Recent papers in Veins
Objectives: P-selectin inhibition has been found to limit venous thrombosis. We hypothesize that elevated levels of P-selectin will amplify thrombosis, mediated by procoagulant microparticles (MPs). Methods: Male mice (Mus musculus,... more
The aim of this study was to determine the extent of accumulation of lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] in human arterial wall and to define its potential role in atherogenesis. Biopsies routinely taken from the ascending aorta of 107 patients... more
Peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC) are widely used to provide central venous access, often in chronically ill patients with long-term intravenous access requirements. There are a number of significant complications related to... more
Accumulating data on the human fetal circulation shows the similarity to the experimental animal physiology, but with important differences. The human fetus seems to circulate less blood through the placenta, shunt less through the ductus... more
We report a case diagnosed angiographically as fibromuscular dysplasia. Initially there was a "string of beads" appearance. Two months later tubular stenosis was also apparent, and the clinical picture had progressed.
4-Hydroxynonenal (HNE) is a major aldehydic product formed by peroxidation of omega 6-unsaturated fatty acids and is regarded as a specific marker of lipid peroxidation. In this paper we demonstrate that there is a physiological... more
A robotic system to take blood samples autonomously from the forearm is presented and preliminary results are discussed which demonstrate its feasibility. Force/position profiles, while pressing a flat-headed probe against the surface of... more
The effects of vasoactive agonists on systemic blood vessels were examined with respect to anatomical location and gravity acclimation in the semi-arboreal snake, Elaphe Obsoleta. Major blood vessels were reactive to putative... more
Objectives: to compare the amputation rates, quality of life and health care costs in patients receiving duplex ultrasound scanning against clinical surveillance following femoropopliteal and femorocrural vein bypass. Design:... more
A recent modification of the Kety-Schmidt wash-out technique for ' 33xenon was used to measure whole-brain blood flow (CBF) and oxygen consumption (CMR,,) 1 to 4 hours after termination of halothane anesthesia in 15 Wistar rats. I n this... more
Purpose: Venous reconstructions are rarely performed, and factors affecting long-term results of bypass grafts implanted in the venous system are not well defined. In this report we updated our experience. Methods: The clinical data of... more
Venous compliance declines with age and improves with chronic endurance exercise. KAATSU, an exercise combined with blood flow restriction (BFR), is a unique training method for promoting muscle hypertrophy and strength gains by using... more
The presacral venous plexus results from anastomoses between the lateral and median sacral veins, and courses into the pelvic fascia covering the anterior aspect of the body of the sacrum. The presacral venous plexus is not directly... more
Fetal bypass presents several perfusion challenges, including the need for high arterial flow rates using flexible arterial and small venous cannulae. We hypothesized that vacuum-assisted venous drainage (VAVD) would improve drainage and... more
Ambulatory phlebectomy is an elegant outpatient procedure for the removal of varicose veins. One of the keys to its success is the ability to perform the procedure under local anesthesia. A new form of anesthesia, tumescent anesthesia,... more
Balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (BRTO) of bleeding gastric varices (GV) is well described in the literature. Using Ethanolamine oleate as the sclerosing agent in BRTO, but it is not readily available in the United... more
terms of recurrence rates. However, nowadays surgeon's preference is still the most relevant criteria to choose the technique for varicocele treatment. In this article, we review the use of ASS for varicocele treatment. We also describe... more
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) may help reduce the incidence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the postoperative total hip and knee arthroplasty patient. However, discomfort associated with stimulus may reduce patient... more
Reviewing the literature on the vascular anatomy of the spinal epidural space, it appeared that the knowledge of the internal vertebral venous plexus is limited. Injection studies of the entire internal vertebral venous plexus after... more
BACKGROUND. The umbilical cord is usually clamped immediately after birth. There is no sound evidence to support this approach, which might deprive the newborn of some benefits such as an increase in iron storage.
This paper describes a software system for measuring cross-sectional area in reconstructed elliptical tubular structures. A measurement tool was developed using the freely available, cross-platform, open-source three-dimensional (3-D)... more
Arterial plasma drug concentrations should be a strong predictor of resultant physiological and behavioral effects of smoked drugs. Nine healthy male volunteers, who were current users of smoked and i.v. cocaine, participated in a study... more
To determine the effect of elastic compression stockings on deep venous hemodynamics we measured ambulatory venous pressure, venous refill time, maximum venous pressure with exercise, amplitude of venous pressure excursion, and... more
Objectives: To define the normative values of scrotal vein diameters, investigate the eventual presence and characteristics of scrotal reflux in healthy subjects, and describe its implication for the diagnosis of scrotal varicocele.... more
Objective: Dual antiplatelet therapy with clopidogrel plus acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) is superior to ASA alone in patients with acute coronary syndromes and in those undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. We sought to determine... more
A lateral approach to the popliteal artery Is described. The anatomic limits of the exposure, appropriate technical maneuvers to maximize this exposure, and alternative procedures are discussed. Groin or thigh Infections In patients... more
The testis is an important organ upon which the survival of the human species depends. The testicular arteries and veins play major roles in the thermo-regulation that is essential for the efficient functioning of this organ. However,... more
Tumor vascular permeability factor (VPF) was initially identified by Senger et al. in the laboratory of Dvorak [1] and was later confirmed as identical to VEGF [2, 3, 4 and 5]. Although more attention has been focused on angiogenesis, the... more
Objective: To evaluate the role of the venous system in cyclical mastalgia.
The purpose of this anatomic cadaveric study was to determine with trocars in situ the relationships of 12 shoulder arthroscopic portals frequently used with the adjacent musculotendinous and neurovascular structures. Methods: Twelve... more
KH. Measuring venous oxygenation using the photoplethysmograph waveform. J Clin Monit Comput 2010; 24:295-303
Avulsion injury to portal vein tributaries can result in worrying haemorrhage during pancreatic gastric, and colonic resection. Attempts to control these avulsion injuries can result in extension of the tear into major portal vein... more
Abbreviations: APTT ϭ activated partial thromboplastin time; DVT ϭ deep venous thrombosis; HIT ϭ heparin-induced thrombocytopenia; INR ϭ international normalized ratio; IPG ϭ impedance plethysmography; LMW ϭ low molecular weight; PE ϭ... more
In mice, intravenous injections are commonly administered in the lateral tail vein. This technique is sometimes difficult to carry out and may cause stress to mice. Though injection through the retro-orbital venous sinus can provide... more