Papers by Paulo Henrique Trombetta Zannin

Noise Control Engineering Journal, 2017
The purpose of this study was to assess the noise generated by a major urban expressway (Green Li... more The purpose of this study was to assess the noise generated by a major urban expressway (Green Line) and ascertain the influence of its propagation in the surrounding area. To this end, noise was monitored on the expressway and adjacent thoroughfares at a total of 31 measurement points. Noise mapping was also performed, and noise perception interviews were held with 397 interviewees. Noise measurements were taken using B&K 2238, B&K 2260 and B&K 2250 sound level meters. Noise mapping was performed using B&K Predictor 7810 software. The results of the noise measurements and mapping indicated that the urban expressway under study contributes significantly to noise pollution in the region, as well as to noise coming from the secondary thoroughfares. However, owing to the urban zoning of the area in question, the interviewees stated that the noise in the region does not annoy them (56%), while those that feel annoyed (44%) complained most frequently about the noise coming from the secondary thoroughfares adjacent to this major urban expressway.

The purpose of this study was to perform computer-assisted noise mapping of an educational enviro... more The purpose of this study was to perform computer-assisted noise mapping of an educational environment. The computer simulations were performed using SoundPLAN software. An analysis of the acoustic maps generated by the simulations indicates that contributions to the noise levels found on the campus originate mostly from three streets on campus, as well as from the roads surrounding the outer perimeter – the Green Line and the BR-277 highway. The computer-generated acoustic maps show that the noise levels within the campus exceed the limit of Leq = 50 dB(A) established for educational areas, according to the Brazilian standard for noise assessment in communities. Therefore, the noise maps indicate a critical situation of noise pollution on campus. However, despite this negative and concerning situation of noise pollution, the acoustic maps also reveal several " islands of acoustic tranquility " on campus. These " islands " can be observed adjacent to buildings where sound levels range from 45 to 48 dB(A) and from 48 to 51 dB(A), which are indicated in green tones on the acoustic maps. SOMMAIRE Le but de cette étude était de réaliser la cartographie du bruit assistée par ordinateur d'un environnement éducatif. Les simulations informatiques ont été effectuées en utilisant le logiciel SoundPLAN. Une analyse des cartes acoustiques générées par les simulations indiquent que les contributions aux niveaux de bruit mesurés sur le campus proviennent principalement des trois rues sur le campus, ainsi que des routes entourant son périmètre extérieur-la Ligne verte et le BR-277 autoroute. Les cartes générées par ordinateur montrent que les niveaux de bruit à l'intérieur du périmètre du campus de dépassent la limite de Leq = 50 dB (A) établie pour les zones d'éducation, selon à la norme brésilienne de bruit environnemental. Par conséquent, les cartes de bruit indiquent une situation critique de pollution sonore sur le campus. Cependant, malgré ces nuisances sonores, les cartes acoustiques révèlent également plusieurs «îlots de tranquillité acoustique» sur le campus. Ces «îlots» peut être observé près des bâtiments où les niveaux sonores s'établissent entre 45 à 48 dB (A) et entre 48 à 51 dB (A) et qui sont indiqués dans les tons verts sur les cartes acoustiques.

Salles de fitness sont des lieux où les gens cherchent la santé et les loisir. Par conséquent, il... more Salles de fitness sont des lieux où les gens cherchent la santé et les loisir. Par conséquent, il est important de connaître les niveaux de pression sonore (SPL) généralement appliqués dans ces environnements. Cette étude a évalué l'éventail des niveaux de pression acoustique mesurée dans dix salles de fitness. Les mesures ont été prises au cours des séances de gym suivants: sauter, se balancer, localisée et l'exercice aérobie. Les mesures indiquées niveaux de pression sonore équivalent de 80 à 100 dB (A). Par conséquent, les niveaux de bruit générés actuellement dans les gymnases de l'échantillon dans cette étude, il ya certainement une possibilité de danger lié au bruit en milieu de travail. Mots-clés: niveaux de pression acoustique, les mesures de bruit, gymnases, inconfort acoustique. Abstract Fitness gyms are venues where people seek health and leisure. Therefore, it is important to know the sound pressure levels (SPLs) usually applied in these environments. This study assessed the range of SPLs measured in ten fitness gyms. The measurements were taken during the following gym workouts: jumping, swinging, localized and aerobic exercise. The measurements showed equivalent sound pressure levels ranging from 80 to 100 dB(A). Therefore, with the noise levels currently generated in the fitness gyms sampled in this study, there is certainly a possibility of workplace noise hazard.

Resumo O presente estudo apresenta a avaliação do impacto sonoro gerado na Linha Verde trecho sul... more Resumo O presente estudo apresenta a avaliação do impacto sonoro gerado na Linha Verde trecho sul. Para realização deste estudo, foram efetuadas medições em 24 pontos em uma extensão total de 14 km – a partir do Contorno Sul até o Jardim Botânico. A partir de todas as informações obtidas neste estudo concluiu-se que o tráfego de veículos na Linha Verde – Trecho Sul produz um impacto ambiental que resulta em níveis de poluição sonora inadequados para as pessoas que vivem ou trabalham em torno desta via. O nível de ruído para todos os 24 pontos analisados está acima dos valores aceitos pela lei municipal de Curitiba 10.625:02, ou seja, está acima de 65 dB(A) no período diurno. Através do estudo observou-se que a geração de ruído no local é constante e intensa, sendo o ruído fundamentalmente gerado pelo fluxo intenso de veículos leves (carros de passeio, utilitários e motocicletas) e veículos pesados (caminhões, ônibus). Os mapas acústicos mostraram ser uma ferramenta

AIA-DAGA 2013 Conference on Acoustics, Jul 2013
The aim of this study was to show the efficiency of the use of Factor Analysis and
Multinomial ... more The aim of this study was to show the efficiency of the use of Factor Analysis and
Multinomial Logistic Regression to account for a combination of objective data
(noise measurement results) and subjective data (interview results of noise
perception in an urban setting) in a noise pollution research, conducted in the
city of Curitiba, in the south Brazil. In this study the noise was monitored at 23
points in tree parallel streets along a distance of 5 km and 397 interviews were
conducted with the dwellers around these points. The questionnaire for conducting
the interviews was made up of 21 questions (variables). In order to reduce these
variables, it was necessary to extract the main factors (7 factors) which later on
were added to the objective part (noise measurement data). After that a
Multinomial Logistic Regression was performed. The dependent variable in this
regression was called “symptoms and reactions linked to the environmental noise by
the interviewee”. The outcome of these two statistical procedures led to the
conclusion that 81.5% of the symptoms and reactions could be accounted for by the
combination of these seven factors with the noise measurement data.
Noise Control, Reduction and Cancellation Solutions in Engineering, 2012

The World Health Organization considers noise pollution a problem of public health.This paper pre... more The World Health Organization considers noise pollution a problem of public health.This paper presents a study of the sound pressure levels that reaches the campus buildings of the Polytechnic Center of the Federal University of Paraná (Campus III). The evaluation was conducted according to the methodology presented in Brazilian standard NBR 10151, which established guidelines for Noise Assessment in Inhabited Areas. The results were compared to limit sound levels expressed in NBR
10151/2000 and Municipal Law 10.625/2002 of the city of Curitiba.The measurement time for each point was assessed 15 minutes. Four sound calibrated analyzers were used. It follows that for an educational area, the measured values of the sound pressure levels are above the limits set by the standard and by municipal legislation. The analysis of the frequency spectrum of the noise surrounding the campus shows that it is characterized by a wide range of frequencies, from low to high frequencies. Considering the maximum sound levels, LAmax, and the measured sound spectra and considering the limit of 60dB (A) stablished by the City of Curitiba Law10.625, the frequency band of the noise generated is dominantly between 63 Hz and 12.500 Hz.
The present survey shows the results obtained from the evaluation of the acoustical parameters in... more The present survey shows the results obtained from the evaluation of the acoustical parameters in situ, through standardized measurements, inside a popular residence designed to offer an option to combat the housing deficit of the low income Brazilian population.
This work deals with the problem of vibratory energy flow from the internal electrical motor-comp... more This work deals with the problem of vibratory energy flow from the internal electrical motor-compressor assembly (kit) to the shell of a hermetic compressor. The theoretical model is based on Statistical Energy Analysis. Shell and body vibratory energies have been measured at a standard operation condition, and the coupling loss factor thus obtained agreed well with predicted values calculated from impedance data. Several parameters, such as body and shell impedance, spring and shell loss factor, and model of the spring (tension and compression) were varied and their effects upon the compressor noise analyzed. Good agreement between theoretical and experimental results was observed.

Many business offices around the world are organized as open plan offices. Therefore, studies abo... more Many business offices around the world are organized as open plan offices. Therefore, studies about the acoustic comfort of the people who work in them have become increasingly important. The focus of this work is the acoustic evaluation of an open plan office combining several architectural characteristics and levels of ambient noise. This evaluation was performed through a computational model calibrated from a real office. The rate of spatial decay of sound pressure levels per distance doubling (DL2) and the speech transmission index (STI) were simulated for the acoustic evaluation of the office, allowing for the determination of the radius of distraction (rD). These parameters were simulated for 6 situations using different floor and ceiling covering materials and inserting or withdrawing screens between workstations. In addition, STI and rD were simulated under two conditions of ambient noise. The results indicated that the DL2 and rD are adequate acoustic parameters for the acoustic evaluation and improvement of an open plan office. The DL2 was strongly influenced by the presence or absence of screens between workstations and by the ceiling covering material. The rD was more sensitive to changes in ambient noise.
This paper presents a study of the vibratory energy transmission from the block to the shell of a... more This paper presents a study of the vibratory energy transmission from the block to the shell of a hermetic compressor by the statistical energy analysis. The loss factor and modal density have been obtained experimentally. The vibratory energy of the block and shell, and the sound power radiation were also measured. The coupling loss factors from the block to shell and from the shell to the reverberation chamber have been calculated from the parameters above.

The purpose of this work is to identify the contribution of noise from external sources to the no... more The purpose of this work is to identify the contribution of noise from external sources to the noise pollution generated by a factory, by comparing sound pressure levels measured in its surroundings and those calculated by noise mapping. A metal-mechanical manufacturing plant was chosen and sound pressure levels were measured at discrete points along two rings around it, called receivers. The noise measurement data from the first ring were entered into the Sound Plan software to determine, through iteration, the factory's main noise sources. The software then used this information to calculate noise maps and sound pressure levels at the receiver's positions in the second ring. Finally, the contribution of noise from external sources to the overall noise generated by the factory was determined by comparing the noise measured in the second ring with the simulated data. The placement of partial barriers along some critically noisy walls was found to be effective in controlling nighttime noise, ensuring that the sound level limit for this type of neighborhood, which is established by technical standards for environmental noise as L eq = 60 dB (A), is not reached.

This paper discusses the findings of an earlier analysis of environmental noise pollution in the ... more This paper discusses the findings of an earlier analysis of environmental noise pollution in the north section of the Green Line in the city of Curitiba, involving information about the objective aspects of the measured equivalent continuous sound pressure levels generated by vehicle traffic on this main thoroughfare. An assessment is also made of the environmental impact the avenue produces in a noise sensitive area. Only the main factors that determine road traffic noise, i.e., heavy vehicle flow, road conditions, and average speed of vehicle traffic, were considered in the noise maps developed here. The noise levels recorded on this road exceed the levels recommended by current legislation. This study demonstrates that taking only one control measure does not suffice to counteract noise efficiently. Instead, a plan involving various measures taken jointly is needed to effectively mitigate the problem.

This paper describes an assessment of noise caused by railway traffic in a large Latin American c... more This paper describes an assessment of noise caused by railway traffic in a large Latin American city. Measurements were taken of noise levels generated by trains passing through residential neighborhoods with and without blowing their horns. Noise maps were also calculated showing noise pollution generated by the train traffic. In addition-annoyance of the residents-affected by railway noise, was evaluated based on interviews. The measurements indicated that the noise levels generated by the passage of the train with its horn blowing are extremely high, clearly exceeding the daytime limits of equivalent sound pressure level-L eq = 55 dB(A)-established by the municipal laws No 10.625 of the city of Curitiba. The L eq = 45 dB (A) which is the limit for the night period also are exceeded during the passage of trains. The residents reported feeling affected by the noise generated by passing trains, which causes irritability, headaches, poor concentration and insomnia, and 88% of them claimed that nocturnal noise pollution is the most distressing. This study showed that the vast majority of residents surveyed, (69%) believe that the noise of the train can devalue their property.
This paper presents a literature review of scientific production on the theme of 'noise in leisur... more This paper presents a literature review of scientific production on the theme of 'noise in leisure activities.' Journals in the Virtual Health Library were examined on issues such as noise, occupational noise and noise in leisure activities. The publications reviewed in this study are divided into two categories: effects on hearing, and measurement of sound pressure levels. The findings of the literature review reveal the urgent need to adopt preventive measures and to raise the awareness of public authorities, health and leisure professionals, and the general public about the problem of noise. Simulations of the acoustic descriptor speech transmission index STI were performed in 4 gym academies, and the results show that the quality of communication range from bad to satisfactory, given that noise levels are high.
The objective of this work is to propose a methodology to dimension several floor building's faca... more The objective of this work is to propose a methodology to dimension several floor building's facade sound insulation, according to each floor and the external noise levels. The proposed methodology combines three-dimensional acoustic mapping with a linear graphical comparison. A twenty-six floor building with approximately 82 m high located in downtown Curitiba, PR (Brazil) was taken as an example to apply the methodology. The results have shown that the building is subjected to a three different ranges sound pressure level gradient. For each of these ranges, different facade sound insulation features need to be considered. The combined methodology ensures acoustic comfort for all the occupants of the building without any waste of resources, avoiding insufficient or excessive facade sound insulation.

Highway and street systems allow for urban mobility but cause major environmental noise impacts. ... more Highway and street systems allow for urban mobility but cause major environmental noise impacts. This paper describes the use of computational models to evaluate noise control measures implemented in the reconstruction of an important urban section of a highway in a large Latin American city. The study evaluated the transformation of this section of an old highway into a major avenue, demonstrating the impacts caused by traffic noise. The noise control measures evaluated here were: 1) Speed reduction, 2) Pavement replacement, 3) Decreased flow of heavy vehicles, and 4) All the measures jointly. Noise maps were produced which indicated that pavement replacement and altered speed limits were not effective noise control measures, since they reduced the noise levels only slightly. In contrast, the restriction of heavy vehicle traffic was considered an effective measure to decrease the noise levels, in view of the significant flow of heavy vehicles on this avenue (20% of the total flow). The changes made in this traffic corridor resulted in a reduction in the A-weighted sound levels of 6 to 7 dB.

The purpose of this study was to perform computer-assisted noise mapping of an educational enviro... more The purpose of this study was to perform computer-assisted noise mapping of an educational environment. The computer simulations were performed using SoundPLAN software. An analysis of the acoustic maps generated by the simulations indicates that contributions to the noise levels found on the campus originate mostly from three streets on campus, as well as from the roads surrounding the outer perimeter – the Green Line and the BR-277 highway. The computer-generated acoustic maps show that the noise levels within the campus exceed the limit of Leq = 50 dB(A) established for educational areas, according to the Brazilian standard for noise assessment in communities. Therefore, the noise maps indicate a critical situation of noise pollution on campus. However, despite this negative and concerning situation of noise pollution, the acoustic maps also reveal several " islands of acoustic tranquility " on campus. These " islands " can be observed adjacent to buildings where sound levels range from 45 to 48 dB(A) and from 48 to 51 dB(A), which are indicated in green tones on the acoustic maps. SOMMAIRE Le but de cette étude était de réaliser la cartographie du bruit assistée par ordinateur d'un environnement éducatif. Les simulations informatiques ont été effectuées en utilisant le logiciel SoundPLAN. Une analyse des cartes acoustiques générées par les simulations indiquent que les contributions aux niveaux de bruit mesurés sur le campus proviennent principalement des trois rues sur le campus, ainsi que des routes entourant son périmètre extérieur-la Ligne verte et le BR-277 autoroute. Les cartes générées par ordinateur montrent que les niveaux de bruit à l'intérieur du périmètre du campus de dépassent la limite de Leq = 50 dB (A) établie pour les zones d'éducation, selon à la norme brésilienne de bruit environnemental. Par conséquent, les cartes de bruit indiquent une situation critique de pollution sonore sur le campus. Cependant, malgré ces nuisances sonores, les cartes acoustiques révèlent également plusieurs «îlots de tranquillité acoustique» sur le campus. Ces «îlots» peut être observé près des bâtiments où les niveaux sonores s'établissent entre 45 à 48 dB (A) et entre 48 à 51 dB (A) et qui sont indiqués dans les tons verts sur les cartes acoustiques.

This paper describes the acoustic evaluation of historical baroque church in Brazil-Igreja Nossa ... more This paper describes the acoustic evaluation of historical baroque church in Brazil-Igreja Nossa Senhora do Rosário de São Benedito (Church of Our Lady of the Rosary of St. Benedict), built in the 18 th century. The evaluation was performed in three stages: 1) in situ measurements of reverberation time (RT), early decay time (EDT), definition (D 50) and clarity (C 80); 2) reproduction of field conditions in a computational simulation using ODEON room acoustics prediction software, and 3) statistical analysis of the data. The integrated impulse response method was used here, as recommended by the ISO/3382-1:2009 standard. Results were subjected to an analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test the accuracy of the model. The model can be considered accurate, especially as far as reverberation times are concerned. RÉSUMÉ Cet article détaille l'évaluation acoustique d'une église baroque construite au 18 e siècle et faisant partie du patrimoine du Brésil-Igreja Nossa Senhora do Rosário de São Benedito (église Notre-Dame du Rosaire de St-Benoit). L'évaluation a été réalisée en trois étapes : 1) Mesure sur site (in situ) du temps de réverbération (RT), le temps de décroissance initiale (EDT), de la définition (D50) et de la clarté (C80); 2) Simulation numérique à l'aide d'ODEON, un logiciel d'analyse acoustique, à partir des conditions observées sur site, et 3) Analyse statistique des données. Tel que suggérée par la norme ISO/3382-1:2009, la réponse impulsionnelle intégrée a été utilisé pour les fins de la présente étude. Les résultats obtenus ont ensuite été soumis à une analyse de la variance (ANOVA) pour vérifier la précision du modèle. En ce qui concerne les temps de réverbération, le modèle élaborée peut être considéré valide.
Papers by Paulo Henrique Trombetta Zannin
Multinomial Logistic Regression to account for a combination of objective data
(noise measurement results) and subjective data (interview results of noise
perception in an urban setting) in a noise pollution research, conducted in the
city of Curitiba, in the south Brazil. In this study the noise was monitored at 23
points in tree parallel streets along a distance of 5 km and 397 interviews were
conducted with the dwellers around these points. The questionnaire for conducting
the interviews was made up of 21 questions (variables). In order to reduce these
variables, it was necessary to extract the main factors (7 factors) which later on
were added to the objective part (noise measurement data). After that a
Multinomial Logistic Regression was performed. The dependent variable in this
regression was called “symptoms and reactions linked to the environmental noise by
the interviewee”. The outcome of these two statistical procedures led to the
conclusion that 81.5% of the symptoms and reactions could be accounted for by the
combination of these seven factors with the noise measurement data.
10151/2000 and Municipal Law 10.625/2002 of the city of Curitiba.The measurement time for each point was assessed 15 minutes. Four sound calibrated analyzers were used. It follows that for an educational area, the measured values of the sound pressure levels are above the limits set by the standard and by municipal legislation. The analysis of the frequency spectrum of the noise surrounding the campus shows that it is characterized by a wide range of frequencies, from low to high frequencies. Considering the maximum sound levels, LAmax, and the measured sound spectra and considering the limit of 60dB (A) stablished by the City of Curitiba Law10.625, the frequency band of the noise generated is dominantly between 63 Hz and 12.500 Hz.
Multinomial Logistic Regression to account for a combination of objective data
(noise measurement results) and subjective data (interview results of noise
perception in an urban setting) in a noise pollution research, conducted in the
city of Curitiba, in the south Brazil. In this study the noise was monitored at 23
points in tree parallel streets along a distance of 5 km and 397 interviews were
conducted with the dwellers around these points. The questionnaire for conducting
the interviews was made up of 21 questions (variables). In order to reduce these
variables, it was necessary to extract the main factors (7 factors) which later on
were added to the objective part (noise measurement data). After that a
Multinomial Logistic Regression was performed. The dependent variable in this
regression was called “symptoms and reactions linked to the environmental noise by
the interviewee”. The outcome of these two statistical procedures led to the
conclusion that 81.5% of the symptoms and reactions could be accounted for by the
combination of these seven factors with the noise measurement data.
10151/2000 and Municipal Law 10.625/2002 of the city of Curitiba.The measurement time for each point was assessed 15 minutes. Four sound calibrated analyzers were used. It follows that for an educational area, the measured values of the sound pressure levels are above the limits set by the standard and by municipal legislation. The analysis of the frequency spectrum of the noise surrounding the campus shows that it is characterized by a wide range of frequencies, from low to high frequencies. Considering the maximum sound levels, LAmax, and the measured sound spectra and considering the limit of 60dB (A) stablished by the City of Curitiba Law10.625, the frequency band of the noise generated is dominantly between 63 Hz and 12.500 Hz.