source use practices. Participants were first language... more
Beginning with the example of Beyoncé's music video for her song "Countdown," which copied movements from Anna Teresa De Keers-maeker's early choreographic work, this article explores the role of plagiarism, reconstruction, and recreation... more
This article (and others that appeared in the Adventist Review) was written in response to the Glendale meeting at which Walter Rea presented his findings regarding Ellen White’s literary borrowing. In response, the third vote of the... more
Ethics of Scholarship, Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg, Pagiarism
The aim of this paper is to propose an eight-point framework for reducing plagiarism among university students. Prior to presenting this framework, the paper will briefly discuss the definition of plagiarism, reasons why it is a serious... more
Since plagiarism has become a vital problem in the academic world, the Unplag team decided to create a complete guide which outlines the key aspects of plagiarism. The purpose of this guide is to provide a reader with both theory and... more
Plagiarism is troubling the academic world today. Academic dishonesty in educational institutions of higher learning is a cause for concern at present. This study examined students' awareness of plagiarism among college students in Iligan... more
Abstract: In 2006, I began extensive dialogues with Dirk Anderson, whose website is a premiere source of information against Ellen G. White’s inspiration as a writer. Specifically I addressed the assertion that up to 90% of her writings... more
This paper looks at the impact of the cultural factors of individualism and collectivism on plagiarism behaviors. The findings suggest that people from a collective background have a higher tendency to plagiarize. This study used an... more
In this paper I describe some promising developments in the analysis of plagiarism and copyright. In first part, I introduce the topic arguing the need to explore the relationship between plagiarism and copyright through interdisciplinary... more
This study explores if and how nonnative English-speaking (NNES) students use technology to check their own writing for plagiarism. It responds to a call for more practice-oriented research on how educators can assist students in the... more
Innovation and the development of knowledge in the field of scientific research is increasing exponentially, but it continues to be disjointed. It makes it difficult to keep up with state-of-the-art and to be at the forefront of research... more
Questo volume raccoglie gli atti di due seminari tenutisi nel 2010 presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza di Trento. I due incontri sono parte integrante della prima serie di seminari del gruppo LawTech (<>)... more