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Global population growth has led to an increase of the number of people living in urban areas. As a consequence, stresses on space, ecosystems, infrastructures, facilities and personal lifestyles have been enhanced. Problems related to... more
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      Air Pollution ModellingUrban Air PollutionUrban noise
Conforme a lo establecido en la legislación vigente, un mapa estratégico de ruido debe incluir un documento de texto con información sobre la metodología empleada y resultados obtenidos. En el caso de aglomeraciones urbanas, los... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable Urban EnvironmentsEnvironmental SustainabilityNoise Pollution
This study assesses and validates the influence of sound in the urban environment and glass façade components in responsively reducing sound transmission to the indoor environment. Among the most reported issues affecting workspaces,... more
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      AcousticsDesign SupportDouble Skin FacadesIndoor environmental quality
O presente estudo buscou avaliar a poluição sonora decorrente do tráfego de veículos em três regiões distintas (comercial, mista – comercial e residencial, residencial) da cidade de Campo Grande, capital do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul,... more
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      Traffic NoiseUrban noiseNoise Mapping
In a leading article by Sir Percival Philips in the UK popular newspaper, the Daily Mail, July 16, 1928, came the following headlines: “Millions Lost by Noise – Cities’ Worst Plague – Menace to Nerves and Health – What is Being Done to... more
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      HistoryAcousticsSoundscape StudiesField Recording
RESUMO A implantação de infraestrutura e serviços é exigida para a expansão das cidades, levando ao aumento de obras de construção civil, que, em seu cerne, são emissoras de ruídos contaminadores do meio em que se encontram. Desta forma,... more
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    • Urban noise
Primary Instruction: Listen! Don’t feel you are being forced to unnaturally suppress your other senses – just have a go at temporarily prioritising your sense of hearing. Midst walk, you may become aware that you are distracted,... more
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      Soundscape StudiesAcoustic EcologyWalkingHuman-Centered Design
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      Football CultureNoise PollutionUrban noiseUniversity of Freiburg
Analysis and knowledge are required in order to obtain awareness and understanding of sensory data, sound in this case, to process what we perceive and to derive some meaning. It is possible to capture small details in the environment and... more
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      DesignSoundSensors (Surface Acoustic Waves)Icelandic
Every day, 15% of the European population is exposed to average noise or air pollution levels exceeding the European legal threshold. Levels and distribution of each pollutant across the city depend of individual sources emissions,... more
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      EpidemiologyPublic HealthNoiseEnvironmental Exposure Assessment
Environmental epidemiological studies commonly quantify subjects' noise exposure level in their neighborhood. How this neighborhood is defined can vary across studies, leading to different approaches whose impacts on exposure levels... more
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      EpidemiologyExposure AssessmentNoiseEnvironmental Exposure Assessment
We examined the extent to which acoustic noise in urban environments influences song characteristics and singing behaviour of Northern Cardinals Cardinalis cardinalis and American Robins Turdus migratorius. We predicted that, in response... more
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      ZoologyConservation BiologyEcologyFrequency
La provisión de paisajes sonoros sanos y equilibrados es uno de los retos más importantes que afrontan las ciudades del siglo XXI. Actualmente, los estudios relacionados a esta cuestión asumen un enfoque integral, que explora con... more
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      Human GeographyUrban PlanningSoundscapeBinaural Recording
This study assesses and validates the influence of measuring noise levels in the urban environment, site parameters, and glass façade components in responsively reducing sound transmission to the indoor environment. Among the most... more
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      AcousticsDesign SupportDouble Skin FacadesIndoor environmental quality
The paper tries to analyse the aspects of using smartphone apps as a low-cost option for creating noise maps, as required by European legislative. Using smartphones as noise measuring instruments opens a number of questions related to the... more
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      Software EngineeringMeasurementUrban noise
ABSTRACT: The design criteria for high rise and normal buildings differ in acoustics. The same applies for engineering and architecture. There the main sources for vibration and noise are: how the wind effects structural systems, high... more
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      Acoustic EngineeringArchitectural EngineeringConstruction TechnologySustainable Architecture
Ciclo de conferencias pedagógicas: marzo 2021
Informes [email protected]
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      Soundscape StudiesSensory StudiesSonologiaUrban noise
Benjamin Franklin famously performed an acoustic experiment while listening to George Whitefield preach in Philadelphia in 1739, in which Franklin calculated that Whitefield could be heard by more than 30,000 listeners. In the course of... more
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      AcousticsArchaeoacousticsUrban noise
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      MusicUrban PlanningAlcohol StudiesLive Music
Many passerines adjust song attributes to avoid potential masking by anthropogenic noise. The costs of masking should be particularly high for vocalizations important for survival (e.g. alarm calls), but few studies have investigated how... more
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      OrnithologyBioacousticsAnimal BehaviourBiological Sciences
Palavras-chave: Acústica; Geotecnologias; Morfologia urbana; Ruído urbano.
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      AcousticsUrban MorphologyGeotecnologiasGeotechnics
ABSTRACT: The result of this conference paper is a five minutes simulation of the soundscape in one open space location in Hamburg made by qualitatively analyzing five minute samples over a one week timeframe. We coded the recordings... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceAcousticsMachine LearningMonte Carlo Simulation
Le milieu urbain concentre les activités anthropiques responsables d’une forte densité de sources de pollution et de fortes densités de population. Il constitue ainsi un espace majeur d’exposition des populations humaines à plusieurs... more
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      EpidemiologyPublic HealthExposure AssessmentNoise
EU Directive 49/2002 and Spanish law 37/2006 urge cities to develop strategic noise maps and action plans to evaluate noise exposure and to establish noise abatement procedures in critical areas. However, noise mapping involves costly and... more
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      Spatial StatisticsInternet of Things (IoT)Urban noiseGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
By hearing and identifying a noise problem, residents in Taiwan transmute the visceral experience of noise in relation to neighbors, the state, and others. In the countryside, in the city, and in the ocean, the challenges of negotiating... more
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      Environmental HumanitiesTaiwanUrban SpaceNoise Pollution
EU Directive 49/2002 and Spanish law 37/2006 urge cities to develop strategic noise maps and action plans to evaluate noise exposure and to establish noise abatement procedures in critical areas. However, noise mapping involves costly and... more
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      Spatial StatisticsApplied SciencesInternet of Things (IoT)Urban noise
This article analyses the opinions expressed by residents of the historic centre of Tours, one of the first areas in France to be restored. These residents are actively involved in attempting to restrict disturbances linked to the high... more
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      Heritage StudiesUrban conflictUrban noiseCritical Heritage Studies
Presentación del Mapa Estratégico de Ruidos de Granada 2016, segundo MER de la ciudad, elaborado por el Área de Medio Ambiente del Ayuntamiento de Granada con la colaboración de la Universidad de Granada, Departamento de Física Aplicada... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityNoise and Vibration Control and PredictionNoise MapsEnvironmental Noise Modelling