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Nel contesto accademico, la Terza Missione spicca oggi fra i temi emergenti e più dibattuti. Le molteplici definizioni e declinazioni del fenomeno rimandano a un variegato contenitore di attività e servizi, volti a integrare le... more
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      University-Community EngagementUniversity CommunicationThird mission University,
The aim of the paper is to analyze the main on line communication issues for Italian universities and the institutionalization of communication they have attained. In fact, much research and numerous empirical studies have shown that... more
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      Digital MediaWebPUBLIC RELATIONUniversity Communication
Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit Fragesätzen und Fragehandlungen in authentischen institutionellen Gesprächen. Im Anschluss an eine Diskussion der in Grammatiken und DaF-Lehrwerken vorgenommenen Fokussierung auf Ergänzungs-und... more
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      QuestionsInteraction and communication in institutional settings (esp. medical, education and social work)Interactional LinguisticsDaF-Unterricht
Hochschulen haben in den letzten Jahren eine Phase intensiver Veränderungen erlebt. Unter anderem hat der Druck zugenommen, sich gegenüber der Öffentlichkeit zu legitimieren. Ein Weg, auf diesen Druck zu reagieren, ist öffentliche... more
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      Content AnalysisStrategic CommunicationOnline CommunicationUniversity Communication
The aim of the paper is to understand to what extent students desire direct interaction with their universities through social media. This main research question seems to be relevant because it is one of the issues still open in the... more
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      Social Network SitesOnline ParticipationUniversity CommunicationStudent Communication Needs
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    • University Communication
The syllabus is designed to familiarize bachelor students studying Public Relations with the aims, specifics and practices of University PR as well as to make them aware of the current research in the sphere. The discipline is mainly... more
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      Mass CommunicationPublic RelationsMarketing CommunicationsUniversity Communication
El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en determinar el grado de adaptación de los departamentos de comunicación de las universidades españolas al entorno web 2.0, y comprobar si, a través de él, atienden por igual a sus públicos... more
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      CommunicationPublic Relations and Social MediaDigital CommunicationSocial Media and Higher Education
Even if university web sites have become the fundamental crux in the relationship design between universities and their stakeholders, most students have started to use social network tools to acquire and share information and impressions... more
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      FacebookSocial Network SitesListening ActivitiesUniversity Communication
At present, university museums represent a largely submerged backbone of Italian scientific culture and also the source of a strong relational potential which Italian universities continue to inadequately value. Based on this scenario and... more
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      University MuseumsUniversityThird missionUniversity Collections
Graduate peer review groups were one of the first steps in renewing graduate student communication support and resources on campus. These disciplinary groups meet weekly for presentation & review of work. Come learn how the groups evolved... more
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      Peer Support (Learning and Teaching)Graduate EducationAcademic WritingWriting
A felsőoktatás -akár nemzetközi, akár magyar viszonylatban szemléljük -jelentősen átalakul napjainkban. A neoliberális gazdasági reformok, valamint az állami beavatkozás minimálisra csökkentésének következményei a felsőoktatási szektorban... more
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      Discourse AnalysisIntercultural CommunicationCritical Discourse AnalysisUniversity Communication
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      Discourse AnalysisIntercultural CommunicationTransformation of University SystemsCritical Discourse Analysis
Ce livre retrace la genèse et le lancement de la communauté uB-link (réseau de service public dédié à l'insertion professionnelle et à la mise en relation des membres de la communauté universitaire), ses dynamiques de croissance et ses... more
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      CommunicationAlumni RelationsSocial MediaUniversity
Introduction: In little over a decade, Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) has consolidated as a central focus of the European Union’s science and technology policies that can be tackled from the multidisciplinary perspective of... more
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      EthicsCommunicationCorporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate Communication
Kovács Máté ELTE BTK Nyelvtudományi Doktori Iskola [email protected]
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      Discourse AnalysisTransformation of University SystemsCritical Discourse AnalysisCritical University Studies
Le strategie di storicizzazione che impegnano oggi la cultura e la comunicazione delle organizzazioni, individuano nella memoria una rinnovata risorsa per la reputazione istituzionale degli atenei. A partire da una analisi di scenario... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeritageOrganizational ManagementMemoria
Even if university web sites have become the fundamental crux in the relationship design between universities and their stakeholders, most students have started to use social network tools to acquire and share information and impressions... more
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      FacebookSocial Network SitesListening ActivitiesUniversity Communication
Hochschulrankings haben Konjunktur. Regelmäßig werden internationale Rankings vorgelegt – etwa vom Fachmagazin Times Higher Education, von der Firma Quacquarelli Symonds oder von der Shanghai Jiao Tong Universität. Diese Ranglisten... more
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      Science CommunicationPublic RelationsWorld University RankingsUniversity Communication
Even if university web sites have become the fundamental crux in the relationship design between universities and their stakeholders, most students have started to use social network tools to acquire and share information and impressions... more
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      FacebookSocial Network SitesListening ActivitiesUniversity Communication