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This investigation understands the interaction between lyophilized crude Viper snake venom () and Silver nanoparticles (SNPs) using biophysical and biochemical approaches. SNPs were synthesized by chemical reduction method and... more
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      Biological SciencesVenomFractionGel
Differential procoagulant effects of saw-scaled viper (Serpentes: Viperidae: Echis) snake venoms on human plasma and the narrow taxonomic ranges of antivenom efficacies.Toxicology Letters http://dx.
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      Snake venomsVenomicsAnimal venoms and toxinsVenomous animals
The " function debate " in the philosophy of biology and the " venom debate " in the science of toxinology are conceptually related. Venom systems are complex multifunctional traits that have evolved independently numerous times... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of BiologyEvolution
BACKGROUND: Serpente das Montanhas da Etiópia (Bitis parviocula) é um viperídeo conhecido somente em poucas localizações do sudoeste da Etiópia. MÉTODOS: Um total de 30 µg de veneno de B. arietans e B. parviocula foram corridos em gel de... more
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In South Asia, the "Big-4" venomous snakes Naja naja, Bungarus caeruleus, Daboia russelii, and Echis carinatus are so-called because they are the most medically important snakes in the region. Antivenom is the only effective treatment... more
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      PharmacologyBiochemistryMolecular BiologyToxicology
The piercing-sucking mouthparts of the true bugs (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera) have allowed diversification from a plant-feeding ancestor into a wide range of trophic strategies that include predation and blood-feeding. Crucial to the... more
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      EntomologyInsect PhysiologyHeteropteraAnimal venoms and toxins
Viperid snakes of the genus Atropoides are distributed in Mexico and Central America and, owing to their size and venom yield, are capable of provoking severe envenomings in humans. This study evaluated, using an 'antivenomics' approach,... more
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    • Venom
The venom proteomes of Toxicocalamus longissimus and Hydrophis cyanocinctus, a fossorial and a marine species, respectively, of the Hydrophiinae genus of Elapidae, were investigated by Edman degradation of RP-HPLC isolated proteins, and... more
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The venom proteomes of populations of the highly venomous taipan snake, Oxyuranus scutellatus, from Australia and Papua New Guinea (PNG), were characterized by reversephase HPLC fractionation, followed by analysis of chromatographic... more
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Heparin, in some regions of Brazil has been used in the treatment of bothropic accidents, but the data found in the literature are inconclusive about its effectiveness. The venoms of Bothrops atrox and of B. erythromelas were... more
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      HeparinMiceVenomBlood Coagulation
Hymenoptera stings are a health concern. Apidae (bees), Vespidae (hornets, yellow jackets and wasps) and Formicidae (ants) are medically-important stinging insects under the order Hymenoptera. Clinical features from simple skin... more
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      ImmunologyAcute kidney injuryVenomHymenoptera Stings
Historically, natural products played a forceful role in human treatment ailments. Nowadays, natural products include a large part of current pharmaceutical agents, mostly in the field of cancer therapy. The main aim of this review is to... more
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      Natural ProductVenomAnticancerMicroorganisms
This study describes the effects of Bothrops marajoensis venom (Marajó lancehead) on isolated neuromuscular preparations of chick biventer cervicis (CBC) and mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm (PND). At low concentrations (1µg/ml for CBC and... more
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    • Venom
21 22 42 highlight the dominant role of positive selection in the evolution of these proteins. 43 Conspicuously many of the proteins identified in the proteome were found to be homologous 44 to proteins with known activities affecting... more
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    • Venom
Mouse P19 embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells are pluripotent and can differentiate into a population consisting largely of neurons and glia cells using a concentration of 5x10(-7)M of retinoic acid (RA). Thus, P19 EC cells are a good model... more
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    • Venom
The frequency of mass bee attacks has dramatically increased in the Americas following the introduction and spread of the aggressive Africanized 'killer' bee (Apis mellifera scutellata). As yet no specific therapy is available, which led... more
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The mortality related to snake bites is an extreme public health problem because the estimated death prevalence per year is about 1,25,000 globally. Insufficient health services, bad transportation and consequent delay in synthetic... more
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Hemiscorpius lepturus (H. lepturus) is one of the most dangerous scorpions in Iran. Intramuscular administration (IM) of available Razi antivenom to H. lepturus venom is used by many of Iranian clinicians. The purpose of the current study... more
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    • Venom
Venom phospholipases A2 (PLA(2)) are associated with neurotoxic, myotoxic, cardiotoxic, platelet aggregation, and edema activities. A PLA(2) (Drs-PLA(2)) was purified from Daboia russelii siamensis venom by a two-step purification... more
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      Snake venomsAnticancer ResearchVenom
While vampire bat oral secretions have been the subject of intense research, efforts have concentrated only on two components: DSPA (Desmodus rotundus salivary plasminogen activator) and Draculin. The molecular evolutionary history of... more
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      Molecular EvolutionProteomicsChiropteraVenomics
Venom from male and female specimens of the medically important Venezuelan scorpion Tityus nororientalis have been compared. Males showed a significantly higher venom yield (2.39mg/individual) compared to female scorpions... more
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    • Venom
Mass spectrometry a b s t r a c t Milked venoms of Conus demonstrate direct lineage to US Food and Drug Administration approved and present in-trial drug leads. Yet the complexity of the milked venom has not been adequately investigated... more
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      ZoologyPeptide ChemistryVenomConotoxin
We document inadequately diagnosed coagulopathy (potential to be life threatening) due to Ovophis monticola bite. Although its bites are common in the hills of Nepal, associated envenomations have not been documented elaborately. Herein,... more
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Venom from male and female specimens of the medically important Venezuelan scorpion Tityus nororientalis have been compared. Males showed a significantly higher venom yield (2.39mg/individual) compared to female scorpions... more
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    • Venom
We report a novel hybrid, molecular and elemental mass spectrometry (MS) setup for the absolute quantification of snake venom proteomes shown here for two desert black cobra species within the genus Walterinnesia, Walterinnesia aegyptia... more
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      ChemistryChromatographyMass SpectrometryMedicine
Unlike other venomous predators, the parasitoid wasp Ampulex compressa incapacitates its prey, the cockroach Periplaneta americana, to provide a fresh food supply for its offspring. We first established that the wasp larval development,... more
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      ZoologyBiologyMedicineEnergy Metabolism
The venom of the “armed” spider Phoneutria nigriventer comprises several potent toxins. One of the most toxic components from this venom is the neurotoxin PnTx2-6 (LD50 = ∼ 0.7 μg/mouse, 48 residues, five disulfide bridges, MW =... more
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There is limited information on antivenom pharmacokinetics. This study aimed to investigate the pharmacokinetics of an Indian snake antivenom in humans with Russell's viper bites. Patient data and serial blood samples were collected... more
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      KineticsSri LankaMedicineBiological Sciences
Venom research is a highly multidisciplinary field that involves multiple subfields of biology, informatics, pharmacology, medicine, and other areas. These different research facets are often technologically challenging and pursued by... more
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Toxicología Neutralización heteróloga e interacción de amanitinas con venenos de Bothrops y Crotalus y de abeja Heterologous neutralization and interaction of toxic amanitins with Bothrops and Crotalus venoms, and honey bee venom... more
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Sea anemone venoms are rich reservoirs of biologically active proteins which include actinoporins, a large family of lethal pore-forming 20 kDa polypeptides. In this study, venom isolated from leathery sebae anemone Heteractis crispa, was... more
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      ChemistryBiologyCell BiologyVenom
Echis carinatus (Saw-scale viper) is one of the most venomous snakes in Asia and some parts of the Africa with deadly hemotoxic venom. It has been reported that suramin, an antitrypansomiasis drug, can inhibits the toxic effects of some... more
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Although some venoms and their isolated compounds have been shown to have antibacterial properties, most have not been investigated for such activity. Echis carinatus is one of the most venomous snakes in the world and has an effective... more
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      BiologyVenomAntibacterialEchis carinatus
The rates at which venomous animals produce venoms are of obvious biological and medical importance, but factors influencing those rates remain poorly understood. We gathered data on venom yield (wet mass of venom) and percentage solids... more
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      VenomPseudonaja textilis
Snakebite envenomation affects thousands of people annually in Nepal. Published hospital-based studies of snakebite treatment in Nepal are scarce. Here we present the results of the first prospective, cross-sectional study of hospitalized... more
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Venom from male and female specimens of the medically important Venezuelan scorpion Tityus nororientalis have been compared. Males showed a significantly higher venom yield (2.39mg/individual) compared to female scorpions... more
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    • Venom
Background: Scorpion stings are responsible for many deaths in humans; however, the toxicity mechanisms of the venoms from many species are not well studied. We investigated the cardiotoxicity of the crude venom from H. lepturus scorpion... more
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This study describes the effects of Bothrops marajoensis venom (Marajó lancehead) on isolated neuromuscular preparations of chick biventer cervicis (CBC) and mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm (PND). At low concentrations (1µg/ml for CBC and... more
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    • Venom
Hemiscorpius lepturus (H. lepturus) is one of the most dangerous scorpions in Iran. Intramuscular administration (IM) of available Razi antivenom to H. lepturus venom is used by many of Iranian clinicians. The purpose of the current study... more
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    • Venom
The venomous sea anemone Phyllodiscus semoni causes cases of severe stinging. We isolated Phyllodiscus semoni toxin 20A (PsTX-20A), a hemolytic and lethal polypeptide (20 kDa), from the nematocyst venom of this species for theˆrst time.... more
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Viperbite is often associated with severe local toxicity, including progressive hemorrhage and myotoxicity, persistent even after the administration of anti-snake venom (ASV). In the recent past, investigations have revealed the... more
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      PharmacologyBiochemistryEnzyme InhibitorsMultidisciplinary
Spider venom contains a mixture of peptide toxins, some able to kill insects specifically to those considered as important pest. In this study, a peptide toxin produced by the Macrothele gigas spider, Magi 6, was cloned and expressed in... more
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Scorpaena plumieri venomous fish inflicted severe injuries in humans characterized by systemic effects and cardiovascular abnormalities. Although cardiotoxic and hypotensive effects induced in rats by this venom have been studied, little... more
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      ApoptosisMedicineMiceLung Diseases
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      PharmacologyPhysiologyMolecular Dynamics SimulationToxicology
The Scorpion’s venom considered to be highly complex mixture of nucleotides, enzymes, mucoproteins, biogenic amines, salts, as well as peptides and proteins, which have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years mainly in... more
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Due to drug resistance, efforts are ongoing to develop new anticancer agent especially from the screening of natural compounds. The current study aimed to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of crude venom of Caspian cobra ( Naja naja oxiana ,... more
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Background: Up to 50% of patients with stinging-insect allergy have double-positive RAST results to honeybee and yellow jacket (YJ) venom. True double sensitization and crossreactivity through venom hyaluronidases are considered main... more
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Secretory phospholipases A2 (sPLA2s) play an important role in the generation of inflammatory events in several human diseases. Secretory PLA2s obtained from snake venoms have been widely used as pharmacological tools to elucidate the... more
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