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Erythema multiforme was first described by Ferdinand von Hebra over a century ago.1 In a simple language it means multiple forms of redness and reflects the broad morphologic spectrum of the lesions. It is characterized by a polymorphous... more
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      Infection control (Preventive medicine)Infection and immunityViral Immunology
DC ND DO FACN in Bogota, Colombia History and Perspectives What we as doctors learn in medical school about viral infections is summarized within the following course titles: Microbiology, Pathology, and Pharmacology. Following this... more
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      Food and NutritionInfectious DiseasesOsteopathic MedicineMitochondrial dysfunction
Rather than viewing viral infections in a manner that is phenomenalistic and enigmatic, and therefore unwieldy, leading to clumsy prevention and treatment strategies, we should deconstruct the complexity of the infectious process. Doing... more
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      Food and NutritionInfectious DiseasesOsteopathic MedicineMitochondrial dysfunction
A Nutritional Solution to the viral pandemic of the Corona Virus (Covid-19) in 3 simple questions and answers that can save millions of lives.
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      ImmunologyImmune responseImmunohistochemistryInnate immunity
A special edition of the book “Science Without Borders” is dedicated to the most important problem of modern civilization at present - the fight against a pandemic of COVID-19. The authors of this issue offer their concept of reducing... more
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      OncologyRespiratory MedicineAntioxidantNatural antioxidants
Morbilli (Measles) is an acute viral infections disease caused by a morbillivirus as the paramyxovirus family. The disease primarily affects children, but can also occur in adults. The risk of complications of Morbilli in adults over the... more
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    • Viral Immunology
An overview of how viruses-retroviruses could be utilized as to instigate viral bio-weaponization and bio-warfare (much like other pathogens as bacteria, fungi, etc.), as well as a highlight of the history of how this has occurred in the... more
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      Weapons of Mass DestructionNanophotonicsNanomaterialsNanoparticles
This study detected and subtyped strains of influenza virus from pigs in Lagos, South-western Nigeria. A total of 116 (58 nasal and 58 throat) samples from healthy pigs were analysed from two different sites in Ayedoto farm at Ojo Local... more
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      BiotechnologyVirologyMolecular virologyMedical Microbiology and Virology
This essay summarizes, in a non-technical style, the principal characteristics of one of the most important facts of life facing the world in 2020-viral disease. This essay puts major diseases in their historical context by briefly... more
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      HistoryBacteriologyBiologyInfectious Diseases
International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine: Best of 2014 1) Assessment of the Diagnostic Accuracy of Recently Introduced DNA Stool Screening Test, Gingras, Duncan, Schueller, Schreckenberger 2) Chronic Diseases as... more
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      Laboratory MedicineCardiovascular diseaseOrthomolecular MedicineInfluenza virus
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      ImmunologyDrug DesigningFish ImmunologyComputational Drug Designing
Keratins are important bioresources for apparels and feedstuffs, but recalcitrant to common enzymes. Now, it is popular and essential to develop keratinolytic enzymes for environmental prevention and improvement of keratin product... more
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, were delivered intracutaneously into rabbits, using a gene gun. After three booster immunizations, the rabbits were challenged with several viral DNA constructs: wild-type CRPV, CRPV L1ATGko (an L1 ATG knockout mutation), and CRPV-ROPV... more
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      ImmunologyCell lineDNA vaccinesVaccination
Viruses use diverse strategies to elude the immune system, including copying and repurposing host cytokine and cytokine receptor genes. For herpesviruses, the chemokine system of chemotactic cytokines and receptors is a common source of... more
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      Herpes and HerpesvirusesImmune EvasionChemokinesViral Immunology
Rather than viewing viral infections in a manner that is phenomenalistic and enigmatic, and therefore unwieldy, leading to clumsy prevention and treatment strategies, we should deconstruct the complexity of the infectious process. Doing... more
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      Food and NutritionInfectious DiseasesOsteopathic MedicineMitochondrial dysfunction
Herpesviruses are widely disseminated in the population and establish lifelong latency, which is associated with a variety of pathological consequences. A recent report showed that mice latently infected with either murine... more
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      ImmunologyMiceListeria monocytogenesT cells
Intravenous drug use has become the principal route of hepatitis C virus (HCV) transmission due to the sharing of infected needles. In this study, we analyzed the distribution of HLA-KIR genotypes among 160 Puerto Rican intravenous drug... more
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      ImmunologyHepatitis CMolecularMolecular Immunology
We propose for the first time that antibody–dependent enhancement (ADE) of viral infection has served as an evolutionary selection pressure in which species that produce truncated immunoglobulin–Y (IgY) have had a selective advantage. The... more
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      HerpetologyComparative ImmunologyReptilesViral Immunology
Stress-induced subclinical reactivation of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) has been studied previously. However, subclinical reactivation of VZV induced by the stress of pregnancy has not been investigated. The objective was to study... more
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      ImmunologyMedicineViral Immunology
Serum samples with indeterminate Western blot (WB) tests from 61 individuals whose sera were positive by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were studied in order to characterize their putative reactions with the human... more
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      HIV/AIDSViral Immunology
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      ImmunologyHIVVaccinationViral Immunology
Confirmed reports of large domesticated cats becoming infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus have raised questions about both the risk of infection for these animals, and their potential as vector or reservoir... more
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      ImmunologyCatsDogsCell line
Entecavir is one of the therapeutic options currently available for the management of chronic hepatitis B. In this study, we aimed to analyse the virological response and antiviral resistance mutations in chronic hepatitis B... more
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      VIRUS Mutation and BiodiversityHepatitis BViral Immunology
Zika virus is a mosquito transmitted flavivirus belongs to family Flaviviridae which became the focus of an ongoing pandemic and public health emergency all around the world. It is often misdiagnosed with other disease like Dengue and... more
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      Plant biotechnologyViral Immunology
This study describes an erythema multiforme (EM) in breeding sows, after their mixing in the group housing system. Sows at 30-35 days of gestation showed red and raised skin areas, depression, anorexia, fever, respiratory problems, and... more
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      ImmunologyViral Immunology
In addition to genetic factors, environmental triggers, including viruses and other pathogens, are thought to play a major role in the development of autoimmune disease. Recent findings have shown that viral-induced autoimmunity is likely... more
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      ImmunologyInnate immunityDisease susceptibilityAutoimmune diseases
In small ruminant lentivirus infections, cellular immune responses are diminished in clinically affected animals. The underlying mechanisms for this are unknown. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that alterations in expression of... more
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      ImmunologySheepGreat BritainSHEEP DISEASES
The potential threat of a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus has spurred the need to develop reliable countermeasures. Since the virus has yet to mutate into a form readily transmissible in humans, a cogent plan for MCMs and their... more
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      Biological WeaponsHomeland SecurityBiologyInfluenza virus
In the present study, we initiated validation by experimental transcriptome data available in public domain combined with advancing plant wet lab research. We compared plantadapted transcriptomes according to ‘RegroVirus’ complemented by... more
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      Plant Stress Physiology- Somatic EmbryogenesisViral Immunology
The newfound coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), initiated by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is an international public health concern, threatening the lives of millions of people worldwide. The virus seems... more
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      ImmunologyViral Immunology
Effective immunologic protection contributes to resilient behavior of higher organisms. It is essentially based on the diversity of innate and adaptive cell responses and cell memory tools (1–4). Immunologic responses are energy consuming... more
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      Plant Stress Physiology- Somatic EmbryogenesisViral Immunology
AU1 c C-type lectin DC-SIGN receptor, encoded by CD209, plays a key role in the infection of dendritic cells by dengue virus (DENV). Because the -336A/G SNP (rs4804803) polymorphism in the promoter of CD209 modulates DC-SIGN expression,... more
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      ImmunologyBrazilDengueViral Immunology
Previous studies of epithelial immune responses to rotavirus infection have been conducted in transformed cell lines. In this study, we evaluated a non-transformed porcine jejunum epithelial cell line (IPEC-J2) as an in-vitro model of... more
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      ImmunologyProbioticsInnate immunityToll like receptor signaling
Although hantaviruses are not generally considered neurotropic, neurological complications have been reported occasionally in patients with hemorrhagic fever renal syndrome (HFRS). In this study, we analyzed innate immune responses to... more
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      ImmunologyInnate immunityBrainMice
Heterologous priming and boosting with antigens expressed by DNA, viral vectors, or as proteins, are experimental strategies to induce strong immune responses against infectious diseases and cancer. In a preclinical study we compared the... more
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      ImmunologyHIVMiceDNA vaccines
While these mechanisms are likely similar in most respiratory viral infections, this review will focus on findings with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections.
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      ImmunologyDendritic CellsToll like receptor signalingToll Like Receptors
The antibody and cellular immune responses against infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) were evaluated at mucosal sites of chickens after immunization with various doses of an attenuated vaccine at 1 day of age. The correlation of these... more
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      ImmunologyPOULTRY DISEASESChickensTrachea
Influenza virus-like particles (VLPs) are effective vaccines against influenza infection, which can be produced either in insect cells by recombinant baculovirus (BV) infection or in mammalian cells by DNA plasmid transfection. However,... more
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      ImmunologySurvival AnalysisCell lineMice
Background Information and Aim: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a blood borne virus and responsible for a worldwide health problem with frequent occurrence and high prevalence of Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg). In this view, the present... more
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    • Viral Immunology
In small ruminant lentivirus infections, cellular immune responses are diminished in clinically affected animals. The underlying mechanisms for this are unknown. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that alterations in expression of... more
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      ImmunologySheepGreat BritainSHEEP DISEASES
Previous studies showed that DNA immunization of newborn mice with plasmids expressing influenza virus antigens induced protective immunity. We have now extended the study of neonatal responsiveness to DNA vaccines to nonhuman primates.... more
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      ImmunologyBiologyMedicineInfluenza virus
The current pandemic is caused by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which is, in turn, induced by a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that triggers an acute respiratory disease. In recent years, the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 is the... more
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      ImmunologyViral Immunology
Authors are requested to submit their latest papers for rapid peer-review and instant publication in the Journal of Vaccines and Immunology.
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      ImmunologyVaccinesTumor ImmunologyCellular Immunology
The current investigation applied a Bayesian modeling approach to a unique experimental transmission study to estimate the occurrence of transmission of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) during the incubation phase amongst group-housed pigs.... more
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      Veterinary MedicineEpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiologyVeterinary Pathology
Over the past decade, increasing attention has been focused on the contribution of naturally occurring mutations in the hepatitis B virus (HBV) genome to the clinical course of the chronic infection. The aim of this study was to... more
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      ImmunologyGene expressionLiverGenes
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is associated with premalignant lesions such as high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN-III) with potential progression to cervical carcinoma. There are now preventive vaccines against HPV. However,... more
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      ImmunologyTreatment OutcomeMiceImmunotherapy
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a primary cause of severe lower respiratory tract disease in infants, young children, and the elderly worldwide, and despite decades of effort, there remains no safe and effective vaccine. RSV modifies... more
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      ImmunologyChemokines and chemokine receptorsCell lineMice
Filoviruses are highly lethal in humans and nonhuman primates, likely due to potent antagonism of host interferon (IFN) responses early in infection. Filoviral protein VP35 is implicated as the major IFN induction antagonist, while Ebola... more
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      Molecular Virology (Biology)Immune responseVirologyMolecular virology
Neutralizing antibodies are thought to be required at mucosal surfaces to prevent human papillomavirus (HPV) transmission. However, the potential for cell-mediated immunity in mediating protection against HPV infection has not been well... more
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      ImmunologyBacterial ToxinsMiceListeria monocytogenes
Natural killer cells are important in innate defense against viral infections. The interplay between stimulatory and inhibitory natural killer cell receptors and their corresponding human leukocyte antigen ligands are known to influence... more
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