Revista de la Sociedad científica del Paraguay, Sep 5, 2022
El escorpionismo, como se denomina al cuadro clínico producido por la picadura de escorpiones tóx... more El escorpionismo, como se denomina al cuadro clínico producido por la picadura de escorpiones tóxicos en humanos, es un problema de salud pública en áreas urbanas y rurales de la América Tropical, incluyendo Paraguay, asociado a pobreza y a la falta de acceso a antivenenos específicos. Aunque su prevalencia en Paraguay no ha sido aún evaluada, la presencia de especies de reconocida toxicidad que son propias del país junto a otras especies compartidas con los países limítrofes y el registro de envenenamientos severos en niños en el Departamento Central, demandan la revisión de esta patología para su conocimiento por los profesionales de salud y de investigación sobre el tema. En esta revisión, se describen el conocimiento actual sobre esta patología en Paraguay, las alteraciones fisiopatológicas ocasionadas por los componentes tóxicos presentes en el veneno escorpiónico en los principales sistemas fisiológicos que sirven de blanco farmacológico de las toxinas, además de aportar a su diagnóstico diferencial, con el fin de contribuir con el adecuado tratamiento de las víctimas de estos envenenamientos y a la comprensión holística de esta emergente enfermedad desatendida en el país.
Se hace un estudio sobre la historia de la excitabilidad iterativa. Se relaciona la excitabilidad... more Se hace un estudio sobre la historia de la excitabilidad iterativa. Se relaciona la excitabilidad iterativa con la contraccion prostenica. Se describen los caracteres de esta variedad de contraccion muscular, a saber: contraccion ritmica que aparece en el musculo gastrocnemio de varias clases de ranas, hyla labialis, rana esculenta, bufo marinus; excitacion directa; la excitacion repetida puede ser choques de induccion, descargas de condensadores, estimulacion electronica; la frecuencia de los estimulos usada ha estado entre 50 y 500 por segundo; la duracion de los estimulos debe estar por debajo del valor de la cronaxia; con intensidad reobase no aparece la contraccion prostenica; los electrodos pueden ser o no impolarizables. Hay dos clases de contraccion prostenica una caracterizada por ondas ritmicas solas, y otra en que hay un tetanos y a este se le agregan las sacudidas ritmicas; la variedad ritmica pura aparece con menor intensidad de los estimulos; con excitacion ascendente aparece mejor la variedad ritmica. La frecuencia de las sacudidas esta entre unas 6 y unas 150 por minuto. The history of the hiterative excitability is reported. It is pointed out the possible relation between the iterative excitability and the prosthenic contraction. The history of the hiterative excitability is reported. Is a rhythmic contraction that appears in the muscle gastrocnemius of the frog, hyla labialis, rana esculenta, bufo marinus, with direct excitation; this repeated estimulation may be induction shocks, condenser discharges or electronic stimulators; the frequency of the stimulus may vary from 60 to 500 per second; the duration of the stimulus must be less than the chronaxie; with intensity of rheobase it does not appear the prosthenic contraction; the electrodes may or may not be impolarizables; there are two kinds of prosthenic contraction: one characterized by rhytmic contractions only, and another one characterized by tetanus plus rhythmic contractions; the rhythmic variety appears with less intensity of the stimulus the frequency of the twitches may vary from 6 to 150 per minute
Scorpion venoms have long captivated scientific researchers, primarily due to the potency and spe... more Scorpion venoms have long captivated scientific researchers, primarily due to the potency and specificity of the mechanism of action of their derived components. Among other molecules, these venoms contain highly active compounds, including antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and ion channel-specific components that selectively target biological receptors with remarkable affinity. Some of these receptors have emerged as prime therapeutic targets for addressing various human pathologies, including cancer and infectious diseases, and have served as models for designing novel drugs. Consequently, extensive biochemical and proteomic investigations have focused on characterizing scorpion venoms. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the key methodologies used in the extraction, purification, analysis, and characterization of AMPs and other bioactive molecules present in scorpion venoms. Noteworthy techniques such as gel electrophoresis, reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromato...
BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access t... more BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and presses.
RESUMEN Se evaluó la historia y el patrón epidemiológico de la mortalidad en humanos causada por ... more RESUMEN Se evaluó la historia y el patrón epidemiológico de la mortalidad en humanos causada por animales venenosos en Venezuela para el período 1980 a 1999. Los datos de mortalidad nacional se obtuvieron por vigilancia epidemiológica pasiva, a partir de las cifras de la serie E905 y X20 a X29 registrados oficialmente en los Anuarios de Mortalidad y Estadística Vital del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Se calcularon las tasas de mortalidad por cien mil habitantes, para cada año y la tasa promedio anual para el periodo de 20 años, durante los cuales se registraron 1.494 decesos. La principal causa de muerte fue el ofidismo (n = 921; 61,6%), seguida del envenenamiento por himenópteros (n = 310; 20,7%), y en tercer lugar por los escorpiones (n = 185; 12,4%). La mayor frecuencia de muertes por ofidismo se registró en 1987 (62 casos), por himenópteros en 1980 y 1991 (21 casos cada uno), y por escorpionismo en 1995 (18 casos). Para cualquiera de los agentes etiológicos la mortalidad fue mayor ...
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, 2021
Tityus trivittatus is considered the most medically important scorpion species of southern South ... more Tityus trivittatus is considered the most medically important scorpion species of southern South America. In this contribution we redefine its taxonomy, redescribe the species and separate the southern populations as a new species, Tityus carrilloi n. sp. As a consequence of this description, the most medically important species of the region turns out to be the new species herein described. We also clearly establish the phylogenetic position of both species through a dated molecular phylogenetic analysis based on four genes. Finally, we discuss the differences of the venom between the two species, and the epidemiologic implications of our results on the scorpionism problem in the region.
Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases, 2012
It has been proposed that the subgenus Archaeotityus comprises the most ancient species group wit... more It has been proposed that the subgenus Archaeotityus comprises the most ancient species group within the medically important scorpion genus Tityus. cDNA encoding sodium-channel active toxins from the type species of this subgenus, Tityus clathratus (central Venezuela), have been isolated and sequenced. Two cDNAs were retrieved that encoded 61 amino acid-long putative neurotoxins named Tcl1 and Tcl2. Sequence identity was highest (87%) when both were compared with β-toxin Ts1 from the Brazilian scorpion Tityus serrulatus and its homologs from T. bahiensis, T. stigmurus, and T. costatus. A Bayesian analysis indicated statistical support for the grouping of T. clathratus Tcl1 and Tcl2 with Brazilian gammalike β-toxins, reinforcing previous phylogenetic studies which suggested an evolutionary relationship between the subgenus Archaeotityus and scorpion species inhabiting southeast South America belonging to the subgenus Tityus.
The scorpion Leiurus abdullahbayrami has been associated with severe/lethal envenomings throughou... more The scorpion Leiurus abdullahbayrami has been associated with severe/lethal envenomings throughout the Levant region of the Middle East, encompassing Turkey, Syria, and Lebanon, and only scarce information is available on its venom composition, activity, and antigenicity. We report on the composition of L. abdullahbayrami venom collected from Lebanese specimens using nESI-MS/MS, MALDI-TOF MS, SDS-PAGE and RP-HPLC. Venom lethality, through LD50 determination in mice (intraperitoneal), was also assessed (0.75 (0.16-1.09) mg/kg), confirming L.abdullahbayrami venom vertebrate toxicity. Fifty-four peaks were detected using RP-HPLC, half of which eluted in the gradient region between 20-40% acetonitrile. In reducing SDS-PAGE, most predominant components were <10 kDa, with minor components at higher molecular masses of 24.4, 43.1, and 48.9 kDa. Venom mass fingerprint by MALDI-TOF detected 21 components within the 1,000-12,000 m/z range. Whole venom ‘shotgun’ bottom-up nLC-MS/MS approach, combined with in-gel tryptic digestion of SDS-PAGE bands, identified at least 113 different components belonging to 15 venom families and uncharacterized proteins, with ion channel-active components (K+ channel toxins (28); Na+ channel toxins (42); Cl- channel toxins (4); Ca+2 toxins (2)) being predominant. A single match for a L. adbullahbayrami NaTx was found in the UniProt database with other congeneric species, toxin h3.1 from Leiurus hebraeus, suggesting this might be an indication of venom divergence within Leiurus, eventhough this warrants further investigation involving venom proteomics and transcriptomics of relevant species. Considering such potential interspecific venom variation, future work should address whether preparation of a specific anti-L. abdullahbayrami antivenom is justified.
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
ABSTRACT. Envenomation by scorpions belonging to the genus Tityus can be life threatening in the ... more ABSTRACT. Envenomation by scorpions belonging to the genus Tityus can be life threatening in the Americas, particularly in the Amazon Basin. We report a 4-month-old Ecuadorean boy of Shuar origin stung by a scorpion identified as Tityus cisandinus in the Amazonian province of Morona Santiago, presenting with pulmonary edema and systemic inflammation. We administered immunotherapy using the scorpion antivenom available in Ecuador, of Mexican origin (anti-Centruroides). Catecholamine discharge-related events such as hyperglycemia and thrombocytosis were resolved after treatment but leukocytosis did not, suggesting that factors associated with the sting-admission delay and specificity of antivenom played a role in the envenomation outcome. Cardiorespiratory arrest determined a fatal outcome, despite specific maneuvers. The case severity and the limited supply of nonspecific scorpion antivenoms in problematic areas of Amazonian Ecuador and elsewhere in northwestern Amazonia are discusse...
Revista Científica Ciencias Naturales y Ambientales, 2014
Los artrópodos con glándulas productoras de veneno capaces de ocasionar accidentes de importancia... more Los artrópodos con glándulas productoras de veneno capaces de ocasionar accidentes de importancia en humanos han sido poco estudiados en Ecuador desde los puntos de vista epidemiológico, clínico o bioquímico a pesar de contar el país con una elevada diversidad de artrópodos en general. Se han producido accidentes severos en la regiones costera y amazónica del país a consecuencia de la mordedura de arañas (Phoneutria Perty) y picadura de hormigas “congas” (Paraponera clavata (Fabricius) y escorpiones (Tityus asthenes Pocock), los cuales han pasado desapercibidos en importancia sanitaria probablemente debido a su prevalencia en áreas rurales. No se han reportado accidentes por mordedura de arañas del género Loxosceles Heinecken &amp; Lowe o por escolopendras (Clase Chilopoda, Orden Scolopendromorpha) o por contacto con orugas del orden Lepidoptera (familia Saturniidae) aunque existen en el país especies potencialmente tóxicas pertenecientes a estos grupos. Esta revisión contiene los resultados de un curso preparado por los estudiantes de Biología de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad de Guayaquil, con la finalidad de presentar, por vez primera, el estado del conocimiento sobre artrópodos venenosos en Ecuador pertenecientes a las clases Arachnida, Chilopoda e Insecta junto con las perspectivas de investigación sobre estos grupos de importancia médica en Biotecnología y Evolución.
FIGURE 6. Map of western Venezuela showing location of collection sites for Tityus species. Inset... more FIGURE 6. Map of western Venezuela showing location of collection sites for Tityus species. Inset: Location of type localities for Tityus imei sp. nov. (1, in Portuguesa State), Tityus sanarensis (2, in Lara State), Tityus rusmelyae (3, in Lara State), T. boconoensis (4, in Trujillo State), T. discrepans (5, Capital District, northcentral Venezuela) and T. zulianus (6, in Zulia State).
Evidencias previas han demostrado que el veneno del escorpion venezolano, Tityus discrepans (Kars... more Evidencias previas han demostrado que el veneno del escorpion venezolano, Tityus discrepans (Karsch), contiene peptidos con potente efecto leishmanicida, produciendo intensa vacuolizacion, aumento del volumen del bolsillo flagelar y muerte de promastigotes de Leishmania ( Leishmania ) mexicana . Este trabajo evalua la actividad leishmanicida de los venenos de diez especies de Tityus , representativas de areas endemicas de escorpionismo en Venezuela: T. breweri (Gonzalez-Sponga), T. clathratus (Koch), T. discrepans (Karsch), T. falconensis (Gonzalez-Sponga), T. gonzalespongai (Quiroga et al .), T. imei (Borges et al .), T. nororientalis (Gonzalez-Sponga), T. perijanensis (Gonzalez-Sponga), T. zulianus (Gonzalez-Sponga), T. sanarensis (Gonzalez-Sponga) y del Brasil, T. serrulatus (Lutz & Mello). Se presenta ademas el aislamiento y la caracterizacion bioquimica del peptido HPLC-13, con actividad sobre promastigotes de Leishmania ( Leishmania ) mexicana , obtenido a partir del veneno de...
Revista de la Sociedad científica del Paraguay, Sep 5, 2022
El escorpionismo, como se denomina al cuadro clínico producido por la picadura de escorpiones tóx... more El escorpionismo, como se denomina al cuadro clínico producido por la picadura de escorpiones tóxicos en humanos, es un problema de salud pública en áreas urbanas y rurales de la América Tropical, incluyendo Paraguay, asociado a pobreza y a la falta de acceso a antivenenos específicos. Aunque su prevalencia en Paraguay no ha sido aún evaluada, la presencia de especies de reconocida toxicidad que son propias del país junto a otras especies compartidas con los países limítrofes y el registro de envenenamientos severos en niños en el Departamento Central, demandan la revisión de esta patología para su conocimiento por los profesionales de salud y de investigación sobre el tema. En esta revisión, se describen el conocimiento actual sobre esta patología en Paraguay, las alteraciones fisiopatológicas ocasionadas por los componentes tóxicos presentes en el veneno escorpiónico en los principales sistemas fisiológicos que sirven de blanco farmacológico de las toxinas, además de aportar a su diagnóstico diferencial, con el fin de contribuir con el adecuado tratamiento de las víctimas de estos envenenamientos y a la comprensión holística de esta emergente enfermedad desatendida en el país.
Se hace un estudio sobre la historia de la excitabilidad iterativa. Se relaciona la excitabilidad... more Se hace un estudio sobre la historia de la excitabilidad iterativa. Se relaciona la excitabilidad iterativa con la contraccion prostenica. Se describen los caracteres de esta variedad de contraccion muscular, a saber: contraccion ritmica que aparece en el musculo gastrocnemio de varias clases de ranas, hyla labialis, rana esculenta, bufo marinus; excitacion directa; la excitacion repetida puede ser choques de induccion, descargas de condensadores, estimulacion electronica; la frecuencia de los estimulos usada ha estado entre 50 y 500 por segundo; la duracion de los estimulos debe estar por debajo del valor de la cronaxia; con intensidad reobase no aparece la contraccion prostenica; los electrodos pueden ser o no impolarizables. Hay dos clases de contraccion prostenica una caracterizada por ondas ritmicas solas, y otra en que hay un tetanos y a este se le agregan las sacudidas ritmicas; la variedad ritmica pura aparece con menor intensidad de los estimulos; con excitacion ascendente aparece mejor la variedad ritmica. La frecuencia de las sacudidas esta entre unas 6 y unas 150 por minuto. The history of the hiterative excitability is reported. It is pointed out the possible relation between the iterative excitability and the prosthenic contraction. The history of the hiterative excitability is reported. Is a rhythmic contraction that appears in the muscle gastrocnemius of the frog, hyla labialis, rana esculenta, bufo marinus, with direct excitation; this repeated estimulation may be induction shocks, condenser discharges or electronic stimulators; the frequency of the stimulus may vary from 60 to 500 per second; the duration of the stimulus must be less than the chronaxie; with intensity of rheobase it does not appear the prosthenic contraction; the electrodes may or may not be impolarizables; there are two kinds of prosthenic contraction: one characterized by rhytmic contractions only, and another one characterized by tetanus plus rhythmic contractions; the rhythmic variety appears with less intensity of the stimulus the frequency of the twitches may vary from 6 to 150 per minute
Scorpion venoms have long captivated scientific researchers, primarily due to the potency and spe... more Scorpion venoms have long captivated scientific researchers, primarily due to the potency and specificity of the mechanism of action of their derived components. Among other molecules, these venoms contain highly active compounds, including antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and ion channel-specific components that selectively target biological receptors with remarkable affinity. Some of these receptors have emerged as prime therapeutic targets for addressing various human pathologies, including cancer and infectious diseases, and have served as models for designing novel drugs. Consequently, extensive biochemical and proteomic investigations have focused on characterizing scorpion venoms. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the key methodologies used in the extraction, purification, analysis, and characterization of AMPs and other bioactive molecules present in scorpion venoms. Noteworthy techniques such as gel electrophoresis, reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromato...
BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access t... more BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and presses.
RESUMEN Se evaluó la historia y el patrón epidemiológico de la mortalidad en humanos causada por ... more RESUMEN Se evaluó la historia y el patrón epidemiológico de la mortalidad en humanos causada por animales venenosos en Venezuela para el período 1980 a 1999. Los datos de mortalidad nacional se obtuvieron por vigilancia epidemiológica pasiva, a partir de las cifras de la serie E905 y X20 a X29 registrados oficialmente en los Anuarios de Mortalidad y Estadística Vital del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Se calcularon las tasas de mortalidad por cien mil habitantes, para cada año y la tasa promedio anual para el periodo de 20 años, durante los cuales se registraron 1.494 decesos. La principal causa de muerte fue el ofidismo (n = 921; 61,6%), seguida del envenenamiento por himenópteros (n = 310; 20,7%), y en tercer lugar por los escorpiones (n = 185; 12,4%). La mayor frecuencia de muertes por ofidismo se registró en 1987 (62 casos), por himenópteros en 1980 y 1991 (21 casos cada uno), y por escorpionismo en 1995 (18 casos). Para cualquiera de los agentes etiológicos la mortalidad fue mayor ...
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, 2021
Tityus trivittatus is considered the most medically important scorpion species of southern South ... more Tityus trivittatus is considered the most medically important scorpion species of southern South America. In this contribution we redefine its taxonomy, redescribe the species and separate the southern populations as a new species, Tityus carrilloi n. sp. As a consequence of this description, the most medically important species of the region turns out to be the new species herein described. We also clearly establish the phylogenetic position of both species through a dated molecular phylogenetic analysis based on four genes. Finally, we discuss the differences of the venom between the two species, and the epidemiologic implications of our results on the scorpionism problem in the region.
Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases, 2012
It has been proposed that the subgenus Archaeotityus comprises the most ancient species group wit... more It has been proposed that the subgenus Archaeotityus comprises the most ancient species group within the medically important scorpion genus Tityus. cDNA encoding sodium-channel active toxins from the type species of this subgenus, Tityus clathratus (central Venezuela), have been isolated and sequenced. Two cDNAs were retrieved that encoded 61 amino acid-long putative neurotoxins named Tcl1 and Tcl2. Sequence identity was highest (87%) when both were compared with β-toxin Ts1 from the Brazilian scorpion Tityus serrulatus and its homologs from T. bahiensis, T. stigmurus, and T. costatus. A Bayesian analysis indicated statistical support for the grouping of T. clathratus Tcl1 and Tcl2 with Brazilian gammalike β-toxins, reinforcing previous phylogenetic studies which suggested an evolutionary relationship between the subgenus Archaeotityus and scorpion species inhabiting southeast South America belonging to the subgenus Tityus.
The scorpion Leiurus abdullahbayrami has been associated with severe/lethal envenomings throughou... more The scorpion Leiurus abdullahbayrami has been associated with severe/lethal envenomings throughout the Levant region of the Middle East, encompassing Turkey, Syria, and Lebanon, and only scarce information is available on its venom composition, activity, and antigenicity. We report on the composition of L. abdullahbayrami venom collected from Lebanese specimens using nESI-MS/MS, MALDI-TOF MS, SDS-PAGE and RP-HPLC. Venom lethality, through LD50 determination in mice (intraperitoneal), was also assessed (0.75 (0.16-1.09) mg/kg), confirming L.abdullahbayrami venom vertebrate toxicity. Fifty-four peaks were detected using RP-HPLC, half of which eluted in the gradient region between 20-40% acetonitrile. In reducing SDS-PAGE, most predominant components were <10 kDa, with minor components at higher molecular masses of 24.4, 43.1, and 48.9 kDa. Venom mass fingerprint by MALDI-TOF detected 21 components within the 1,000-12,000 m/z range. Whole venom ‘shotgun’ bottom-up nLC-MS/MS approach, combined with in-gel tryptic digestion of SDS-PAGE bands, identified at least 113 different components belonging to 15 venom families and uncharacterized proteins, with ion channel-active components (K+ channel toxins (28); Na+ channel toxins (42); Cl- channel toxins (4); Ca+2 toxins (2)) being predominant. A single match for a L. adbullahbayrami NaTx was found in the UniProt database with other congeneric species, toxin h3.1 from Leiurus hebraeus, suggesting this might be an indication of venom divergence within Leiurus, eventhough this warrants further investigation involving venom proteomics and transcriptomics of relevant species. Considering such potential interspecific venom variation, future work should address whether preparation of a specific anti-L. abdullahbayrami antivenom is justified.
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
ABSTRACT. Envenomation by scorpions belonging to the genus Tityus can be life threatening in the ... more ABSTRACT. Envenomation by scorpions belonging to the genus Tityus can be life threatening in the Americas, particularly in the Amazon Basin. We report a 4-month-old Ecuadorean boy of Shuar origin stung by a scorpion identified as Tityus cisandinus in the Amazonian province of Morona Santiago, presenting with pulmonary edema and systemic inflammation. We administered immunotherapy using the scorpion antivenom available in Ecuador, of Mexican origin (anti-Centruroides). Catecholamine discharge-related events such as hyperglycemia and thrombocytosis were resolved after treatment but leukocytosis did not, suggesting that factors associated with the sting-admission delay and specificity of antivenom played a role in the envenomation outcome. Cardiorespiratory arrest determined a fatal outcome, despite specific maneuvers. The case severity and the limited supply of nonspecific scorpion antivenoms in problematic areas of Amazonian Ecuador and elsewhere in northwestern Amazonia are discusse...
Revista Científica Ciencias Naturales y Ambientales, 2014
Los artrópodos con glándulas productoras de veneno capaces de ocasionar accidentes de importancia... more Los artrópodos con glándulas productoras de veneno capaces de ocasionar accidentes de importancia en humanos han sido poco estudiados en Ecuador desde los puntos de vista epidemiológico, clínico o bioquímico a pesar de contar el país con una elevada diversidad de artrópodos en general. Se han producido accidentes severos en la regiones costera y amazónica del país a consecuencia de la mordedura de arañas (Phoneutria Perty) y picadura de hormigas “congas” (Paraponera clavata (Fabricius) y escorpiones (Tityus asthenes Pocock), los cuales han pasado desapercibidos en importancia sanitaria probablemente debido a su prevalencia en áreas rurales. No se han reportado accidentes por mordedura de arañas del género Loxosceles Heinecken &amp; Lowe o por escolopendras (Clase Chilopoda, Orden Scolopendromorpha) o por contacto con orugas del orden Lepidoptera (familia Saturniidae) aunque existen en el país especies potencialmente tóxicas pertenecientes a estos grupos. Esta revisión contiene los resultados de un curso preparado por los estudiantes de Biología de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad de Guayaquil, con la finalidad de presentar, por vez primera, el estado del conocimiento sobre artrópodos venenosos en Ecuador pertenecientes a las clases Arachnida, Chilopoda e Insecta junto con las perspectivas de investigación sobre estos grupos de importancia médica en Biotecnología y Evolución.
FIGURE 6. Map of western Venezuela showing location of collection sites for Tityus species. Inset... more FIGURE 6. Map of western Venezuela showing location of collection sites for Tityus species. Inset: Location of type localities for Tityus imei sp. nov. (1, in Portuguesa State), Tityus sanarensis (2, in Lara State), Tityus rusmelyae (3, in Lara State), T. boconoensis (4, in Trujillo State), T. discrepans (5, Capital District, northcentral Venezuela) and T. zulianus (6, in Zulia State).
Evidencias previas han demostrado que el veneno del escorpion venezolano, Tityus discrepans (Kars... more Evidencias previas han demostrado que el veneno del escorpion venezolano, Tityus discrepans (Karsch), contiene peptidos con potente efecto leishmanicida, produciendo intensa vacuolizacion, aumento del volumen del bolsillo flagelar y muerte de promastigotes de Leishmania ( Leishmania ) mexicana . Este trabajo evalua la actividad leishmanicida de los venenos de diez especies de Tityus , representativas de areas endemicas de escorpionismo en Venezuela: T. breweri (Gonzalez-Sponga), T. clathratus (Koch), T. discrepans (Karsch), T. falconensis (Gonzalez-Sponga), T. gonzalespongai (Quiroga et al .), T. imei (Borges et al .), T. nororientalis (Gonzalez-Sponga), T. perijanensis (Gonzalez-Sponga), T. zulianus (Gonzalez-Sponga), T. sanarensis (Gonzalez-Sponga) y del Brasil, T. serrulatus (Lutz & Mello). Se presenta ademas el aislamiento y la caracterizacion bioquimica del peptido HPLC-13, con actividad sobre promastigotes de Leishmania ( Leishmania ) mexicana , obtenido a partir del veneno de...
This chapter assesses scorpionism and noxious scorpions in Central America and the Caribbean area... more This chapter assesses scorpionism and noxious scorpions in Central America and the Caribbean area, scarcely surveyed previously despite the presence of potentially dangerous scorpions of the genera Centruroides and Tityus, family Buthidae. In Central America, most scorpion stings in Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama are caused by Centruroides spp. which are mildly toxic to humans, including C. edwardsii, C. granosus, and C. gracilis, with the highest regional morbidity corresponding to Panama. Lethal Tityus species from Panama are T. asthenes, T. festae, T. pachyurus, T. cerroazul, and T. championi, the last three shared with Costa Rica, where at least one death has been reported. In the West Indies, T. trinitatis, endemic to Trinidad and Tobago, is the only species accountable for human deaths. In the Greater Antilles, synanthropic species are responsible for mild accidents, such as C. gracilis and Rhopalurus junceus (Cuba), C. insulanus (Jamaica), C. griseus (Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands), C. margaritatus (Jamaica/Cuba), and probably C. nitidus (Hispaniola). In the Lesser Antilles, mild envenomations are produced by C. barbudensis and C. testaceus. The regional distribution of scorpions, and scorpionism thereof, is the result of physiographic, environmental, and anthropic factors. The latter have contributed with extinction of Lesser Antillean Tityus spp., which niches are now occupied by opportunistic Centruroides spp., whereas the former explains the phylogenetic and toxinological relatedness of Panamanian/Costa Rican and Trinidad/Tobago Tityus spp. to congeners from northern South America.
This chapter assesses the phylogenetic relationships between scorpions and sodium channel-active ... more This chapter assesses the phylogenetic relationships between scorpions and sodium channel-active scorpion toxins (NaScTx) of medical significance, almost entirely contained within the family Buthidae, with the exception of Hemiscorpius lepturus (Hemiscorpiidae). Within Buthidae, venom capable of severe and lethal scorpionism appears to have evolved multiple times among and within major morphological groups. Published mitochondrial sequence data from two markers (COI & 16S) were used to construct a partial maximum likelihood phylogeny for Buthidae. The resulting topology is largely congruent with results from comparative analysis of morphological data. Old World and New World buthids appear to be split, suggesting that some of the higher-level patterns in Buthidae can be explained by the breakup of Pangea. Provided that the venom composition should be more similar among closely related than distant species, the phylogeny can be used to predict which of the less dangerous species could also produce potent venoms. Clinical, phylogenetic, and toxinological evidence were also used to interpret the evolution and biogeography of these medically significant venomous taxa and the evolution of their toxic molecules. The existence of species-specific NaScTx repertoires in scorpions is probably the consequence of coevolution and arms races at the molecular and biochemical levels to overcome the ever-evolving structure of receptor sites (including sodium channels) in their predators and preys.
Papers by Adolfo Borges
collected from Lebanese specimens using nESI-MS/MS, MALDI-TOF MS, SDS-PAGE and RP-HPLC. Venom lethality, through LD50 determination in mice (intraperitoneal), was also assessed (0.75 (0.16-1.09) mg/kg), confirming L.abdullahbayrami venom vertebrate toxicity. Fifty-four peaks were detected using RP-HPLC, half of which eluted in the gradient region between 20-40% acetonitrile. In reducing SDS-PAGE, most predominant components were <10 kDa, with minor components at higher molecular
masses of 24.4, 43.1, and 48.9 kDa. Venom mass fingerprint by MALDI-TOF detected 21 components within the 1,000-12,000 m/z range. Whole venom ‘shotgun’ bottom-up nLC-MS/MS approach, combined with in-gel tryptic digestion of SDS-PAGE bands, identified at least 113 different components belonging to 15 venom families and uncharacterized proteins, with ion channel-active components (K+ channel toxins (28);
Na+ channel toxins (42); Cl- channel toxins (4); Ca+2 toxins (2)) being predominant. A single match for a L. adbullahbayrami NaTx was found in the UniProt database with other congeneric species, toxin h3.1 from Leiurus hebraeus, suggesting this might be an indication of venom divergence within Leiurus, eventhough this warrants further investigation involving venom proteomics and transcriptomics of relevant species.
Considering such potential interspecific venom variation, future work should address whether preparation of a specific anti-L. abdullahbayrami antivenom is justified.
collected from Lebanese specimens using nESI-MS/MS, MALDI-TOF MS, SDS-PAGE and RP-HPLC. Venom lethality, through LD50 determination in mice (intraperitoneal), was also assessed (0.75 (0.16-1.09) mg/kg), confirming L.abdullahbayrami venom vertebrate toxicity. Fifty-four peaks were detected using RP-HPLC, half of which eluted in the gradient region between 20-40% acetonitrile. In reducing SDS-PAGE, most predominant components were <10 kDa, with minor components at higher molecular
masses of 24.4, 43.1, and 48.9 kDa. Venom mass fingerprint by MALDI-TOF detected 21 components within the 1,000-12,000 m/z range. Whole venom ‘shotgun’ bottom-up nLC-MS/MS approach, combined with in-gel tryptic digestion of SDS-PAGE bands, identified at least 113 different components belonging to 15 venom families and uncharacterized proteins, with ion channel-active components (K+ channel toxins (28);
Na+ channel toxins (42); Cl- channel toxins (4); Ca+2 toxins (2)) being predominant. A single match for a L. adbullahbayrami NaTx was found in the UniProt database with other congeneric species, toxin h3.1 from Leiurus hebraeus, suggesting this might be an indication of venom divergence within Leiurus, eventhough this warrants further investigation involving venom proteomics and transcriptomics of relevant species.
Considering such potential interspecific venom variation, future work should address whether preparation of a specific anti-L. abdullahbayrami antivenom is justified.
Buthidae. In Central America, most scorpion stings in Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama are caused by Centruroides spp. which are mildly toxic to humans, including C. edwardsii, C. granosus, and C. gracilis, with the highest regional morbidity corresponding
to Panama. Lethal Tityus species from Panama are T. asthenes, T. festae, T. pachyurus, T. cerroazul, and T. championi, the last three shared with Costa Rica, where at least one death has been reported. In the West Indies, T. trinitatis, endemic to Trinidad and Tobago, is the only species accountable
for human deaths. In the Greater Antilles, synanthropic species are responsible for mild accidents, such as C. gracilis and Rhopalurus junceus (Cuba), C. insulanus (Jamaica), C. griseus (Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands), C. margaritatus (Jamaica/Cuba), and probably C. nitidus (Hispaniola). In the Lesser Antilles, mild envenomations are produced by C. barbudensis and
C. testaceus. The regional distribution of scorpions, and scorpionism thereof, is the result of physiographic, environmental, and anthropic factors. The latter
have contributed with extinction of Lesser Antillean Tityus spp., which niches are now occupied by opportunistic Centruroides spp., whereas the former explains the phylogenetic and toxinological relatedness of Panamanian/Costa Rican and Trinidad/Tobago Tityus spp. to congeners from northern South
of severe and lethal scorpionism appears to have evolved multiple times among and within major morphological groups. Published mitochondrial sequence data from two markers (COI & 16S) were used to construct a partial maximum likelihood phylogeny for Buthidae. The resulting topology is largely congruent with results from comparative analysis of morphological data. Old World and New World buthids appear to be split, suggesting that some of the higher-level
patterns in Buthidae can be explained by the breakup of Pangea. Provided that the venom composition should be more similar among closely related than distant species, the phylogeny can be used to predict which of the less dangerous
species could also produce potent venoms. Clinical, phylogenetic, and toxinological evidence were also used to interpret the evolution and biogeography of these medically significant venomous taxa and the evolution of their toxic
molecules. The existence of species-specific NaScTx repertoires in scorpions is probably the consequence of coevolution and arms races at the molecular and biochemical levels to overcome the ever-evolving structure of receptor sites
(including sodium channels) in their predators and preys.