Papers by Nermina Zaimović-Uzunović
Casting metals and alloys makes most of the parts for vehicles. To shorten the time to market and... more Casting metals and alloys makes most of the parts for vehicles. To shorten the time to market and get a satisfied quality new design approach have to be involved. New CAD based technologies are giving an opportunity to make molds faster and cheaper with a high quality than previously using classical methods. In this paper master mold design process including decision about materials is presented. All principals for rapid tooling molds are applied at the mold for iron casting part for trains.
2013 XXIV International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT), 2013
Three dimensional measurement of complex geometry with Coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) requi... more Three dimensional measurement of complex geometry with Coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) requires multiple clamping and fixturing of measured object. In order to speed-up this process and to reduce the number of fixturing operations, a robotic arm can be used to manipulate the measured object. This paper describes measurement uncertainty analysis of an improved complex measurement system consisting of robotic arm and the coordinate measuring machine.
Proceedings of the 32nd DAAAM International Symposium, 2021
Calibration of measuring instruments is common requirement for quality control, and calibrated in... more Calibration of measuring instruments is common requirement for quality control, and calibrated instrument has to be traceable. Metrological traceability is the property of the measurement result relating it to a stated reference standard through an unbroken chain of comparisons with stated uncertainties. The data integrity of the traceability chain is vulnerable, as digital calibration certificates can potentially be altered. This paper evaluates how blockchain technology could be used to prevent data alteration and improve data integrity in calibration certificates. This is of great importance in digital quality infrastructure for innovative products and services in Industry 4.0.
5th International Conference on Industrial Tools "ICIT 2005" (K.Kuzman, editor), pp 97-100, ISBN 961-90401-9-8, Velenje, Celje, Slovenia, 12-15 April 2005, 2005
Sheet-metal parts produced by pressing, stamping or similar technology; usually have residual str... more Sheet-metal parts produced by pressing, stamping or similar technology; usually have residual stresses, which tend to deform them. If these parts are intended to be assembled with other elements, it is necessary to perform measurements to check if constructive dimensions are within acceptable tolerance limits. Such measurements require at least four stages: positioning, clamping, measurement, unclamping. These stages are time-consuming and require manual work. This process is difficult to be automated, because every product needs its own clamping assembly.
Proceedings /5th International Symposium on Industrial Engineering - SIE2012, June 14-15, 2012., Belgrade, (Editors: Milanović D.D., Spasojević-Brkić V., Misita M.) pp 273-276, ISBN 978-86-7083-758-4, 2012
for t: The nation Bosnia and He g scales as a earch was p nces of this lab ordance wi IEC 17025. ... more for t: The nation Bosnia and He g scales as a earch was p nces of this lab ordance wi IEC 17025. T obtained by nts described f individual c ment uncertain ds: Mass mea ment uncertain on DUCTION gy Institute o contains the ry intercomp ents to pro Mass Labora nge from 1 m onal standards a calibration class from ation of mass m national s class, which industry and c on of these w tors and bala while the ca performed us dependence). number of vina is desi gy of Bosnia perform verifi o ensure t MENT OF LABORA š a , Ne f Zenica, Me r Metrology o
Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 54(2008)2, pp 115-121, ISSN 0039-2480, UDK 621.9, 2008
The idea of using buckling analysis to predict wrinkling of sheet metal products manufactured by ... more The idea of using buckling analysis to predict wrinkling of sheet metal products manufactured by incremental forming is presented in this paper. We start from assumption that buckling analysis can be used to obtain geometry of product after first forming operation. That shape and critical buckling force are calculated using finite element method in elastic domain. The analysis was performed for various values of tool diameter. Results were tested through measurement of product geometry after first forming operation. The analysis showed that upper tool diameter can be reduced without change in product quality expressed through number of wrinkles.
4th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering RIM 2003 (I.Karabegović, editor), pp 129-134, ISBN 9958-624-16-8, Bihać, 25-27 Sep. 2003, 2003
SAŽETAK: Proizvodi od plastike se danas masovno upotrebljavaju i to prvenstveno kao supstitucija ... more SAŽETAK: Proizvodi od plastike se danas masovno upotrebljavaju i to prvenstveno kao supstitucija za skupe proizvode dobijene od nekih drugih materijala. Dijelovi mašina, npr. zupčanici, se već prave od plastike i to koristeći proces injekcionog presovanja ...
Proceedings of 6th international conference "TMT 2002" (S.Brdarević, S.Ekinović, R.C.Pascual, J.V.Calvet, editors), pp 421-424, ISBN 9958-617-11-0, Neum, 18-21 Sep. 2002, 2002
ABSTRACT Problems of vibrating centrifugal pump impellers and likewise structures with complex ge... more ABSTRACT Problems of vibrating centrifugal pump impellers and likewise structures with complex geometry, are usually being analysed by means of Finite Element Method or experimental methods. The first step in dynamic analysis is to determine natural ...
Proceedings of 6th international conference "TMT 2002" (S.Brdarević, S.Ekinović, R.C.Pascual, J.V.Calvet, editors), pp 465-468, ISBN 9958-617-11-0, Neum, 18-21 Sep. 2002, 2002
This paper deals with a part of the steam boiler construction which presents a large dimension co... more This paper deals with a part of the steam boiler construction which presents a large dimension construction. Stress strain state of the whole steam boiler and all it's parts depends on several acting factors. First of all, these are temperature conditions, transient processes during the starting up the system, system construction parameters, etc. All influences are acting simultaneously and not at the same manner at the different parts of the constructions. Compensators are links of the steam boiler connecting it to the supporting construction. During the period of acting the mentioned influences the stress strain state in compensators is changed, detected and analysed. On the base of measured results the behaviour of the whole steam boiler is analysed. The analysis is a contribution in defining total behaviour of the system presented.
Mechanics, No. 3(41), pp 18-21, ISSN 1392-1207, 2003
Proceedings 1st Regional Metrology Organisations Symposium - RMO 2008; 20th International Metrology Symposium November 12-15, 2008, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia (Editors: Damir Ilić, Mladen Boršić, Marko Jurčević), pp 262-266, ISBN 978-953-95179-1-3, Cavtat, Croatia, 12-14 Nov 2008, 2008
... The project grant holder was University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, the project was coordinat... more ... The project grant holder was University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, the project was coordinated by the ... [7] [8] Bruce ... J.Vivancos, editors), pp 539-542, ISBN 9958-617-34-8, Hammamet, Tunisia, 5-9 ...
IMEKO Conference proceedings: International Symposium on Measurement and Quality Control 2010 (ISMQC2010, September 5-9, 2010, Osaka, Japan), Yasuhiro Takaya, editor, pp 408-411, ISBN: 978-1-61782-019-9, 2010
The quality of 3D scanned data is influenced by many factors, such as scanned surface color, glos... more The quality of 3D scanned data is influenced by many factors, such as scanned surface color, glossiness, geometry, ambient light, scanner resolution, proper selection of scanned segments, etc. Surface color and glossiness are important sources of errors, and this paper studies their effects on a specific commercial scanner. Preparatory phase of digitizing process includes selecting proper combination of scanner's sensor aperture and shutter time, depending on the characteristics of scanned surface. This paper investigates a relationship between the color of scanned surface, the glossiness of scanned surface and the 3D laser scanning quality.
International conference "Mechanika - 2001", ISBN: 9986-13-955-4, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, 5-6 April 2001, 2001
Nermina Zaimović -Uzunović, prof.dr. Milenko Puce Univerzitet u Zenici Zavod za ispitivanj... more Nermina Zaimović -Uzunović, prof.dr. Milenko Puce Univerzitet u Zenici Zavod za ispitivanje kvalitete doo Mostar Daut Denjo, Lejla Denjo, Univerzitet "Džemal Bijedić" u Mostaru Institut za mjeriteljstvo BiH, Sarajevo REZIME U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati kalibracije mjernih satova, mjernog opsega od 0 -10 mm, na uređaju za provjeru mjernih satova, 865, Carl Mahr, a isto tako i na univerzalnoj mjernoj mašini ULM 01 -600C, s ciljem utvrđivanja ukupne greške pokazivanja sata fges (m). Proračunate su proširene mjerne nesigurnosti rezultata kalibracije na oba mjerna uređaja uzimajući u obzir sve procijenjene izvore nesigurnosti u toku procesa kalibracije. Ključne riječi: Mjeriteljstvo, mjerni sat, kalibracija SUMMARY This paper presents the results of the calibration of dial indicators, measuring range 0-10 mm, the instruments for checking the dial indicators, 865, Carl Mahr, as well as the universal measuring machines ULM 01 -600C, in order to determine the total error of showing dial gauges fges (μm). Calculations were made for the extended measurement uncertainty of calibration on both measuring instruments taking into account all sources of estimated uncertainty during the calibration process.
The paper tries to analyse the aspects of using smartphone apps as a low-cost option for creating... more The paper tries to analyse the aspects of using smartphone apps as a low-cost option for creating noise maps, as required by European legislative. Using smartphones as noise measuring instruments opens a number of questions related to the quality, reliability and integrity of data collected. A special attention is given to calibration and software quality. The research is accompanied by a real-world example, where results from different apps were compared to a professional instrument, in an outdoor environment. Results revealed that the discrepancy between the measurements are larger than the possible noise reduction interventions, indicating that smartphones used as measuring instruments should be questioned and thoroughly tested before making any decisions based on measurement results.
6th International conference "Quality 2009" (S. Brdarević, editor), pp 295-300, ISSN 1512-9268, Neum, 04-07 June 2009 , 2009
Kućanski aparati i uredska oprema troše više od četvrtine ukupne potrošnje električne energije i ... more Kućanski aparati i uredska oprema troše više od četvrtine ukupne potrošnje električne energije i nakon vrijednosti utrošene energije za prijevoz je najbrže rastući sektor potrošnje energije. U razvijenim zemljama, energetska učinkovitost se promovira standardnim oznakama, kojima se potiče upotreba učinkovitijih uređaja. Usvajanje zakona koji tretiraju oblast energetske učinkovitosti dio je postupka ispunjavanja uvjeta koje zahtijeva proces europske integracije i uspostavljanja mjeriteljske infrastrukture u Bosni i Hercegovini. Zakoni koji tretiraju ovu oblast u BiH nisu usvojeni i moraju se usvojiti što prije. Svrha izvršenog istraživanja je bila provjera karakteristika uređaja deklariranih od strane proizvođača, posebno sa metrološkog aspekta i problematike vezane na mjerenja i uvjete zahtijevane standardom EN50304:2001. Provjera energetske učinkovitosti je izvršena u lokalnoj laboratoriji, čime je pokazano da se uz mala ulaganja u mjernu opremu ova ispitivanja mogu izvršiti u Bosni i Hercegovini.
9th International conference "Quality 2015"
dr. sc. Nermina Zaimović-Uzunović, redovni profesor dr. sc. Samir Lemeš, docent Univerzitet u Zen... more dr. sc. Nermina Zaimović-Uzunović, redovni profesor dr. sc. Samir Lemeš, docent Univerzitet u Zenici, Zenica dr. sc. Hazim Bašić, redovni profesor dr. sc. Almira Softić, docent Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Sarajevo Haračić J.P. Vodokom, doo., Kakanj REZIME U postupku kalibracije etalonskih posuda za volumen koriste se dvije metode; volumetrijska i gravimetrijaska. U radu je prezentirano istraživanje kojim su utvrdjeni kriteriji za izbor optimalne metode kalibracije etalonskih posuda za volumen. Istraživanjem na bazi mjerne nesigurnosti je pokazano koja metoda je optimalna za odredjenu vrstu korisnika i za specifične namjene. Ključne riječi: metode kalbracije volumena, mjerna nesigurnost, etalonska posuda
Papers by Nermina Zaimović-Uzunović